Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Shocking I tell you, SHOCKING! Particularly since I, and others told her for years, Michael would be found NG!


Gotta be careful about saying ANYTHING connecting JK to organized crime in any way. Even just a simple opinion about how they remind you of certain stereotypes.

The Kanarek family and their supporters have watched these threads like bloodhounds for any mention connecting JK in any way whatsoever to organized crime. They take PROFOUND offense to it, and flag comments and involve mods.

The hysterical reaction anytime anyone presses that particular button is interesting.


Well, it helps to show up for lessons. On time. And not so sleepy or tired or medicated that you can’t absorb what the instructor is trying to teach you. :wink:


I did not mean to imply that at all. Just that his delivery came across reminiscent of an unsavory fictional character that many of us watched for a number of years, which couldn’t help but make him seem even less likable.


Oh I understand. I’m just letting you know that even saying he REMINDS you of a fictional character, or a certain stereotype of mob connected people, has actually led to crazy reactions from the Kanareks. They have flagged posts for similar comments, contacted mods, etc.

They are incredibly sensitive about this.

It’s weird.


Schellhorn seemed very fixated on nailing MB no matter what LK’s failings might be.

Of course, that is to be expected. He is a prosecutor in a very anti-gun state, so he has to toe the party line for the sake of his career.

[Edited - toe, not tow]


Yes! In the same post where good ole IM/Jonathan Kanarek declared He could see a scenario where Lauren would train with Michael again.


Already?? Because it is not over for Michael. He is still confined.


And again, if you feel your horses are not being cared for to your standards 


Does anyone know how many horses she has in training and how she is paying for it?


That was back when they were thinking winning the civil case would be a slam dunk and they could probably ask for free training for life as part of their compensation, ensuring MB would be under their thumb forever.


I just keep going back to when IM said they wouldn’t be surprised if LK worked with MB again in the future. Ummmmmmm


Maybe he told her she might want to consider going to the gym so she could get stronger. “Oh my God, he says I am weak! He body-shamed me!”

Or he could have said something like, “Stop fluttering your fake eyelashes at me.” “Waaaa - he body- shamed me! Daddy, help!”


I feel as though that was an attempt to dabble in the art of trolling.


How she is paying for it is the 64,000 dollar question.

I believe she has at least 5 boarding at a very nice facility in Loxahatchee. There is 1 that was completely retired, and still in North Carolina in a retirement board situation, as of 2020. My guess is that horse is still there.

1 of the 5 in Florida, Symphonie, is also completely retired
 but likely in full board. According to various bits of testimony during the trial, that mare has chronic cellulitis on one leg. Needs wrapping, and routine attention and management. So, there are at least 4 others that LK was riding full time as of 2019
 and all are presumably in Florida now. She might have added one more in 2020 or 2021. I’m not sure.


Didn’t RG use words like “sorrowful” or “mournful”? I thought it was a strange word, but I’m sure I remember him being described as calm and not agitated, and at one point before it all kicked off having both arms raised. Maybe there’s a reason they don’t let RG talk anymore, it didn’t fit into the story of “angry big man came to kill frightened little blonde woman” so well.


I think I have missed something. Who is Hassan?


He was the psychologist who testified at trial on behalf of the defense. Dr. Simring was the psychiatrist.

Dr. Schlesinger (mustache) was a psychologist who testified on behalf of the prosecution.


Agree - of course not. They are his well-earned life and reason for being - what he is truly about.

LK, on the other hand

She is projecting. Like so many narcissists do. Accusing others of something they would think of doing. She was not coddled to, somehow in her head made herself #1 at the barn, and then the wheels start to turn - how to get revenge
 Requiring others to stand/sleep! on guard.

And thought I recalled - somewhere, that she was H/J, had a fall, decided she wanted to do dressage instead as a result. Not chose dressage for her love of it.

I can’t imagine someone with her psyche having the ability to advance significantly - could never see her being able to take direction - or seeing/understanding the subtleties.
She doesn’t understand people, herself, except to attack. What value does she bring to horses?


You’re correct. IM (now apparently unmasked as JK) was saying that the family were celebrating with champagne after the verdict because their “Jedi mind tricks” got them what they wanted - to the best of my knowledge and belief. :wink: