Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Good point. Besides the only ones that matter are the ones working their way into more fire on the litigation front. At least one of those comments is in direct reference to the videos I believe Silver is asking for……


I fail to see how it’s crossing a line to post public comments from a public FB page.

The 48 Hours FB page is quite illuminating. Hundreds of people have posted in opposition of LK who have no relation to COTH or even the equine world. How it would even be possible for COTH members to control that narrative, I don’t know.


That was not at all what I was suggesting!

It’s just not cool to post peoples comments with their name and pictures on a forum they didn’t ask to be a part of. I’m very cautious about doxxing and respecting peoples right to privacy online.

Do people have to agree? No…but it’s the proper thing to do imo.

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I advise you to never go to Reddit or other boards and continually express a minority opinion. This is a highly moderated and mild board.

Also, if you are continually poking a bear with a dull/obtuse stick, and then complaining and whining when it growls or swipes at you… I’m not sure why you seem to be completely baffled about the reaction.

If you don’t like being growled or swiped at, stop poking the bear. It isn’t that difficult.

You are free to say/think/ask what you like. So are others. I’m assuming you are an adult and understand the concept of action / reaction.

I can say the same things for those that respond to you - if you keep tagging and engaging and asking the opinion, you don’t then get to complain when they respond.

ETA - this is for @CurrentlyHorseless, not @Knights_Mom


Apparently the Elderly Illegal Mob has some kind of mind control powers, and that’s how they control the narrative. Obvs.


I know that I’ve always been in the minority.

I interpret the constant harassment, insults and mockery directed by you and your buddies to those who express opinions that don’t fit the narrative you want to create as designed to silence or drive off the minority posters.

Why else would you do it? Huh? Why?

Yes, LK outed your IRL identity. My perception is that your posting style changed considerably after you lost anonymity, so I can see her purpose in doing that. Who was the “gang” who attempted to “drive you away”?

And you’re right. I don’t believe there are tons of former trifecta supporters who sent you PMs because you showed them the truth.


I’m sending out a mind message right now for everyone to send me $50.



People who post comments on public social media pages of reporters who are promoting their coverage of a story should not have an expectation of privacy for their comments. We do not have an issue with those public comments being discussed here.


I’m not friends with any of these people. It’s a 100% public comment on an actual media figure’s public post.


Why? Just why? They are posting on PUBLIC Facebook threads.


No. They don’t control minds. They focus the beacon of hate on those expressing opinions that don’t fit their narrative until the unwanted poster drops off.

That’s why they have such a thing about the last couple of holdouts. So frustrating!

Then they say TADA! Our narrative is endorsed by 99% of the public!

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I think the real upset is that the opposition legal teams are obviously following COTH so they can find comments they otherwise might not have seen.


If you have such a problem with people posting opinions that differ from yours and even consider it “harassment” or “bullying,” you must really have a problem with LK’s behavior then. Oh, wait. :thinking:


The part that I bolded is key here. You interpret. You are choosing to interpret things that way, when it may not really be that way.

I’ve not noticed a change in Eggbutt’s style re her posting, but I don’t follow along soo closely sometimes, I’ll admit.

You can interpret people questioning you as “driving you away” but sometimes your posts are a bit out there or hard to understand/follow, and when asked for clarification you either don’t reply (which is fine, your choice), or make it as clear as mud. And yes, you are taking a minority view, so naturally people aren’t going to be your best buddy and even be rather defensive. Some of this hits very close to home to some members on here, and it can get a bit “passionate” at times.

Any true harassing should be reported and the poster should be put on ignore, IMO.


The beacon of hate :rofl: #dramatic

I have a thing about some posters here because they make no sense and don’t live in reality most ld the time. Or are just incredibly naive, I’m not sure. Never mind being obtuse.

I don’t think the Tada thing happens like you think it does, or to that extent. Did it ever occur to you that maybe people are just endorsing the truth?


Eh, I’m talking to much about posters and not the topic. I best move along now.


Fantastic post.

Honestly, COTH really is a quite civilized forum and well moderated. Compare comments here to even just Twitter and Facebook. There are much more nasty comments about LK on those platforms in response to the 48 hours video. And even though many of those comments are nasty (a lot of people talking about how she deserved what she got)… and not something I would personally post… the comments don’t violate certain rules.

People need to get some perspective


:slight_smile: Beat me to it. Thank you Moderator 1


It can be hard to ignore the pearl clutching, especially when posters act as though their participation here is involuntary. To be so unhappy with the direction of a thread, you’d think they’d just walk away. Do something they enjoy. But I agree, I think their goal is to side track the thread and cause issue so best not to feed into it all.


You’re making my point.

I’m stating my minority opinion, calmly and respectfully. Merely stating a minority opinion amounts to “poking the bear”, and generates insults, mocking, etc. Your counsel is to “stop poking the bear”, ie, stop expressing your unwanted opinion. Shut up or leave if you don’t like the insults and mockery.

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