Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

beacon of hate? Wow! How utterly original and disgusting. You have no idea what my level of “hate” might be but I’ll be damned if I stand by while these predators hunt and destroy people. You do you and sleep well at night mkay? It’s taken a long time for some of us to finally see these people be held accountable for their actions. If that is what you call “beacon of hate”, I feel incredibly sorry for your level of ignorance. How you can defend, support, suck up to and long to be recognized by these people is beyond comprehension. But have at it.

How on earth is me setting all my accounts to private and blocking the predators aiming my so called beacon of hate on anyone? You really do seem to have comprehension problems ya’know?


Yes, I am quoting myself to bring this amazing post to the front again! :slight_smile: :blush:


Oh my gosh :scream: You can’t talk about the New Jersey mob :scream: :scream: :scream:


Now you brought up something I had thought of but thought no way. Is there any way that MB was afraid of SS for a reason? I’ve been told y’all know I am an outsider to the big shows which I’ve said but ok someone quite patronizingly spelled it out for me because in those circles “everyone knew but just looked the other way.”

I thought, except for the well into adulthood women mutually consented to completely legal relationships he has been affiliated with here and other news sources that he was squeaky clean and had nothing to fear as compared to “everyone knew but looked the other way.”

This was a neglect call not a sexual abuse call per the court testimony. Is there something else y’all all know, looked the other way, and how dare some upstarts speak up? Is it open season on anyone who complains about BNTs because how dare they?

Her SM commentary alone was enough to get her evicted. He, himself, said anyone in the business deals with difficult clients. I truly believe the jury got it right, that he just snapped. I believe it’s because he had the divorce, the big cash payout, the cash flow issues (not wealth, available cash), adjusting to a new love that wasn’t working out, a lot of overhead (his and MHG’s sales horses), and with losing his wife, losing the person who made it possible for his success in competition and clinics because she took care of everything (VK), a freeze, home repairs, 8-9 concussions, watching the next generation replace him in Olympic competition, and with a series of bad decisions, ended up shooting LK because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and he lost patience.

Is there something else, bigger, that he was afraid of getting out? I’ve never heard anything of that. I’ve heard words like “charismatic” and a few bad things but not anything like an RG or GM situation.

What do you mean exactly?

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It was known that board for far lesser horses than LK owns and the apartment were in agreement by testimony from the criminal trial. Why would there be any revelations about that? That does not mean that JK did not interfere with the process, especially since LK was asked to leave MANY times, and threatened MB with legal action over the tenancy situation. I’m inclined to believe that JK would and has lied, considering how many things IM has stated that have been totally false/fabricated. It is you who chooses to cling to illusions.

Also, MB said everyone has bills to pay, which could certainly mean MB was being lenient on a student who wished to pursue dressage because the sport is expensive and everyone has bills to pay. You wouldn’t know what MB meant specifically by that, so why make such broad connections? Rhetorical question, really.




According to MHG texts read in court, LK was not asked to leave. MHG texted MB to ask why they couldn’t just “ask her to leave.”


One other thought has occurred to me.

What do some of you guys have against Joe Pesci?? Lol.


Dude, there’s a lot that wasn’t said and left out.



@eggbutt is so amazed by herself that she had to repost her post. Not repost it once, but repost it 1.5 times.

Re bolded.

If Michael Barisone truly wishes for everyone “involved” in the situation “to achieve their goals”, why are his supporters back on the job trashing the woman he shot and trying to get her blackballed from all trainers and all barns?


Who’s doing that?
Is this on of those movies in your head again ?


Let’s all agree to ignore the Beacon of Hate promoter for now. She is clearly not reading or thinking clearly this evening. Stress, disappointment, IDK. But let’s let her wallow in her own thoughts for now.


The issue was whether MB was “forced” via some type of threat to let LK live in the farmhouse. His saying that he decided to “throw it into” the agreement sounds to me that he offered if voluntarily and was not forced into it by anyone.

The quote is there and will be of interest to SGF in their cross claim against Barisone.


You choose to believe LK and JK over whether or not LK was asked to leave. LK has admitted to lying while under oath, has been caught in numerous lies via multiple outlets, while JK has also been caught in numerous lies and proven wrong via his alias IM. But you are well within your right to live in denial. You do you.

I choose to believe MB who stated he asked LK to leave many times over. I also believe the recordings of the 911 calls where he is desperate, frantic, has left his home and is desperately trying to get LK to leave. You know, the incidents police didn’t respond to because they were seemingly landlord/tenant issues. I also believe the testimony by Tarshis where arrangements were being made for LK to leave weeks prior to the incident. So will a jury in a civil trial as evident by the overwhelming response of the public that is entirely pro MB. Your delusions really are not of value or even applicable here. But sure, you are free to repeat the same erroneous information over and over as you wish.


:relaxed: :blush: :blush: 58 others liked the original post so I decided to repost. Jealous?


Please read my post if you are going to respond to them.

Again: there was an initial agreement. That does not mean MB was not harassed or threatened by JK during LK’s tenancy. You are presenting assumptions as fact, per usual.

The general public has responded to the situation and the overwhelming majority are in favor of MB. Much harsher things have been said about LK in other outlets than here. But sure, if it makes you feel better to repeat the same old, same old, despite said same old not aligning with reality, you are free to do so. Cling to what you must.

Edit: changed few to free


I mean, we could look at the exact language of the text, which is,

Mr Schellhorn (text from Aug 3rd): “and did you ask him why can we not say to Lauren and Rob and the father because still no one actually has we are evicting you you must leave no one has
said it”

MHG: That’s Correct

Mr S: and is his response to you online 9365 Monday morning?

MHG: Yes, that’s correct.

Key Words “we are evicting you.” Not: get out of my house like your dad told my lawyer you’d do, that same day (per Tarshis’s testimony.)

Key Note: Monday Morning, August 5th, she got the eviction notice.

Also of interest: IM/Jonathan Kanarek posted himself a different tale:

I guess we’ll see which version they are all going to tell in the civil trial.


I do wish to trademark the phrase “Beacon of Hate”.

The beacon of hate was initially focused on LK, but when anyone in her family or any COTH poster expresses empathy for her and calls out the hate, the beacon swivels to include such posters in its glare.

If you want to rally the troops to ignore me, AGAIN, perhaps you should set the example. LOL.


I think SGF is far more interested right now in getting the information they requested from JK, and having LK appear in person for a deposition. That’s what the most recent motions are about, and of course, the upcoming hearing.

I’m sure it’s comforting for some people to keep on hoping that SGF and MB will turn on each other though, and be working at cross purposes as discovery proceeds.


And then he asked her to leave, including negotiations with JK, Inigo Montoya, to find her a suitable alternative place.
So… :thinking: