Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

How does RG know… wasn’t he INSIDE at the time and then came out after the shots and LK yelling at him to stay inside or some such BS that was testified to?

Because to him a breaking point is when the person gives in to his demands.

Well… they posted that they were celebrating. I wonder when they became shocked and dismayed.

It was right there on the screen… the question and answer: YES.


Agreed. For an single episode of a prime-time news show it was OK. We have so much more information on the whole situation than the viewing public, there is no way they can fit in the whole sordid tale.

One thing that drove me bonkers is that they kept on recycling the same few images- get some better b-roll footage!

This case really does deserve a mini series or good investigative podcast.


There are people in these threads who are. People spend all their time thinking of ways to ruin her.

Look there’s no need to attack me. I’m not saying it again.

This isn’t an us/vs them thing for me. It’s just that everyone makes reasons up in their heads for things about this case when other reasons are possible. Making a suggestion or a comment of that type doesn’t mean I am a supporter of anything FCS.

Should be able ask questions and have a discussion without getting everyone jumping down my throat.


The fact this is directed at me is a JOKE. Never have said a single thing in line to this ATALL. Stop making me out like I’m something I’m not. It’s boring as hell.

It’s possible to question things without being a supporter.


I am sure there was more to that conversation but the rest of the comments were edited out. Stuff like, “MHG wanted LK gone” - as stated by IM here several times and parroted over and over again by his two sock puppets residing on this forum.


I’m referring to specific incidents on this board.

IDGAF about what she does with her life but I was simply stating she could have used a different stable to keep things private. People here do stalk her every move.


I wasn’t commenting on anything else so don’t put words in my mouth peeps


Sorry, not jumping you but I have to agree with @Knights_Mom. No one here, that I am aware of, wants “to destroy” LK. Force her to be held accountable, absolutely!!! If that destroys her then so be it. She has had many choices over the past 3 years and continued to double down with her claims of bombshells and ridiculous comments. Let the chips fall where they may. I have zero sympathy for her or her family, which should come as no surprise to anyone here.



As others have said… the only one who is destroying her life is Lauren herself. Where she was last boarding is known and apparently no one has shown up there to destroy her life, kidnap her horses, harm her horses or anything even remotely nefarious that might fit into some paranoid conspiracy theory. Nobody cares to do that. Crazy, I know…

And no one was effing jumping down your throat - just sharing their thoughts and observations. You were the one suggesting that people here were out to destroy her life, plotting to ruin her etc. etc.


Or shoot your daughter. Just saying
Doesn’t make it right, it just a potential outcome.


That’s fine I was merely presenting a reason why an alternate stable was used.


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Mr. D. nailed it.


1- People and threads is plural.
So name two.

2- all their time? How would you know?
Sounds more like her schtick to me. :woman_shrugging:



The complaint was “child abuse or child sexual abuse.” It was marked yes. The testimony in the trial was explained to be “neglect” not child sexual abuse.

The narrator said just the “suggestion of child sexual abuse” had an effect.

The child protection service employee came for neglect and testified it was not sexual child abuse.

He just assumed it was.

But why, if, as claimed, “Lauren Kanarek’s complaint alleged Barisone was being a bully and body shaming her” was there any possible reason that you would say yes for child abuse?

Lauren Kanarek has not ever been a child in the course of this entire situation. A complaint about his behavior toward her is not a complaint of child abuse. Checking “yes” was malicious behavior on her part and she knew it. There’s no reason she would have been googling about CPS otherwise. She knew what she wanted to accomplish.


Tap-dancing around the point does not erase or excuse the YES that was noted after “child abuse or child sexual abuse”.

LK knew exactly what she was doing. Remember, she excels at 5d chess and has constantly bragged about how very very clever she is…


Ok it just feels like that sometimes!


What? I’m not her LOL

What? If she knew what she was doing, if she hadn’t broken first, she would have left with her horses not joined in with MB on a descending spiral of tit for tat mutual self destruction.

An interesting thought has just been mentioned that I find interesting. Not that the thought was mentioned but that no one has ever mentioned it before. For months and months it has been known where Lauren boards and it doesn’t take much to find her home address if someone was so inclined. But that’s the real point - no one I know anywhere has felt the need or want to seek her out for any reason. The reason for that is probably normal humans in a society would not think to search her out. As far as I know, no one I know is “obsessed or stalking” her either. It is Lauren herself that continues to promote herself and her fantasies.

Perhaps she has finally learned to channel her impulses to participate on social media with such abandon to something more productive.

The legal filings will continue to be filed and available to us for education and entertainment for sure! LK herself in present time is insignificant at this point IMO.


I think SGF has already laid that groundwork. They pretty much said that after depositions they indeed to bring summary judgement to release them from the suit….