Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Toe the line. Like at the starting line of a foot race.

(Sorry, I’ve seen it in several different people’s posts here and know it could just be a typo, but it’s just one of those nail-on-chalkboard things to me!)


That he shot her was proven in a criminal court trial. That he was not guilty of a crime was because he was insane at the time.

You can try to restate that differently or run from it but the same documentation put on here by more than one person all says the same thing.

New Jersey State vs Krol 1975 and New Jersey State vs Fields 1978.


THIS ^^ is the most absurd post I’ve read on any of these forums! You have no clue how this woman’s entire life is all about doubling-down on her victims. You also seem to ignore her parents and employee were also up to their necks in the plan to destroy Michael Barisone. Please don’t insult us with this comment.


Correct. There is also the revelation from recent court filings that JK and KK helped write a summary of issues to send in with this SafeSport complaint, and included in the summary of issues were transcripts (prepared by Kirby) of illegally recorded private conversations between MB and MHG.

So what was the SafeSport complaint even about? Was it about bullying? Body shaming? Child abuse? Sexual abuse of children? Some nefarious plot between MB and MHG to get LK blackballed from the sport?

The answer seems to be… it was about all of the above.

So what did LK want to accomplish with this SafeSport complaint? Well… it seems she wanted to get CPS to investigate either MB or MHG with respect to “concerns” for MHG’s kids. After all… LK did Google the number for CPS. But LK didn’t call CPS directly… because she wanted plausible deniability. So… she used SafeSport to bring in CPS. It’s pretty obvious. Checking that box on the form was a way to ensure that a report would be pushed to CPS.

This image sums up a variety of aspects of this case, and definitely applies to LKs SafeSport report… it was a hodgepodge of stuff, that JK and KK helped her put together… and the primary goal was to punish MB, and damage him professionally.


Oof. Finally started watching it. Wasn’t on Paramount yesterday. It is today. Popping in to say JK looks like a low rent Joe Pesci Trying to sell me a mattress or a suit for $199. Lay off the salt dude. Love Michaels lawyers. It’s pretty telling that people who haven’t even waded into the deep end of this are so collectively and viscerally anti Kanerak. Money can’t buy you class. Or dignity. Or clout. It just stalls the shite show until the chickens come home to roost. Whatever happens. And I hope Michael can find some semblance of a life post this. Miserable people will always foment chaos.


She also failed to inform law enforcement.

On the same page from SafeSport, it says reports of child abuse must be reported to local law enforcement. Then it asks if this was done, and she answered “no.”

So again she did not want any direct connection.


YAWN You two can’t move on, can you. Talk about obsessive!


Good point. There can be consequences for false reports to police. Whether there are any for false reports to SS remains to be seen.


Schellhorn is still quite rankled about losing that case, isn’t he?

Remember, less than 1% of court cases involve an insanity defense, and only 26% of those cases are successful. He had a 75% chance of defeating an NGRI verdict and I’m guessing that if his name gets mentioned in law books in years to come, it won’t be because of his brilliant career as a prosecutor but rather because he lost this one particular case. It probably smarts quite a bit to think that is what he will be remembered for.



She was not sincerely concerned about the welfare of any children. She simply wanted to harass and damage MB and MHG, ensure a CPS investigation got started, and hopefully give MB a serious professional headache from SafeSport.

It is against SafeSport code to weaponize the reporting process in such a manner. LK clearly did so. She should face penalties for it.


LOL, thanks! That’s what happens when the dog is barking like a mad fool out the window while one is trying to type. A bit distracting, to say the least! :grin:


Ah I see Drama Llamas are on parade tritty trotting their repetitive effluent around all over the shop
It’s all getting a bit desperate from that side isn’t it! Clutching at straws and pearls today.


One of her posts suggests that she didn’t add in the children until after her interview where SS said, “does this affect children? We really only care about that…”





I was disappointed, but they replayed at least twice LK saying she did have a plan to “destroy” MB in court.

I snurked out loud at that.

So SO and I watched the Gabby episode and the Barisone episode. SO knows nothing about the facts of the Barisone case but was like, “well, she’s clearly crazy.” He also commented when LK’s civil atty (I think?) said MB was playacting in court, “no, that definitely looks like the mannerism of a person who had a psychotic break.” And we see crazy on the regular.


Don’t even start with this “he broke her” thing (well, you can if you want to, I dont mean to tell you what not to post). I know it’s your opinion, but it’s so far from reality.

I’m not sure why you support or stand by these type of people, but it does speak volumes.

Edit: FWIW I don’t “stand by” MB, I’m just really against the behaviors and actions of LK and Co. And don’t understand how anyone isn’t or why they’d so adamantly support them, or create slanted narratives to support them/to make them seem better than they are.


It’s the LK effect. She literally makes people crazy. They say and do things they wouldn’t otherwise.


To the contrary. People may want to know so they can WALL HER OFF, like a cyst. They want to have a general idea of where she may be so they can AVOID HER.

I have asked this before and I’ll ask it again - is there anyone who knew her IRL from childhood to graduation from HS who isn’t a relation who has shown up on the interwebz to declare Lauren’s character has been misrepresented? That any or all of this is completely out of character of the person they knew? Not counting RG. He’s in their employ.


She sounds perfectly normal in that 911 call. No gasping heard and it’s not what I would expect to hear having been shot twice.


You wrote

1- People and threads is plural.
So name two.

2- all their time? How would you know?
Sounds more like her schtick to me. :woman_shrugging:

So explain your thought, cause I don’t understand what you mean