Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

And again, this is the reason. Who DOES this?


Good point. Clearly though, they were not going to do that since being told more than once to leave didn’t get them gone.

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Thank you for the link to the transcript @Knights_Mom!

This is the line that made me laugh out loud when I heard her say it.

Do you suppose she considers just getting up from her nap that challenge?


I don’t believe she’s done any of the bolded items either… that’s my point. But… I’m pretty sure she didn’t ride at all for an entire decade in her 20’s. We might have a different definition of “re-rider” - but in my estimation, taking a decade off from riding makes someone a “re-rider.”

She’s certainly doing better now than she I probably was in 2015 in North Carolina, around the time she first decided to pursue dressage. But is she going to make it all the way to Grand Prix as a rider? It seems very doubtful. It seems that she’s only gotten as far as she has because of the opportunity to ride some REALLY solid schoolmasters, and ride with some excellent coaches. And that’s great! I don’t begrudge anyone schoolmasters or riding with great coaches… but they need to be self aware about their own limitations…


And what about, “come-come!” Do your horses follow you when you say that? lol
Sounded more like a nursery school teacher calling the class…
Have never said those words, nor ever heard any horseman/horsewoman of merit implore their steeds to follow using those words! :smile:


Well DUH Johnny, imagine a trainer wanting to actually be paid for training multiple horses, and boarding not only those multiple horses but an obsessive, needy student and her man meat and Kujo too.


I am floored that Jonathan Kanarek said that out loud for all the world to hear. Does he really think it is logical that a trainer not be able to have a girlfriend? How is it somehow something that Lauren paying him board and training means he can not have a girlfriend?


Literally? Literally? Say it again. Literally.

Seeing the words in writing is both literally compelling and shocking.


I hope Jonathan is asked to expound on that in his inevitable deposition and/or the civil trial. I’d like to see how he thinks that a trainer’s personal life was less important than Dad’s money.


It’s time to hit the Facebook and YouTube comment sections and lay down continuous suppressive fire, by making - repeatedly - clear the facts of record that have come to light about Lauren through the trial and civil suit filings and what she did to MB and others, wherever relevant in the conversations, especially the false child abuse complaint that set things off and how questionable the trial was, with the shoddy Police work and constant Judge-blocking. Lots of people will be hitting those sections in the next two weeks and they need to see what’s what, in regards to Lauren.


So horses not being fed right LITERALLY and afraid of staff but you’re playing 3D chess and the Queen must be sacrificed yet IM says you would train with MB again? But you refused to go even though literally no one wanted you there and you were literally at cold and hot wars, literally? Do I have that right?


There is always a thread going on this very forum that is about - my horse is not being cared for how I want it to be - and the answer is always LEAVE.
Who does that? Who says their horses are in danger but then refuses to leave, even when people are offering to move your horses, someone found a good trainer?
Lauren Kanarek’s response was to put in cameras, torture everyone, and make reports to safe sport.

(I do not believe her horses were not being properly cared for because though I do not believe much that Lauren Kanarek says, I do believe she loves her horses and if they were truly in danger she would have taken them somewhere else and the main reason, Michael would not do that.)

Dad’s not very much money, even.
For what she was getting they were not paying much.

@LexInVA, while you are posting all those great facts, be sure to mention the gofundme too.


And about the lie about being asked to leave? Who are you inclined to believe?

The admitted liar or MB? I know she lied to me personally multiple times and she lied to this forum multiple times and she admitted to lying on the witness stand.


I’m still catching up on everything but I just have to say, seeing confirmation of what we all suspected was in the SS report is just sickening. Those kinds of false allegations are ruinous to the accused, and extraordinarily damaging to the kids who now have to deal with questions they shouldn’t have to answer.


Yes, exactly! Even during the segment, she presented no compelling evidence as to why she needed to stay there on the property. Even if she claimed to be afraid for her horses, well, then move the horses.


Self explanatory.


I apologize - I grabbed the opposite end of the stick and misunderstood you completely. Mea culpa.


Yeah Johnny but I bet your ass believed stuff had been stolen from your house by your daughter. Am I wrong about that? That’s the story put forth in legal docs.

Or was that action more “child’s play”?

(A post I might add I never before saw)


Edited for clarity! Yes, I meant that after he was calling 911 on her, trying to get her off the property, she should have left!


She said YES to SS.

She said verbal later.