Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

We saw RG bungle his testimony and be very uneasy on the stand, so it’s not surprising that he apparently wasn’t interviewed, as keeping him from participating in the ongoing attempts to control the narrative would be a likely result of that poor courtroom performance that didn’t win-over the jurors or help sell the overall case against MB.


I’m hoping Keith Morrison and Dateline will do one of their two-hour stories on this. 48 Hours and Dateline both covered the Gabby Petito story, so it’s happened before.

I have a feeling Dateline would take a far different approach.


Ah, thanks. I had totally forgotten his name…


Ignoring facts isn’t an admirable trait though


Someone who knows needs to chime in and say if even FOIA can get SS or CPS reports, I don’t think they can get CPS reports.


“She” refers to LO.

In terms of “holding back” for fear of being sued, don’t you think the news magazine’s lawyers carefully weighed possible suits from either side, as they routinely do for any episode they air?

What makes you think that JK actually articulated points on which they could be sued, while Bilinkas and Deininger did not? Are you suggesting that Bilinkas is being less than vigilant in attempting to protect his client in the civil trial?

I really liked that the interviewer asked Bilinkas what the NGRI verdict meant. His answer was absolutely correct!

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Yes, that’s the word!


I have read the transcript of the show, and unlike you, do not “know that Lauren maliciously implicated him in false accusations of sexual abuse, not neglect.”

That’s a misrepresentation of what was reported.

Taking your misrepresentation out of it, I thought the program was excellent, @erinmeri

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Oh hi there. Happy Sunday morning to you.

I’m sure 48 Hours has lawyers that evaluate whatever programming they air, and do their best to make sure they avoid legal headaches.

I assume JK made clear that 48 Hours should avoid talking about certain issues, because he has a reputation for threatening lawsuits.

I don’t think Bilinkas and Deininger talked about the possibility of launching lawsuits against 48 Hours. From what I understand, MB is up to his eyeballs in legal bills already, given his criminal defense, responding to LKs civil suit, and the eventual legal expenses he likely will incur when trying to overturn his SafeSport ban, that was in part due to her allegations of child abuse on his part. Soooo… given all that… I doubt they were trying to imply MB would be going looking for MORE litigation.

I’m glad you feel vindicated about this whole issue of NGRI that you are hung up on.

How do you feel about the reaction on Facebook to LK and JK? It seems like the overwhelming majority of viewers believe LK is a narcissist, and a spoiled brat. Those descriptions have been repeated over and over.


I think there was plenty of stuff skirted to avoid lawsuits from Bilinkas and Deininger, whether Bilinkas wrote up billable hours on it or not.

Re bolded: I think the elderly illegal mob has moved over to FB.

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She closed her eyes and shook her head “no” during that statement…



But… there’s a noticeable lack of anyone commenting saying, “Oh, this poor woman. She was a victim!”

Literally everyone thinks she contributed to the situation.

How do you think the way she contributed to the situation might factor into her pending litigation? I think that might SUBSTANTIALLY factor into her pending litigation.


Giving thanks for the prey they are about to consume maybe?


How did I make it to dinosaur age and not one of my many trainers ever tell me to bow my head and scream halt at them?


It only works if you do it in a European language. It has no effect in English.


Who wants to bet that statements in this episode is used to justify those contempts and compels?


I really hope those oral arguments are available for watching.


I think when MB went to the house that day it was in the manner of “Look guys, this can’t go on. I need you to leave. This is ridiculous! How dare you accuse me! I love those kids. So how about it? Can we come to an agreement you go? This isn’t doing anybody any good.”

Things went back and forth and she got pissed and jumped him. RG realized what was happening and ran out with the dog and in the melee the gun went off.

That’s how it goes in my head.


I certainly hope the Kanarek’s case and social standing are sunk.


Too bad for them that Jedi was Darth Hater.