Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

And your point is….

This one is interesting because it mentions videos. Huh. Imagine!


The point seems to be quite obvious to most.


Hi there! We see you!


I’ll have to research it.


I like The Bacon of Hate.


You’re free to interpret what he said in the interview as you see fit.

I interpreted the interviewer as asking the terms of the agreement for spring 2019. Barisone definitely did not qualify it as applying only to 2018.

Did you understand @Sdel s point in posting that screenshot?

If you do, perhaps you could explain it to me.

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I mean exactly what I said. Anyone who thinks MB overreacted in thinking she made an accusation of child abuse or sexual abuse of a child isn’t paying attention. She checked YES on that box. This is happening a few weeks after RG killed himself after losing his business due to SS reports, and GM arguably one of the biggest names in the history of the sport has just been suspended because he was reported to SS and is losing his livelihood. Now you have LK making a false report of child abuse or child sexual abuse (take your pick, a suspension is a suspension) against MB? All because she isn’t getting his undivided attention?

What exactly are YOU implying? Who said he was “adjusting to a new love that wasn’t working out?” Who said he was having cash flow issues? Who says he was upset watching the next generation of Olympic competitors? Who said there was anything he was afraid of getting out?

Edited typos


Aw, come on, tell us your fantasy. When you do be sure to couch your response with the FACT that Michael Barisone was an incredibly successful businessman, equestrian, trainer, friend, “confident elegant man” until Lauren Kanarek began her plan of obsession and destruction. You see, unless you really are an insider or close to an insider, you have absolutely no idea what the civil strategy is going to be or the absolute truth of anything prior to the shooting August 7, 2019. All you have is innuendo and guess.


O-o-o-oh, “Dark Knights_Mom”!! :wink:

(Edit to add that I like “Bacon of Hate.”)


Not only that but " you literally just told a shooting victim that…"

Who got shot? Not RG. Who uses “literally” like literally all the time? Not RG…


I actually agree with you.

Yup. Just outed herself. What a not very intelligent person.


I believe in his youth, he was also involved in the discovery of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. Or at least, that was part of the plot in the Broadway show about the Four Seasons.

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Isn’t it just amazing that the same things CH has been spouting are the same exact things “RG” is now spewing all over the web?

So clairvoyant. So believable. So probable.

Edit: There, made the pic better.


And it’s all word twisty responses on FB too….


Right?? He was only the fourth best rider in the United States in that Olympic cycle. Or maybe even only the FIFTH best rider! Lol.


I’m sure the program had hours of footage they didn’t include in the program. I was hoping for MB’s lawyers to mention just how much proof in social media posts they had. Glad to see the two psychiatrists there as well. They came across way better than Mr. Stashe.


This is a very interesting post you made here in defense of LK, the very same person who threatened me in all sorts of ways in messages because I said I saw a certain post of hers.

So tell me, when LK demeaned me, my profession and threatened to take away my home and farm what kind of beacon was THAT? The swiveling kind?