Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I just finished watching it on FB. I think they did a good job with the time they had. The court appearance clips they showed of Lauren said it all.


Her posts they showed were devastation to her cause. The chess one and the multi personality one I’m sure had viewers all WTFing.


Things we learned last night:

  1. Jonathan Kanarek looks and sounds like a grey haired Joe Pesci. Especially the mouth movements and small eyes.

  2. After three solid years Lauren has finally learned to STHU. Maybe she’s lost track of all her lies.

  3. Boyd Martin is still adorable.

  4. Michael Poulin is not Jimmy Wafford (inside joke).

  5. Bruce Nagel continues to be unprofessional and should receive official complaints for his continued comments regarding the criminal jury.

  6. Bow your head and say halt to any strange horse you interact with.

  7. Lara and Jordan Osborne are class acts. These two women presented themselves with honesty and integrity. Kudos to both of them.

  8. RG apparently doesn’t do his own laundry or couldn’t find clean clothes to wear the day his employer was interviewed.

  9. I need a new, more fluffy bathrobe if I am going to take on the responsibility of being such a major influencer on CoTH.

  10. Hats off to CoTH and the moderators for keeping the forum up and running last night, although I couldn’t get on and stay on for over 45 minutes.

  11. Someone needs to tell Schellhorn for the umpteenth time Michael did not ride in any Olympics.

  12. Was the 5 ring binder Jonathan kept flipping through volume one of the Kanarek plan to FtB, or simply the first edition of his daughter’s sm posts? Maybe it was the response to Kirby’s subpoena.

  13. All the rantings of bombshells, including LK’s recent post of “getting it off her chest”, were just as we all knew
complete bunk.

  14. Apparently not one person could be located to extol Lauren’s virtues. Think about that.

  15. It is always appropriate to wear heavy false lashes to the barn whether you are riding or not.

  16. The Kanarek family should be thanking 48 Hours for not exposing more of their past actions.

  17. Bilinkas and Deininger were brilliant.

And, finally,
18. Without a doubt the shining moment of the entire episode came when Michael Barisone, in true Barisone fashion wished for every one to achieve their goals. After all the Kanareks did to him, he still has grace, poise and never showed any bitterness. What an icon who will recover and become more successful than he ever was with all the support he has - even from total strangers.


Yes, of of course.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Well said!

I was hoping for some ninja action though.


Unsurprisingly, Lauren’s socials are locked-down again. She clearly doesn’t want anyone looking into her after last night’s episode of 48 Hours.


Hahahahaha!!! So much truth in this! And the stark difference between the demeanor and impression from the Kanareks and their lawyers and Bilinkas and Deninger. It may be my confirmation bias showing but dang. Give me the polished, professional guys any day.


The Ks looked guilty, petty and small.


Because they ARE!


I still do not get the need to lie about things that are so easily proven to be wrong. Like Jonathan Kanarek, who is a lawyer so one would think he knows better, saying that Lauren was never asked to leave when he was actively negotiating her exit and had hired a lawyer since Lauren refused the first situation offered.


Here’s a tidbit of interest, the facility LK was filmed at and the horses she was bowing to, were not her horses or the facility where she boards. It was all part of the fake gloss and glam that the Kanareks expect. NOTHING about the Trifecta is legitimate!! It is all being exposed.

Honestly, I actually expected Shelley Albee Lily to at least have a 10 second show of support for her BFF. Nothing, nada. No friends, no life, no accomplishments other than destruction and pain to others, absolutely nothing. What a waste of a life. In my world that’s one of the biggest sins imaginable. We get one life. Just one and she has squandered hers.


@eggbutt What was her line about how she works hard to achieve her goals? I laughed when she said that.


I have about 300 posts to catch up on but

I am guessing that is some sort of natural horsemanship thingy she learned somewhere along the way

And my understanding is that something similar is often used when dealing with certain species of large exotic critters like ostriches, emus, llamas, alpacas, etc. And not just bowing your head, but actually leaning over and bowing from the waist as you approach them. You apparently appear less threatening to them that way.

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It must be a trait of the hyena species
to bow their head before destroying their prey.


The show glossed over the stable situation with a “we met Lauren at a local stable” kind of thing.

If I had to guess her barn wanted no part of the drama or TV show. Perhaps (if she’s still there) she’s on a very tight leash.


Or it doesn’t meet her standards of shallow excellence.


I mean maybe she just doesn’t want people knowing where she rides now since many people are out to destroy her life?

What? She didn’t discuss the silicone implant that was sacrificed when it deflected a bullet? So sad.


Mom and Dad have made appearances here in the last few minutes. I’d love to know what their reaction is to all the negative comments everywhere! And, by the way @Seeker1 and @Inigo-montoya, I have zero influence on any of those other comment areas! You can thank your daughter, attorney and yourselves for what is being said about your family!


The real bombshell! :boom: