Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Actually I find this quite telling. It shows a definite naivete as to the sport. And a talented trainer on the move up would suckle at the teat of an amateur who had the pocket$ for horses.

Of course the bragging rights wouldn’t be the same but in this world bragging is a hole you don’t want to go in.


Given that I am fairly confident that I could score better than her on the test I saw on YouTube and I have only ever ridden H/J, I think it is ridiculous that she expects anything.


My thoughts as well. I truly have nothing but respect for a humble low level rider doing their best to improve and move up the levels. It’s the entitlement that chaps my ass.


That is what chafes, isn’t it? We are all (or most) humble amateurs who expect very little and work hard for every gain…, and here is someone who just expects to catapult past everyone else without the work. I must say that I still find it odd that she is riding so very many horses and not progressing accordingly.

ETA: I am riding less horses (2-4 a day, not 6!) and feel I am progressing.


It is naive, very much agree. And truly, a lot of the BNG trainers suck to work for, live with, or lesson full time with. They are too busy or too big headed to really devote themselves to a lowly student. I’ve often gotten more from a smaller named trainer who was really devoted and generous with their students who had a true talent for teaching versus someone lesser at teaching and phenomenal at riding.


Especially since she rides trained horses, unlike many of us who struggle along with not so trained horses.


The entitlement attitude is bizarre. Equestrian sport involves BIG money. Especially at the tippy top. You are either an heiress with unlimited funds to buy the very best, and have been riding the very best since your teenaged years, when you primarily rode only in summer while on vacation from your posh college prep school…

Or you are not a full fledged heiress with a string of six figure horses. You are someone else. Enjoying the sport, and trying to reach your own goals, in your own way, with a more limited budget, on your own timeline.

LK seems to want to portray herself as though she is something she’s not. Horse people of all kinds, who ride at all levels, are pretty good at detecting that sort of BS.




I agree. Like you, I’m of a totally different mind set.

I’m not jealous of the rider with tons of cash and made horses to ride everyday. Easy money does little to impress me.

I’m jealous of the rider that has had this passion since childhood, has ridden since childhood, who rode all the tough horses and learned the hard lessons, who didn’t have everything handed to them and EARNED everything they have, had the strength and will of heart to forge their way through the sport and make it despite all odds based on sheer determination, relentlessness and talent.

Those are the greats in my book.


Says who? I don’t believe she’s done any of the bold items. I would not call her a re-rider by any stretch.


Darn…I’m watching the show. The binder looks like it’s full of blank pages…


So, Michael.


You guys missed the important thing in the RG shot……

She looks pissed. Arms crossed and scowling until she remembers to smile at the end……


Which shot?

The dirty shirt one. Neither one looks happy based on body language.


They didn’t even discuss his charges and the acquittal of those charges


When she starts talking about Barisone and living on the farm, you start to see a lot of the same mouth touching, eye closing, and mixed signals (nods no when saying “positive” things) as you saw in the trial….


I have an early lesson and should be going to bed… but i find it interesting that aside from her father and the prosecutor, no argument was made for Lala. I still think that this was disappointing all around, but I am really confused by the lack of anyone outside her father going to bat…


The program felt like ‘Investigative Journalism Lite.’ Some comments and thoughts here; a few have been mentioned already:

I wish that the sheer number of SM posts had been mentioned.

The fact that she didn’t show up for lessons and shows she had been entered in. (So much for the ‘horses are my EVERYTHING, I am SO dedicated’ crap she spieled.)

I wish the comment at the trial, ‘yes, I lie on SM’ that she said had been replayed, too.

I wish that MB’s efforts to get help from the police department (and was mostly blown off, including the refusal to allow MB to speak to a supervisor) were addressed more. (Hint to Law Enforcement: IF you don’t want the general Public to take the law into their hands, LISTEN to them. Seriously.)

I wish that the ninja event had been told.

I wish that they had elaborated on the illegal recordings, i.e., VERY private conversations were being posted word for word on LK’s SM pages.

I wish that they had told that a new barn had been found (with her father’s approval) willing to take her horses, with a very high-level trainer for her and only a few miles away, but Lauren Kanarek REFUSED to leave.

Now, a couple of thoughts. Lauren contacted Safe Sport about her complaints, one being that MB “body-shamed” her. Huh? Was she too thin? Did he state that she needed a breast augmentation? Were her eyelashes too long?

Also, regarding the pictures posted here that RG must have taken, of Lauren with her horses and stating something like, ‘four ridden, two to go’ in December 2019… she didn’t write/say, “This is my first day back riding after being shot.” You(g) would expect that if it WERE. To me, that means she could have been back riding days or WEEKS before those pictures. It bothers me that in a 48-Hours article, it makes it sound like she is JUST NOW beginning to ride again three years later (and the suggestion, too, that she has been undergoing multiple surgeries all during the past three years.)

Again, just my thoughts about the show.

Edited to add date of the pictures.


Hassan said “she enjoyed toying with him”….