Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

That actually really bothered me. You’d think that he rode in the Olympics based off of what was said. I, unlike RG, apparently, still consider being an alternate to be quite an accomplishment and achievement.


I still think it’s totally bizarre behavior to dig your heels in and stay on the property.

But also, LK, RG, and apparently her parents, will literally insult anyone about anything. Whether it be age, career, how they’re dressed, what level they ride, and whatever else they can imagine. Ad hominem attack professionals. It carries quite a bit of irony.


This is so true. LK demonstrates such twisted logic. In the US there are probably less than a few dozen equestrians who have the ability and finances to achieve Olympic caliber riding. Yet Lauren has the gall to degrade a rider listed as alternate. Lauren doesn’t have the talent or ability to carry their boot bag. We all know riding at that level takes every ounce of dedication and drive a person can muster. These are attributes LK can only fantasize about and ridicule in others.


It is extremely hard to get on the American team or on the teams of certain countries like Great Britain due to the high standard of competitor there. To get on a team like the US, Germany or any repeated Gold, Silver, Bronze winning country usually requires you be in the top 20 in the world, or close to it.

Being a US alternate is something 99.9% of riders will never achieve.


Ridicule is all these people know to do. They are bullies empty of any redeeming qualities. When they can’t get their way they dig in and attempt to wait their prey out, but doing that they lose sight of the end game and it becomes a war of wills rather than any practical, logical outcome. I’ve always wondered what the end of The Krifecta Grand Plan was in their minds.


Zero impulse control


Wait, I thought you did not like it when I quoted your posts.
Thank you for the permission to go back to quoting stuff.


So now Michael is responsible for anyone that does not like Lauren? Do we have this straight?

I kind of like the Bacon of Hate that someone mentioned below, but of these two I like Lasers.

Wasn’t there actually a photo at the trial showing there was NO bench?
That Lauren Kanarek RG rant is so confusing, because again, there was a photo at the trial of that room, no bench.
Do you suppose Lauren Kanarek RG has a photo where they plopped a lawn chair there to claim there is some place to sit there?

Edit - Plopped a lawn chair, not plotted a lawn chair, though in this case I am sure some plotting was involved.


It’s empty bizarre threats the SHE posts to make herself feel good and in control when that’s actually the farthest thing from reality.

The more extreme and numerous these posts get shows the level of desperation and discomfort felt on her part.

These types of posts to people have been her modus operandi for so long its literally the one game she knows best.


I am still more than willing to loan some readers to anyone that needs them to see these things more clearly.

I agree with this.
Those posts are just as wrong as Lauren Kanarek’s RG’s posts are.


The fervor of the loathing was just as compelling as the overwhelming numbers of LK criticizers. Not only did she turn them off, but she turned them off HARD with just a fraction of the actual events.


I’m going to use my least favorite word here, but that would just be them gaslighting. Nothing new.

But yeah, the post was rather outrageous.


Didn’t she he say in one of the other responses there that Lauren Kanarek had no interest in owning her own barn. So weird that she he is now calling where they board “my barn”.


What? I missed this completely

Well that’s unimportant for us here but where she boards should probably note this.


Has anyone seen the full episode posted on YouTube yet? I thought someone mentioned that option, but I have not found it yet. Thanks in advance.


Pretty much.

Didn’t RG, Mr. Superhero, body shame her in a facebook post? Something about her needing to eat a sandwich?
Is it OK for a superhero to body same?


Little late for them now. First it’s a thought, next it’s a belief followed by a statement.


Thought:. Could it be that MHG had reservations about selling JT to her, and that’s where this delusion, that they wanted her horses, took root?
I can totally see thinking “oh shit, you sold her JT!”.