Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

But if there was an image or vid of said bench, why not use it at the trial???


I canā€™t even eat bacon, thanks alpha gal. I donā€™t hate it, literally :wink:

Wonder if Robby is so busy doing laundry he doesnā€™t know heā€™s La La lollygagging around like literally being so likeā€¦literal.


Waitā€¦ when did she have a ā€œriding career?ā€ I thought she was an ammie?


RG/LK are playing loose with words there. Remember, they both testified the recorder was only in the locker, and people would sit on the bench by the lockers and plot nefarious things.

Both Tarshis and Marry DiFranco confirmed a photo of the locker area that showed no bench was even really possible to fit in that area, and certainly was not in the photos taken Aug 7, 2019.

Notice they say there that Mr Tarshis says thereā€™s no bench in the stables.


Did you watch the right show? Because if you watched the same 48 hours the rest of us did, you saw Lauren lie yet again, you were reminded of her plan to ruin Michael, you heard straight from her fatherā€™s mouth she decided to destroy a man simply because she didnā€™t feel she was getting enough attention, you saw written proof she claimed Michael was abusing and / or sexually abusing children, you watched her come across as the narcissistic nightmare who created this whole situation herself.

Maybe you should watch again. Donā€™t forget your glasses this time.


Shout out to the Elderly Mob from the same Jaffer fb post:


Heck, we had KK flat out say that LK deserved his attention, he was spending too much time on his girlfriend not his paying client.


ANYTHING said by anyone in the Krifecta or their supporters must be taken with a grain of salt. So much has been proven false, missing or nonexistent.

Why not respond in a timely manner to subpoenas that mention items of importance they have mentioned yet now arenā€™t too sure they can? These people are shysters and are used to slipping out of sticky situations for years and years. Tick-Tock.


Hell hath no fury like a rotund lady scorned.

Bad move Lauren. But you just canā€™t help yourself can you?


No, I didnā€™t watch it. I read the transcript.

I thought it was an excellent, neutral overview of the feud and the shooting.

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Maybe there was some confusion on the location of the decimal point in the $5000 a month figure they were paying him. :roll_eyes:


Ahhā€¦ found the post. MHG was apparently trying to sleep her way to the podium and was more exciting that LKā€™s money.


Yes, written word (transcripts) show facial expressions, body language, smirks, scowls, tone, energy. (Sarcasm) I think thatā€™s why novels have so many paragraphs devoted to descriptions. Gosh, I simply forgot you could see it all happening as you read it! Tell us, did you see the tears, did you see the bow lesson, did you see the puffed up smug smirks? Nope. So you really donā€™t have an inkling whether the program was balanced or a fantasy!!

How did Boyd or Michael P explain ā€œthe feudā€?

Why do you post here? Honest question.


I thought it was powerful when EBā€™s eyes filled with tears when discussing the NGRI verdict on 48 Hours. He really seems passionate about law and his clients. There are some great pics of him in the court room on google images for various cases.

EB announcing the verdict after the trial:


Man, this post really shows the real Kirby Kanarek doesnā€™t it? I particularly like her assumption that a woman of talent was sleeping her way to success. I wonder if that thought came from personal experience??

Iā€™ve said this dozens of times, Michaelā€™s relationship with MHG and his personal finances and business decisions were none of the Kanarekā€™s business. Ironically they pitch fits when we have the gall to question their relationships and financial dealings! Ah, the hypocrisy is mind boggling!!


I wonder if Mom and Dad let Michael know what their money was paying for? Also, as an aside, I wonder if Kirby knew why SafeSport called CPS)


(Dirty t-shirts)


Watch out yā€™allā€¦.LK is going to add us all to her large defamation suitā€¦


Bring it on.


CH posts on the forums right now because she can. She is literally one of the only people putting forward arguments in support of LKā€™s point of view in these discussions.

Itā€™s remarkable how steadfastly CH has dedicated herself to this effort. Itā€™s got to be discouraging to see how VERY MANY people disagree with CHā€™s take on this situation.

Oh well. Maybe CH will be vindicated as the civil litigation proceeds. Maybe LK will get lots of money from an insurance company.

Orā€¦ maybe not.