Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

To be fair, she does seem to put a considerable amount of effort into destroying the lives of people that she perceives herself wronged by.

If only she’d actually put half as much effort into her riding (or anything else remotely constructive), she might be pretty decent at it.


Absolutely PMSL :rofl: Lauren has done that all by herself.

All her words, all her actions - everything she has done to make others lives hell is coming home to roost.
A teeny tiny taste of her own sweet medicine


:rofl: sometimes we reap what we sow.

Learning where she rides, if she does, or where she lives takes just a few clicks of a mouse. This was for show! Had she been interviewed at her barn she might have had to have RG groom and tack up something for her so she could demonstrate what a phenomenal rider she is.

I’m sorry if you haven’t realized everything the Kanareks do is calculated.


Pardon? So many people are out to destroy HER life? Who?

This the day after it was broadcast on TV on a season premiere of a top rated prime time show showing her stating she wanted to destroy Barisone’s life?

C’mon you’re joshing me, right?


Very valid point!

I guess that is where her lies being based on an itty bitty amount of truth fits in. When trying to - finish the bastard - she is willing to forego naps and other things to put all her effort into it.

I think they are not. There are certain posters here that think Lauren should have no consequences ever for her actions because she is a female and she was hurt and so from now until the end of time she is a victim that needs to be treated like they walk on water.


The allegations about child abuse are horrific. It has been previously chalked up as “neglect” for having a firearms on the property. That is not the case - LK specifically indicated that the children were being abused physically and/or sexually in her SS report. That is absolutely disgusting on so many levels. I’m appalled that someone on the forum stated the false allegations could have been physical abuse, not sexual, therefore, “not so bad.” How horrific to be accused of that with MB having been a victim of domestic violence as well. False allegations sabotage SS and their ability to protect children. LK used SS as a weapon, plain as day. She should be penalized for false allegations. To raise a child who would resort to such measures should be a kick in the gut for the parents reading. Shame on you for defending such behavior. Absolutely appalling.


Lol really? I don’t think people are out to destroy her life? I mean, how so?

She “destroyed” her own life. Her actions. Her words.


I don’t think Safesport was ever CC’d on the local agency findings and getting those documents unsealed and entered into the civil suit would be damning evidence against LK. The fact that the Judge and Prosecutor didn’t let anything beyond “We were there for a complaint…” enter into the trial evidence with the findings blocked completely from being entered as well, smacks of corruption.


Yes, I agree with all of this. It was low, so very low. I’m still baffled how people can support and/or defend this woman. I’m not out to get her or all that invested in what she’s doing, but the fact that people don’t think that this is appalling and a big deal, probably means that they’re of similar character. Birds of a feather and all that.

I’m still wondering how or why she hasn’t been suspended and/or banned by Safe Sport. I can think of a few reasons, actually, now that I think about it, but I do think that SS needs to act at some point.


I also find it totally bizarre, but not surprising that JK could be/is IM. I thought he was a bit brighter than that, but I was mistaken.

I have no idea why I STILL give some people the benefit of the doubt. I’ve got to stop that.


Unless LK somehow gets a felony arrest and conviction that puts her on the banned list in the near future, she will most likely face no sanctions until her suit runs it’s course.


But how much evidence and/or “stuff” do they need against a person? Although it would be “strongest” if they waited until the suit run it’s course.


To what end though? I just don’t understand what she and her parents thought the end result would be.

I understand it’s some Borderline Personality thing to do this… Supposedly.
But to what end? No end? There’s no actual goal or expected result as they just pour on more gas and watch it burn?

I know there are no answers that the sane can come up with to answer this question, I just needed to scream it to the universe.


From a criminal law standpoint, my takeaway is the degree to which the police dropped the ball by not intervening earlier. MB repeatedly asked for help. Child Support Services was essentially being weaponized against him and his partner.

I have to make the comparison: I’ve seen this happen to economically vulnerable women without other support who repeatedly asked for help with a violent partner (or even a violent or abusive tenant/adult child living on premises), including the weaponizing of social services against them. It’s just crazy (and I never would have predicted before) this would have happened to such a prominent person in the community.

I can see after the authorities didn’t take his complaints seriously he began to unravel. Honestly, when people say they are being abused and make a legitimate, substantiated complaint, believe them!

I think the episode kind of wasted the 20 minutes of “oh, these people love horses so much.” The issue isn’t whether people enjoy riding and horses or that MB was a great coach. It’s the social media abuse and recording devices and what is the definition of insanity that’s the issue and that hardly got any attention.

I think the editing of top riders, beautiful as they area, seems to imply LK was riding at that level. Ultimately, if someone wants you off the property, and you have means, don’t think you’re getting enough attention (bracketing the unrealistic nature of the expectation she’d be given the same attention as, says, Boyd Martin) you go find a different trainer. The weirdness of this expectation wasn’t fully conveyed.

I dunno, I didn’t get much out of the episode other than hearing MB speak.


Tonya Harding worked damn hard to get there and right up to the moment it was clear she had a hand in the assault - I was rooting for her. As a young woman (I looked up when it occurred, I was an adult at the time) with feet in the blue and white-collar world, I REALLY wanted to see her on that podium and preferably earning the gold. Another sort of miracle on ice.

Plus she had talent and worked harder in a week than LK has in her entire life.

I think of Harding as having snapped but this is totally in LK’s character. Looks as though it runs in the family.

Not that anyone should have been knee-capped or shot.

I think I need to have some coffee. I’m not a Harding apologist, I just think she was less evil than LK. Up to the point of the assault, there was a lot to admire about Harding’s drive and work ethic.


He had a great day yesterday at an event too!


Lauren has already played her - I will sue you if you do anything I don’t like - card with them so I am guessing they are being very careful.
(In other words, once again Lauren threatens her way out of a mess that she made.)

I keep wondering/hoping that when this is all done, the answer to this question will be revealed in all those texts and emails and such.

But, I am guessing you are right, when one needs to win at all costs, winning does not have to look like some logical thing that the rest of us understand.


I think TH was evil (a competitor was maimed, for God’s sake), but she was IMHO a figure skater who wasted her talent. If she’s been more disciplined, she could have legit been on top of the Olympic podium. For a time, she truly was the best of the best.

The weirder thing about this is that it wasn’t like Olympic medals were at stake. The level of delusion was high.

I know that MB unwisely let himself get into a very enmeshed situation with horse ownership/ letting LK’s boyfriend do work on the facility, but that wasn’t even addressed.

Even so, if LK claimed to have a financial dispute with MB about horses/work owed, any other person would have gotten the fuck off the property, gotten a lawyer, and sent a bill. Staying like she did is weird and a total red flag.


I knew it wasn’t where she boards, but wondered if they were her horses. Why show her handling them? With her incredibly successful ammie career, there has to be ample footage of her riding they could have used.


They are?