Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Again, your bar is VERY low on what mockery and insults on an anonymous message board consist of.

This is how these things work. If you don’t like it, go find another sandbox.


I think it will have little if any bearing on the civil case. But… it might help drive more donations to MB’s GFM, just because of the publicity and sympathy that seems evident from the public reaction.

Also… I think the outpouring of public sympathy might sway Taylor toward releasing him at the next Krol hearing, should the report from the professionals monitoring and treating MB also be positive.


I doubt the Civil jury will end up being too familiar with the whole case - I’m assuming they will weed out anyone that says yes yes I’ve read every COTH thread.

Where it may hurt the case, is that the Plaintiff cannot seem to leave well enough alone, and they seem to be unable to stop posting, interacting, and claiming they have more information. This has already been used against them by the Defendant’s team. I assume they will continue to monitor and use it against them leading up to trial.


I learned to ignore CurrentlyHorseless’s posts on all the other Barisone threads. I have done the same here. Really helps in moving this thread along.


People see a short peek into who these people are, and have chosen who to believe. It’s how these shows work.

That clearly the majority side with MB offers an opportunity for the LK contingent to double down, and perform as they have been performing all along.
Making fun of Nancy Jaffers appearance is case in point.
If NJ was sympathetic to LK I bet the idea of mocking her appearance would never enter into it.
It’s just low. Unsophisticated. And juvenile.

But great, keep it up, it’s just more evidence for the civil case.


Do you speak for “everybody” when you declare that “Nobody wants to drive me off the board”?

On the issue of the verdict, I assume most people do now understand that NGRI indicates that the jury determined that he shot her. Even Bilinkas explained the meaning of the verdict as: it means that he is not responsible for his conduct. Saying that he is “not responsible for his conduct” because he was found to be insane is a great deal different from the mob position that “he was vindicated”. Ed Bilinkas understandably wanted to skip over the point that “the conduct” for which MB escaped responsibility was shooting her.

If it were just an issue of boring repetition, you could simply put me on ignore. But that’s not really the issue, is it?

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I am way, way, way behind, but it is becoming apparent to me that JK didn’t want them to leave HH because he would have had to foot the bill for upkeep of FIVE horses, along with training fees, along with board/utilities, etc., etc. for the Happy Couple. IOW, the outgo for support of darling daughter and her manservant would have gone from $5000/month to what, $10,000, $12,000, $15,000/month?

Sure seems to me that the grifters and their chief enabler were the ones that had money worries. :wink:


I have not noticed that either.

But, some people like to state their own version of facts. I find it funny how they just gloss over the whole point that Lauren Kanarek searched for a VERY old post to ID someone and some how that is OK.

Oh, I love this plan.

There there CH, there there.

@Jealoushe, I do not know why this is saying it is in response to you. I probably clicked something by accident. Sorry about that.


I haven’t read all 1100+ posts on this thread.

Just popping in to say, before the 48 Hrs televised broadcast, I had never seen JK.

All I can say is… it is REALLY REALLY EERIE how much JK and the boyfriend (Rob?) resemble one another. It’s… very disturbing.

Someone could probably do a very interesting psychological deep dive on that one!


@DownYonder, that is an interesting point you made. Very interesting.


I think where 48 Hours could become relevant is if a jury member googles names during the civil trial. They are not supposed to but curiosity can get the best of us.

I also think that’s why the Ks are so desperate to control the internet’s reaction. They don’t want people to see who they truly are and have it effect their end game.

I did not know how the general public would respond to the 48 Hours episode but from what I’ve seen from various sources, the vast majority are pro MB. I think if jury members dig during the trial, their opinions could be swayed the same way as well. The Ks have not come across as sympathetic AT ALL. Probably more so than any case I’ve seen.


I’ve never threatened to sue anyone to take their home or farm. So there’s that.


Well, to veer away from CH’s spotlight on herself and the tangent of whether or not she is being victimized and return to the main topic, I would say that the 48 Hours episode will have no effect on any civil trial. I believe that because the show delved into the situation in such a superficial manner. It rehashed highlights of the court testimony in a cursory way. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of anything new that was introduced.

Also, if CH is not a “she” I apologize. I have no inside knowlege of CH’s identity, but am assuming the female pronoun since most of us on this forum are women.


They don’t appear to be Kanarek-affiliated accounts, but they are definitely Troll accounts. Whether the individual behind each account is doing what they do for fun or are being paid is a matter of personal opinion and they look like half-hearted Fun Troll accounts to me. But they are very few and not having any success whatsoever, as the public opinion on Lauren and her family after this episode of 48 Hours is so overwhelmingly negative, that I think she and her father will regret agreeing to participate when all is said and done.


Excellent point
He, JK, repeatedly states that his payment to MB was supporting MBs business.
It obviously wasn’t.

But it’s telling, in a sense that he sees what’s on the horizon.
She ended up with 5-6 horses.
That’s a good portion of any avg size barns boarders. Obviously he then pays the bulk of the costs. :woman_shrugging:

Had she been paying going rate for the horses she had there, plus going rate for an apartment it would have been a decent portion of the business income.
But that’s not $5000 a month.
Not even close.


THIS^^ needs to be repeated regularly!! It is always about $$ isn’t it?


All of this is interesting but I wonder if the point is to distract people from inquiring about the contempt charges and the civil case(s). You know, the current stuff.


I find it completely understandable that LK, who had no anonymity, would feel at a disadvantage in a SM war when being attacked by someone who had interacted with her IRL but posted while hiding behind anonymity.

Eggbutt is the single most dominant poster in these threads. At one time she claimed to not be an insider, but once her identity was exposed, she had to acknowledge various connections to a number of central figures.

Yeah, moving back to the other main thread. 48 Hours is over.

