Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

True! I meant to do her harm. She and her sidekick aren’t worth the effort to hunt and harm. We aren’t the predator, she is!


Not really, it wasn’t allowed to be questioned.
Big difference


IOW, weaponizing SS to try to destroy the career and reputation of someone who had the gall to not kowtow to her demands.

Who does that? :roll_eyes:


It is very interesting to me that the only people that spoke on her behalf in that show were her dad, and the prosecutor from the criminal trial. Heck, even she “chose not to” discuss her actions and her role in everything and stand up for herself. Not even RG actually was interviewed. Such a stark contrast from MB.


Longer period than that.

No one from her post high school, young adult years has stepped forward either. And no one that I know of from her time riding and boarding in NC. What about her time working as an event planner (allegedly)? No one from that period has materialized.

She has this odd Shelly person on Facebook who has defended her, and the person who helped her import three horses (who had financial reasons for being friendly with LK). That’s it.

LK is in her early 40’s. The lack of a personal network, or any professional network, is very striking.


Well, you would have to create a fake profile to express empathy for LK on FB, wouldn’t you? Anyone posting under their genuine FB name would have the hate beacon aimed at them.

I’ve had plenty of hate/insults/mockery directed at me, and I get to hide behind a screen name. It’s still pretty unpleasant. No way would I subject myself to the insults and mockery under a public FB profile.


Point blank, double tap to the chest… Twice, three times a lady… And I loooo… Err. Nevermind


Remind me: who did the police say had the gunshot residue on their hand?


If I needed character witnesses, as it were, I can think of several riding instructors or people I’ve worked for or with in the horse industry, several bosses, several coworkers, some animal rescue peeps… And I’m not even very popular!


I wouldn’t post about her horrendous behavior using my real name. :flushed:



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Why do you express empathy for LK? Genuine question here. I mean, at one point I did feel for her/see where she could’ve gone wrong, prior to knowing what I know now.


I’m with you. But I believe if you are generally a normal person w decent or at least harmless intentions, it’s hard to imagine the thought process of highly devious and/or irrational people. I struggle with this a lot actually in life. I just assume most people are normal, good humans. I’m often amazed to find out this isn’t always the case. But I mean, I should get the hint by now :woman_shrugging:


Knowing what I do about the cyberbullying of LK (and also SW of DH) I wouldn’t comment on either in a wide open public forum in my real name. I’m not close enough to need to speak up, but I wouldn’t want to get linked back to my online user name. Someone with first hand knowledge would more likely feel they could and should speak up and a totally new crime fan would feel free to post a response and move on.

BTW that 48 hours FB page is also infected by what I assume to be romance and crypto scammers. Funny to target true crime fans!!


I end up giving people the benefit of the doubt mostly because I know I can’t let my overactive imagination lead me to all sorts of exaggerated or even paranoid conclusions. So I was more willing to think that IM was one of our random banned trolls messing with us, or an alter for LK because the behavior was incomprehensible to me coming from an adult lawyer type. Ditto KK.

I don’t know if it’s giving people the benefit of the doubt or just judging from the norm of human behavior. I’m not sure I know of any other instance of a father joining an online forum under a pseudonym to lie and trash talk to support an adult junkie daughters escapades.


And that behavior speaks volumes, doesn’t it?


OH yes. And KKs posts became unhinged enough that I stopped believing she was the mom.

Did these folks honestly not think their posts would come back to.bite them? Or that you can maintain pure anonymity once the subpoenas start flying?


For the record, it looks like some people in the Kanarek Krew are tracking down and harassing people who donated to MB’s GoFundMe. Saw this on a friend’s Facebook. Super classy.


Once again, I am about 300 posts behind on the thread. But I’m going to throw this in here in case nobody else has posted it yet. Just for the picture of Boyd Martin. Enjoy.


I actually can’t decipher what exactly he’s going on about.