Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I am corrected. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I feel like it’s not appropriate to post random peoples comments in this thread from Facebook. It could also be a safety issue for them if someone decides to go after people involved in this. They aren’t on the forum and haven’t asked to be involved.


Lauren Kanarek RG is reading all of that and posting there so having them here is not making them available to some Kanarek that does not already know they exist.


Yes. I am confused, @trubandloki

How’s does your pointing out that LK indulged in harassing SM behavior on COTH or elsewhere negate my point that many of the posters in the mob have repeatedly attacked, insulted, and mocked me in order to drive me off the forum?

If the harassment is not for the purpose of driving me off, why do you do it? Is it the pleasure of hate?

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Ah yes, but certain people may have other people blocked on FB and posting screenshots here is not cool. Just sayin.


I agree with you to some extent, but if it’s on the internet, and public (so not only seen because you’re that person’s friend on FB) then it’s somewhat fairgame. People have to know that once you post something online, it’s out there. For all to see.

People do often black out the names though, which is sort of a middle ground, but I understand where you’re coming from.


To answer that question one would first have to agree that it is harassment to post in this conversation in a point of view that is different than yours.


Such as?
As far as I know, the people who have left, got booted for behavior that went against the COTH rules.
So who am I missing, who left for reasons not related to moderators enforcing rules?


I was not referring to the RG posts. The screen shots of other random peoples posts, comments and names. Not cool.

No, that’s not what I said. It just happens to be the case that I didn’t see the broadcast, then I read the transcript posted here before watching my recording if it.

There is a potential advantage to reading the transcript rather than seeing the visuals, but I did not choose to read the transcript for that reason.

Didn’t they also call the house they were squatting on MB’s farm their house.


Awww, bless your heart. “The Mob” hasn’t driven anyone away. Quite the contrary! You would not believe the number of PM’s I’ve received from users who were diehard Trifecta supporters and hung on every word they posted
until they realized the truth. Honestly the turning point for some were the two testimonies at the trial showing the true personalities and lies. The majority of posters here had never seen LK in real life or seen her in action.

Perhaps you might want to retract your accusation OR contact some of these who you believe The Mob “drove away”. You might learn how incorrect you are. But that’s okay if you don’t. You can believe what you want.

I do know an entire gang did everything in their power to drive ME away, including searching through years of CoTH history to learn my identity and out me, hoping to drive me off. Talk about stalking! Do you comprehend why there was such a huge effort? Because they knew I was telling the truth and they didn’t want the light to shine on their history. Instead of running away, I embraced the fact that they knew I was telling the truth in everything I posted.

Now there are quite a few more people who have researched and learned the truth about these people. None of us are going anywhere, but be prepared for pushback when you constantly post your tired explanations on a loop. We KNOW what you believe.

You, my dear, are in the minority with your unwavering support of this family. It’s a badge you wear with apparent honor, eh?


Yes I think the non parties should be edited out. I don’t know where they getting the comments, but sometimes people are visible to friends of friends and some are totally open and some are locked down.

I just don’t think it’s appropriate when it’s not really important to the matter (like the people sharing the GFM link and the comments around it) or the comments under RGs comments.


Agreed. “Difficult” clients don’t devise a plan to Finish the Bastard.


The link of where the comments are coming from are posted here, in this thread, several times.

BTW, I do not disagree that blacking out the non Kanarek names should probably happen.


Right, a difficult client is upset that Dobbin was fed at 5:02 instead of 5:00 and that Dobbin’s stall bedding is only 12" deep, not their required 14" deep.

Most certainly does not plan to Finish the Bastard.


I think Jealoushe is trying to suggest we are the danger, not the K’s. Except, the general comments that are being discussed are “RGs” reactions to non-supportive comments, so that doesn’t make sense either


Um, that’s not what they said. Again, that reading comprehension issue surfaces. Maybe you SHOULD watch the actual program for better comprehension. Or not.


Most late 30’s aged clients also don’t have lawyer dad all up in their business, advising about recordings, negotiating exits, etc.


My goodness you squeal!! Geeze it’s not just you. All I’d have to do is start a thread about certain dressage trainers being icky and their devotees would BBQ me with an apple in my mouth. I mean HELLO have you MET social media?