Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

You are on the right page when you see this:

@Ambitious_Kate You will find RG’s posts in the replies for various posts. Look for the posts with a lot of replies. “He” is usually in there.

Also note the date of the page: March 30. Some of the posts are old and some recent ones.


But what happens when she is no longer satisfied with nap time and sippy cups and starts demanding more? Then, if you don’t comply, you get sued? Hard no from me. I wouldn’t let her near my animals or property.

If I had minor clients, I would be even more careful. If someone on suboxone admits under oath that they slip off the wagon, you could be opening yourself up to a very unsavory element on your property. No amount of money is worth it.


I’m so curious as to what this “defined timeline is” LK and RG could not even keep it straight! LOL


Penalties from both Safe Sport and USEF.


It cracks me up that he calls the stalls she rents “his barn” still busy being an unpaid groom/man servant it seems.


My father, a cynic, always said to me from a very early age “Never judge other people by yourself. You’ll always be disappointed.” I try not to follow his advice, but, like you, I do find myself disappointed sometimes. :disappointed:


So now boarders at elite Wellington area barns have to clean their own stalls? All 4 of them?

I don’t know if my comment should be about this being laughable or about 4 stalls being a day job.


I thought I remembered this… had to go find it. Remember when it was all a plot to take her horses for MHG? LK was the “low drama boarder.”


She has mentioned that she has grooms. Don’t people with grooms arrive and get a leg up on an already groomed horse? Then after a ride, don’t they hand the reins off to a groom? I’m not disparaging anyone who does this since I know some people have more than one horse to ride daily.

But maybe that would explain her being tentative around them since she doesn’t get into the daily “down and dirty” of grooming. (Although, the “halt, halt” is really bizarre. I’m more of a “Ho, you silly horse, knock it off” type).


I imagine she was just coming back from evening worship at church with her Mom (#illprayforyou) and got lost on her way back to her apartment, it’s fairly simple really. :smirk:

EDIT - apologies for the edit, my laptop farted and died mid post and I don’t think the photo uploaded.


Technologically challenged here. Can someone please direct Mr. D to wherever those comments of RG are located? He probably has it covered, but maybe not. I’m sure he would appreciate any and all postings from anyone in the K’s circle in preparation for the civil trial.

(I’m on Facebook but find it very difficult to navigate and can rarely find what everyone is referring to. And once I find something, I can never find it again). :upside_down_face:


I’ve been lost myself.


Why do I have this feeling that after LK was shot there were parents calling their kids with the news or after the NYT article was published and saying, “Didn’t you play on the same soccer team?” Or “Wasn’t she a classmate of yours? How shocking what happened to her!” Then a great many of those adults said, “Parental Unit - I am NOT surprised. You don’t know half of the stunts she pulled and frankly I don’t care. She made my life hell then and let’s leave it at that. How are you?”


Plus the dig at her age. Aren’t LK’s parents at least 70? Does she resent them for being alive still or something?

Sounds pretty weird for a 40+ year old man cough cough to bring up. Or even a normal 41 year old woman.


Yeah right after that COTH subpoena for our real identities comes out.

Da dum, tiss!


So, they’re still referring to MB as a murderer? :roll_eyes:


You’d think LK and her freaky family would have learned by now what a dumb move it is to keep posting on social media. I guess some people just never learn.


It does make you wonder if Lauren Kanarek also yell at their own lawyer and the prosecutor for stating that Michael was in the Olympics? Because those two have frequently said that Michael was in the Olympics.


Ultimately, I don’t care what they do, but I honestly think that they feel as though they’ve done nothing wrong and can do no wrong. I don’t know where this insane level of self confidence, or arrogance comes from.

Of course they’re free to post on social media, but in my opinion, some of it hasn’t been in their best interest. I’m sure that their “blue chip” legal team is advising them, of course.


Because they clearly lack any amount of common sense and to them if Michael himself did not say the exact words of “you have to leave” then they were never asked to leave.

He was elite enough that she refused to leave. He was elite enough that she got her panties totally twisted when he dared to make her ride with his underlings.
So weird the things she picks to attack him for.