Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Bring it on. What a bunch of hoodlum losers.


It sounds like LK may have donated to something for the person who then donated to MB’s go fund me. Or that is how it reads.


That is exactly it.


Lauren donated money to some rescue or something and the person with the rescue or whatever posted the GFM, in support of MB.


Nor do they have immaculate clothing without a horse hair or piece of bedding clinging to said clothing. And what the fruit bat is up with that, “Halt! Halt”! when she was putting that horse in cross ties? And why does her million dollar, imported horse have no top line?

She did not end up looking as good as she said she would. Her hair and makeup was professionally done. But that is about as far as her “good image” went. The rest of it made her look like she was hiding something by refusing to answer any questions about the trials, the incident or offer any insight into what she thought. And be clear, the production team made a choice to mention that LK refused to answer any substantive questions.

And, sorry? But Dad talks like a character from The Sopranos. That surprised me. I expected a more sophisticated presence.


I don’t think that was her horse, to begin with, and she’s probably used to someone just presenting her horse for her to ride. If you look closely, there is someone in the stall when she went to take it out, and someone ‘s head pops into frame when she went to crosstie it, so she was basically being babysat with it. She certainly wasn’t brushing the horse like she knew what she was doing, and really, feeding it a treat with her fingers practically in the horse’s mouth?


Realistically, that description could apply to plenty of people who ride and show in different disciplines. That in itself doesn’t cause any harm, and in fact, provides gainful employment for plenty of people in the horse business who attend to the needs of amateurs who are not world beaters. There’s nothing wrong with that in and of itself.

The completely outlandish and twisted approach above and beyond that level of participation is the part that was wrong.


Wait, who says she rides six horses a day? Is it somebody who testified under oath that she lies a lot on social media? :thinking:

And even if you ride six horses in one day, if that only happens once or twice in a blue moon so you can make an Instagram post, that does not really add up to a lot of riding on a day-to-day basis.


There’s nothing at all wrong with being a relative novice after riding for decades, as long as you’re having fun! But LaLa presents herself as super serious about riding and competing, horses are life, she needs to ride with the best of the best, etc.

Progressing slowly is very understandable and even expected if you’re someone who has to work a day job and has limited time to ride, or if you’re just a casual rider with lots of other hobbies and priorities. If you’re independently wealthy and eat/sleep/breathe horses all day every day and truly are putting in the sweat equity (spoiler: she’s not), you should at least be comfortable handling them after you’ve put in a few decades!


Her testimony in court talks about him passing MB going back to the house. If LK and MB started talking, then screaming while someone attacked someone then sure RG comes back to the place.

To my mind it’s a matter of believing how much and how long can a 100 lb woman keep beating MB in the head, making phone calls and twirling with her phone, this phone, that phone for what did she say - 7 minutes - while having 2 bullet holes center mass?

Personally I don’t believe her timeline so I’m going by logic.


For the vast majority of the viewers of 48 Hours, that was probably more than sufficient. They would not have known the difference between that video and one of Reiner Klimke in his heyday.


Yes, even for people who casually ride other disciplines, honestly, unless they’ve done some dressage, it’s hard to know the difference in terms of levels of excellence and ability in a short clip.

If this had happened at a hunter-jumper barn, showing a photo of someone, say, jumping a nice, competent 2’9" course (no shame or mean feat) clamoring for the exclusive attention of Kent Farrington at his barn and getting mad that he was giving attention to other up-and-coming pros and asking they take lessons with an assistant trainer might be a bit easier to dramatize.


Yes. Obviously when safe sport and child protective services are directing resources to investigate false allegations, those resources are being taken away from the people who actually need help. On top of everything else that is sick and wrong about the situation here.


Super klassy indeed. Exactly what I would expect from LK, et al.


She answered that question in the trial. Her dad gets the money from the bank.


Oooh! I need one of those bank thingies!


I am glad MB’s lawyer explained the verdict. And it may be consequential if collateral estoppel were to be applied based on the criminal court findings. CE could go more than one way I assume as to the shooting and LK culpability shown in the trial. I did read the insane can be held negligent which I would not have guessed right about but maybe someone has already addressed that issue.


Interesting comment
did anyone else catch this detail?


It’s what value to they bring to her ? Horses don’t have an agenda and they don’t lie. They have no intentions against her. Being with them must bring her some kind of emotional relief. Not a cure, but temporary relief, from the chaos in her mind.


Which are certainly more than enough.