Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Absolutely true, but sometimes quite a challenge. Lol.


Bold = my responses


I have a question; is it harassment if one is telling the truth?



What about posts that aren’t on a media page but are on someones personal facebook?

No, you’re actually not.
Case in point


Did anyone else notice the t-shirt Lauren was wearing at one point? It’s at 16:45 in the video.

White shirt with lettering:

It’s You
Not Me

:roll_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :laughing:


We’re not idiots CH and you are not “calmly and respectfully” stating your opinion. You’ve already accused everyone on this thread of “ harassment, insults and mockery” this morning. Being “beacons of hate.” Not sure why your feathers are so ruffled today but perhaps you should walk away. Get some fresh air. Your participation here is voluntary, you seem to forget that.

Taking my own advice now and moving on now.


No. I’ve pointed out the hypocrisy of behavior of the mob mirroring so closely the SM behavior of the person they love to hate.


It seems like people love these threads because it gives them someone to fight with more than they want to actually talk about the case.

Do people feel the episode hurt or will help the Civil case, or does it have no bearing?


It is still a public facebook page. I don’t know if this applies if your facebook page is not public. But I would think because you are using facebooks platform, all bets are off.


Minor observation: the word “beacon” is misapplied here.

"a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration.
“a chain of beacons carried the news”

You really need to go with “lasers”. Or “flashlights” maybe.


Is there some reason that you absolutely HAVE to post here?

At a party if you don’t like the conversation, do you stay and complain incessantly that you don’t like the conversation? Or do you say your piece and find a new group to talk to?

If you are at a Sushi restaurant but you don’t agree with the fishing industry, do you stay in your seat and loudly complain about the fishing industry and try to get the chef to make you a pizza?

Nobody is making you read along and post here. The majority of people here don’t appear to agree with your comments. So what? What exactly are you seeking? A pat on the head every time you say something contrary? What do you EXPECT people to say to you?

As it goes with most optional activities in life - you are an adult, you can choose where to spend your time and energy.


FB users are, IIRC, able to set permissions as to who can view their postings.


My posts on the case have been calm and respectful regardless of the amount of insults and mockery directed at me in return.

You are also making my point when you say my participation here is voluntary: if the mockery and insults bother me, I can always leave and take my unwanted opinions with me. That’s the purpose of the mockery and the insults, then, right?


I don’t think you are as innocent as you would like to be perceived.

And yeah, honestly, nobody likes that one person at the party that stays in the conversation just to complain about how nobody agrees with them.

Pretty sure at this point, with the amount of whinging and wining and “Oh woe is me” that you put on about how you are perfectly posting and everyone is mean to you
 Yeah, Pretty sure people wouldn’t mind if you never posted again

Again, so what?


FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE, ENOUGH ALREADY! You’ve been given attention. Stop with the poor me-victim posts! Participate or not. No one cares at this point.


Nobody wants to drive you off the board.

Many of us do, however, wish you would quit your overly pedantic habit of repeating the same false narratives over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
and that your blind defence of all things Kanarek would be tempered with even a slight dose of reality.

If you could also stick to facts instead of “My interpretation is
” that would be much appreciated by a lot of people here.

You don’t need to respond to every single post with the exact same BS every single time. It’s tedious, it’s pointless, and it clogs up the thread for people who are actually interested in having a discussion, rather than just bickering with someone.


I have zero problem with others disagreeing with my opinions, and expressing a contrary opinion.

Why does the expression of disagreement have to come in the form of insults, and mockery? It doesn’t. The mockery and insults are designed to drive off or silence a poster.


Gentle reminder everyone. If we feed into the whole debating how we go about the discussion itself
 threads get shut down.

Personally, I think there is a push to get the thread shut down. Try not to give them an assist.


That’s pretty much how the internet works.

Or, you could always stop posting nonsense, and then you wouldn’t get mocked for it

And PS Mockery and insults aren’t intended to drive anyone off the board. They are intended to mock and insult. If you choose to leave the board because you don’t like what people say to you, that’s your choice.