Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I think you are onto something. This week will be big for the civil case. I think the K’s are getting nervous.

There is a more recent attempt to push a narrative that SGF is really looking to back a bus up over MB. JMHO… but that line of thinking REEKS of desperation on the K’s part. If SGF fights hard against the suit, and sets it up for MB to press hard on his counterclaims… LK is going to have to spend more money on an actual team of attorneys to DEFEND herself. I don’t think this situation is something the K’s anticipated.


Hypothyroidism results in more puffiness. But not rages. Just feeling really darn tired a lot of the time.

Hyperthyroidism results in some changes to the eyes, and often elevated blood pressure and anxiety. But… not bloating. Actually the opposite.


Don’t forget the date. That will make it easier for anyone to look up what was said to provoke her counterattack. Sometimes the mods already deleted it but not always.

Didn’t take much to get an attack. Not at all.


Is this as factual as everything else you have said?
Because you are wrong. At least in this thread.

And the other current thread.


Or, those of us that held the “minority view” went into the trial with clear eyes, hearts and minds and saw that the facts presented did not support our previously held opinions.


Wow. This is perfect for the people who kept taunting LK here and now post her “attacks.” Thanks!

Oh snap! I’m slipping! I need to post a bunch of frivolous posts everywhere!! You get a post, and YOU get a post, and YOU GET A POST!

The comment reeks of desperation to attempt relevancy, doesn’t it? I had no idea there was a contest on who posts the most. Is there a prize?




Here is a tip: just in your mind picture that responding to CH is just the same as responding to LK. Does anyone here really want to waste their time in that kind of back and forth anymore?


I’m unclear what you mean. People poked LK and she reacted? If so, then yes. Same deal.

Also, pretty sure LK would give some Reddit posters a run for their money.


To be fair, LK did not out eggbutts identity. She just drew attention to eggbutt posting her own identity in a very understandably proud and happy post about her daughter’s success with her barn, riding, and training.

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Does anyone appreciate the irony? Or maybe it’s just stupidity?

National TV broadcasts a whole episode on you basically saying that you precipitated a disastrous chain of events by being an out of control bsc online mean mouthed harasser, threatener, etc. That’s the major narrative and virtually all the viewers find it credible.

So in your defense, you go online and demonstrate this exact same behavior against a professional journalist and multiple random members of the public who commented on the TV show. You just say whatever ugly thing pops into your head and threaten defamation suits randomly.

In other words, you go overboard to demonstrate the exact same behavior that almost everyone (outside your family and a few random trolls or bots) agrees was the root cause of the events.

I hope everyone on the FB threads is clear that they are being addressed directly by LK using RGs account. In terms of True Crime drama, being lambasted in bsc fashion by one of the main players is high drama indeed, and I think likely unprecedented.

Anyhow LK simply can’t stop showing the world who she really is. I honestly thought the radio silence for about forty eight hours before and after the 48 Hours broadcast showed that LK or at least her legal team had finally understood that her online habits were going to tell against her. I was a little surprised anyone was showing common sense this late in the game, and actually thought maybe we’d heard the last from LK for a while.

But no. This case is the one that keeps on giving. I’m glad folks are tracking and screen shotting since I’m sure her minders will make some of this evaporate in the clear light of day.


I checked. It appears I left off commenting for over two years until I noticed my posts returned after the Great Hack.

Isn’t it more accurate to say that LK scoured old posts of Eggbutts and FOUND the info from a post many years ago?

That’s how I remember it. Am I wrong?


I believe she then had to link it to a photo of a friends cracked phone that linked the name to the handle.


I think it was ruled not all the way doxxing, because one could make the links… but it toed the line.


That is how I remember it too. But silly us for expecting the details to be accurate. That is so over rated.


It was actually one of her BFF’s scolling with a badly damaged cell phone with cracked screen who found it…I suspect a “friend” I’d had since middle school. I can imagine her joy at sending the screenshot to LK - look master, look what I found you (cue Gollum from LoTR)

As I recall it also mentioned something about an event with NCDCTA I was helping promote when I was their president so long ago.

Contrary to driving me away, it actually freed me to give more detail of her history in NC. Things seem to backfire all around LK even with her best laid plans!