Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Actually most barns won’t tolerate drama and LK knows nothing BUT drama! She caused considerable drama at the facility in NC her retired gelding is at and is where she was one trainer removed from Michael, with Robin Brueckmann. If you look at her score record, she was the most active and successful while with Robin, who wouldn’t put up with one second of her BS!


hahahahahahaha…made my day!


Per the testimony, her father pays the bills and he may be paying well above market norms to keep her happy. How much that could be, is anyone’s guess, but I suspect nobody in that area would turn down a (relatively) large amount of monthly cash in exchange for letting her putter about the place like a toddler and have nappy time and sippy cups when she wants them.


The barn she is currently located at in Loxahatchee is advertising that they have 10-12 open stalls for the 2023 season… it’s apparently a 44 stall facility.

From the photos online… it looks like a really lovely place with nice barns, a great arena and covered roundpen, decent turnouts, and extra wash rack options.

It seems like the owners are nice people and pretty respected and likeable.

Is it normal for a nice facility in that area to have so many openings at this time of year? Is that just the seasonal nature of things? Or… is her presence possibly causing people to avoid them?


I hope it’s enough money to pay for regular sweeps of illegal recording devices on their property.


I guess most places have to decide if they want to risk ending up like Michael did…is that worth the monthly board and the risk of the drugs on the property?


Was LK always so skinny or is that post shooting?


Why did she leave there then?
Feel free to pm me, if you prefer…

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In another thread a post (after the verdict) that shows just how much of another planet they are living on, IM: I’ve made clear the family has no hatred toward MB and could even see a scenario where LK would train with him again.


I have no idea if the vacancies are normal. I’m sure they hope to be booked and full by December!

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From photos I’ve seen, always skinny. With breast implants. I’d say it’s very common trait in opiod addicts. They don’t like to eat even if they can afford it. Hence the phrase “heroin chic” levelled at the trend for very guant models in the 1990s.




Some “settlement” requests are worth losing the case over….


Just watched the episode. Given the 42 minute time limit, I think they pretty well captured the essence of the story. All the players came off the way I think most of us perceive them. The FB comments confirm that.

I’m disappointed we didn’t hear from any jury members. I still believe the NGRI verdict was to appease a minority of jurors who wouldn’t go for straight NG.

Edited to add that even though they didn’t mention any prior arrests, that picture of RG sure looks like it was taken in a police station.



She weighed at least 15 - 20 lbs more when I “knew” her and she looked much healthier. That was 6 or so years ago.


Well, JK said LK was shocked. Maybe she’s still in shock?


She better hold onto her hat… because he is going to complete a treatment program at Greystone, and then he is going to be released. And he will then move home to Florida. It is only a matter of time.


I watched for about 25 minutes, long enough to see Michael speaking and responding to the interviewer like a reasonable adult. That did my heart good. The rest of it I thought was a pretty much a waste of time. Were I not a reader of this forum and privy to all the background and sordid details though, I might have found it interesting.


I distinctly hope that they’ve conclusively proven that JK wrote that, because if so, that would be cause to move to dismiss the civil case. There is no situation where you demand damages saying your life is ruined while also saying that you’d like to train with the alleged defendant again.

That would be like a gymnast suing Larry Nassar but saying she’d still like him to be her doctor.

ETA: the scenario they envision is where they get a fat settlement. It’s become clear that is not going to happen.


Barisone’s attorneys have the Safe Sport reports.