Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I don’t think she has much brushing experience. She has grooms and RG I think.


Is this the kind of info that 48 Hours didn’t show because they didn’t want to be sued? Her and RG’s drug use was testified to during the trial. I’m not sure why 48 Hours failed to mention any of that. It would have painted a more complete picture of them and supported the fear that MB and others on the farm were feeling.


They’d have to share the spotlight for that. I mean, this show didn’t have anything to say from the other “victim”, or even his “heroics” but a contrived cut scene of him walking in a food-stained shirt. From their side it was 100% the JK and LK show…


Yet despite all the things that 48 Hours didn’t show, an unheard of, ridiculously huge part of the audience went to MBs side.

If I saw 1000 posts tonight, literally 997 were pro MB. And staunchly anti LK. That’s unheard of I think.


This. They should have left out the fluff during the first 20 minutes and actually covered all these things that explain the whole picture. They also said that MB took the gun and shot her. No one ever brought up the lack of forensics and the fact that the prosecutor didn’t prove any of this during the trial.

Can’t believe Schellhorn is still towing the Morris County line even after everything that has happened after the trial. No respect for him at all.

Edited: trial, not trail.


Well, half a box of CheezIts later, I have a few observations:

  1. When she admitted in court that yes, she had a plan to ruin MB and destroy his business (or words to that effect), it was a nail in the coffin of her public persona. How on earth does that tribe think they’ll win a civil suit?
  2. I’m going to trot this pony around the barn again: Why didn’t she just leave? If she was so unhappy she could’ve had herself a big ol’ hissy fit of epic proportions and just flounced out. But I get it. She was consumed with “finishing the bastard.”
  3. The snippets of LK’s social media posts that were displayed tonight seemed both threatening and diabolical to me. Add to that the illicit tapings and I can understand why Michael felt in danger.
  4. JK, RG and Monsieur Nagel all need to eat more salads.

Well it’s safe to say that even though they didn’t/ couldn’t cover the vastness of what LaLa poop rider did to MB, or the breadth and depth of her depravity, they showed enough that pretty near every single comment on the 48 hours FB page is against her.

Even those who haven’t invested years on it, those whose only knowledge is that hour of fluff and adverts got it loud and clear that she is who we all know she is.


Always fun to hear what Boyd has to say even if it’s just a few clips. He is so funny! My favorite was when he said Barisone was like a teddy bear!


Transcript, for those who don’t want to waste time on the episode…


I haven’t watched it yet BUT the person who did this episode is not someone I am familiar with. 48hrs is my FAV show so I’m surprised to hear the episode sucked! I’ll be watching tonight


It’s on Facebook now

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When I first heard about 48 Hours I watched a few episodes and wasn’t hugely impressed. I thought it would be better. I knew some of the crimes prior to watching and there were some small inaccuracies or important details left out, while time was taken up with other “fillers” but some of the episodes were good.

Perhaps they just try to make things more palatable and entertaining to the general public while attempting to stick to the facts. I’m also not into “juicy” TV so much, and am perhaps boring :sweat_smile:

I will have to watch this episode later/when I have access to it.


Some episodes are really old so you have to take that into account on the deets.

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And yet the Kanareks, particularly Lauren, still came out looking like the instigators and Michael still came out looking like the true victim, despite only scratching the surface of what the Trifecta did.


But why…why only scratch the surface?
I realize they can only go so far in such a short amount of time (was it even the claimed 40something minutes of programming? Because the commercial breaks were ridiculously long) . But less video of horses trotting around outside and more time talking about “finish the bastard” would have made sense.

I mean…seriously…how did “finish the bastard not make it into the show”?

I see that the second “shooting victim” was not interviewed. I guess we got the answer to that question @Jealoushe.


It’s entirely possible that the Kanareks insisted on conditions for their interview participation and one of those could have been that certain things regarding Lauren’s verified and self-admitted drug addiction and her history of felony charges were not to be discussed or disclosed by the program. In the end, they gave the Kanareks just enough rope to hang themselves with, by letting them say whatever they wanted to and the family did it with a smug smirk on their face.


Now you can conspire to why :laughing:

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They did something similar with the suspect in the Christian Andreacchio case. She’s a hard core drug addict with a criminal record and she refused to be asked anything about the incident but agreed to be on camera while her mom talked. She just sat there lol so dumb.

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His being “shot at” and the verdict regarding him wasn’t even mentioned. That HAS to be by design. I guess LK didn’t want to talk about him neither.

We noticed, 48 Hours. We noticed.


The one question I was waiting on her to ask, which she didn’t was - why did you buy a house in the same town as MBs farm?