Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I don’t think Lauren Kanarek requires a real reason to say random stupid things like that.

I personally can totally see why MHG would not like Lauren Kanarek at the barn and it has nothing to do with being jealous of her. MHG probably did not like watching Lauren and Jonathan Kanarek take advantage of the good nature that Michael showed them. It is hard being the other person when someone you care about is being taken advantage of.

That is ignoring the whole part about MHG not wanting to teach Lauren Kanarek for reasons we can all easily imagine.


Yes, he told her her butt looked pointed, on the horse. Please eat a sandwich?


What? Ok, clearly I missed a bunch o stuff.

I thought these photos were included in one of the court filings.

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I think it is very important to remember that a few people actually cautioned Michael about Lauren shortly after the clinic. Michael’s response was he could handle difficult clients. I imagine MH heard the cautions and had her antenna on full alert. We all know women are much more sensitive to “vibes” than men. So MH was already predisposed to know eventually LK would cause issues.


Michael probably can handle difficult clients.
Lauren Kanarek and her father, Jonathan Kanarek are a different level of difficult. Clearly!


Difficult isn’t unusual. Jk & LK are off the charts.


Yes. I’m one of the very few posters representing a minority view. The mob has succeeded in bullying off almost all the posters who offer opinions disagreeing with their “narrative”.

Any lurkers or readers of the archived threads can see how minority posters are attacked and harassed.


As I think I mentioned in a previous thread, he had already been in the horse business for about 40 years by that time. So no doubt he had dealt with his share of difficult clients over the years. Just like everyone else in the horse business.

This was definitely an entirely different level far above and beyond the normal range of behavior.


Should we post (again) the nasty PMs we got from Lauren Kanarek to show what being attacked and harassed really looks like, because it seems that some people are confused


Exactly. I read the actual words and was not influenced by the facial expressions.

Boyd and Michael Poulin had no information to offer on the feud or the shooting. They expressed their shock and sadness that Michael Barisone would actually shoot someone.

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The biblical story about casting pearls seems applicable.


Do you suppose Kirby Kanarek knows that one?


really because it was a reply to a post about me? Seems like a fair assumption for me to make.


How ironic in the projection.


I know I asked this before, and you chose not to answer, which is fine, but I’m going to ask it again out of sheer curiosity:

Why do you represent the minority view? Are the K’s your type of people? Why do you need to show empathy toward LK?

I just cannot support these types of people. I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I’m just blown away sometimes on how and why people still give LK slack and the benefit of the doubt when her character has been proven over and over again. I’m actually so lost at this point, I’m not even sure of your actual feelings or angle on the matter, or is it simply just to be the minority and/or go against the grain? I know that has its appeal to some.

I think we share different thresholds re “attacked and harassed” and I also believe that the term bullying is, quite frankly, overused and exploited (not just in this thread). But I’m just curious about why you take the views that you do. It’s ok to be different, but when people can explain their positions, it makes it more interesting.


Actually they said he’d never do it.


I offered reading glasses…


Hearing aids required here.


CH says they have not watched the show, only read the transcripts because they did not want to have the facial expressions slant what was said.
From their post above: