Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Thanks for facts, @ekat.

There were 4 911 calls where MB was at his wit’s end trying to get these people to leave. Who feels that their life is in danger, sends their children away because they are worried about their kid’s safety, and WANTS them to STAY? Has a security guard, up all night patrolling the facility, and so forth? Absurd.

The jury for the civil trial is going to see straight through the Ks. They aren’t going to care for twisting of words or facts. They aren’t going to care for 2 people’s outrageous opinions on a message board. They are going to see a predator that tried to ruin someone’s life, just as 99.5 percent of the public has seen already.


Cry me a river. LK behaves in a disgusting fashion and people hate her for it. Wow. Shocking.


@Knights_Mom, where’s the transcript from 48 Hours from the 911 call where MB asserts I want them to go, to leave…?
Was that the time she was standing right there while he called…?

She has no leg to stand on, saying she was unaware he wanted her to leave his farm.


While paying an attorney to negotiate her exit with her father? Absurd is mild.


Personally I LOVE Joe Pesci. When Mr Kanarek was talking with his small mouth a bit scrunched up, I immediately saw Joe Pesci’s character from Casino talking. He looked and sounded just like him!

Look at this and imagine grey hair:


Now before some get their panties all wadded up, I think Joe is amazing, so this comparison isn’t a slam against IM.


I’m going to go play in traffic on a busy interstate and if I get hit by a car, I’ll be APPALLED.

Actions have consequences.


Oh geez, Robert Guy Goodwin is going to town on the Nancy Jaffer article :rofl::

“Roberto Arturo López um…. No. She doesn’t. Never did. If she wanted a barn, she’d have one. She has and had zero interest in owning a barn. Also it was not his property. He was merely leasing it from it some old couple who …… I’ll leave it at that. His Fla farm was bought by Barisone’s wife. Not him. He also never competed in any Olympics ever. He was only an alternate and not the first choice of alternate at that. The first choice couldn’t attend. So they sent Barisone. Olympic teams consist of THREE rider & horse combinations. Alternates are basically spectators. That is what he was. She had never even heard of him until her trainer took her to a clinic and he begged her to come back to NJ. (It’s in writing, FTR.) She didn’t even really want to leave her home in NC for even a one month clinic. Barisone was very convincing to get her to come to NJ full time. She didn’t want to screw over her trainer but Barisone had no regard for that. He basically loaded her horses and told her “I’ll take of everything else,” and she took a huge chance. You know nothing. Join the rest of the brain dead & create conspiracies to your hearts content. Have fun with that! And thanks for stopping by. Loohoo-serrherr.”


Get your screenshots quick folks…it’s “RG” on FB….


I really think you mean “Robert Guy Goodwin” as the posting style strongly resembles his employer’s.


For the umpteenth time, many of us expressed empathy, sympathy, and well wishes to her. And we were greeted with nasty grams.


Based on what MB said in the televised interview he “threw in” the use of the apartment. You’re right that that doesn’t necessarily preclude subsequent involvement by JK. But it establishes something about the initial agreement.

I don’t agree with your presumption that the majority position expressed on various SM platforms is a valid gauge of the perception of the general public.

In the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial, a SM poll had the result that Amber Heard was the most reviled or hated person in the world, outranking Putin.

I thought the 48 hours episode was a very neutral, balanced take of the situation. It was very, very different from the picture painted in these threads on COTH.


When I first glanced at that pic of Joe Pesci, I thought is was Ray Liotta. Ray also played some amazing dark characters, may he RIP.


Does ANYONE believe this is actually Rob? Whoever it is forgets many have the actual facts.

It really isn’t worth responding to. We all knew they would be lashing out at total strangers and RG’s account is the perfect cover since he is not named in any of the suits…yet.


RG was responding to the Roberto person. It’s a direct cut and paste. But we all know that it is not RG’s writing style!


True. Here’s an example.

Action: shoot your client and nearly kill her

Consequence: state prison or involuntary commitment to a psychiatric hospital, depending on whether the jury determines that you were sane or insane at the time you shot her.

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You know someone is desperate when they are slamming someone for being an Olympic alternate. :laughing:


They should tell her lawyer, since he keeps getting that wrong in his pleadings.


And they were present for at least one, and police talked to them afterwards, so how could they possibly not know they were unwelcome?


What SGF wants from JK (as well as from LK, MB, Tarshis and the Lundbergs) is documentation that it was MB that entered into an agreement to allow LK to reside there, not SGF.

SGF and MB have some common interest in deposing LK, but the adversarial position of SGF vs MB is already baked into SGFs cross complaint against Barisone.

She and her minions have always done that. But he was elite enough for her to beg to train with wasn’t he?