Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

There were several teaser statements.

Err… No.
Interesting take though.


And, I belive, neither were you.


What exactly don’t I want to hear? As you are so fond of saying - don’t put words in my mouth. What I want to hear is the truth. And I would LOVE to hear what the jury’s thoughts were, and would accept them, whatever they are.

What YOU don’t seem to want to hear is that the verdict does not necessarily mean what you think it does. I tried to explain as clearly as I could… as have countless others. But clearly, it’s futile.


I totally agree. The Jaffer fb article is a public post with public comments that RG is replying to. Those people posting know they are using their real name in a public format and they are willingly interacting with RG. Fair game to post on COTH and if it makes you feel better, black out their name.


I read the transcript. At one point the presenter actually referred to the “crime”.

But for the most part, the show left the explanation as to what happened to footage of LK testifying under oath, the statements of the prosecutor, and Barisone himself saying he was told that he shot her. Doing it that way shields the thread show from lawsuits.

Beat me to it as well!

No, I wasn’t. So neither my interpretation of the evidence nor hers went into the jury verdict.

Ekat has not contradicted my interpretation of the verdict; she’s said that the verdict in the criminal trial doesn’t matter for the civil suit because there will be a new jury.

CBS website has full episode:

Does not appear to be on YouTube:


Please see my reply above to the first time you said that (although I’m still not sure why you keep bringing me up).

Edit to add: again, yes, I have said and will continue to say the criminal verdict has ZERO bearing on the Civil Suit.


Damn, girl–you’d argue with a fencepost.


DAMN! I have a lot of power in my little Eggbutt role! Wow! Here’s the truth @CurrentlyHorseless if anyone makes a choice to train, board, befriend or associate with any Kanarek is not my concern. Her reputation is now widely known because of her efforts, not from anything I have done! Please take me off the power pedestal you have put me on.

And you wonder why you aren’t taken seriously. :blush:


Of course she wanted her gone, I would have wanted her gone as a boarder not a love interest. I would not have tolerated LK for more than a couple of months. She had more backbone than Michael did and saw what LK was doing to him and others helped him act on it. MHG did not cause any of this so leave her alone, she’s not being sued either.


Just out of curiosity, what on earth did MHG ever do to LK for LK to make her the pinnacle of evil? Was it that MHG was in her way of dominating MBs time and attention? Or something else? Or multiple things?

What was it?


It’s not “merely stating” minority opinion.
You’re stating your opinion over and over and over, ad nauseam.

It’s not “shut up or leave” either. State your opinion and move on. Repeating it just gives you pleasure and you know it. That’s poking the proverbial bear and you know that as well.

No one chased off any posters either. Your game is transparent and childish.


I’m bringing it up because other posters say that the lawyers have repeatedly contradicted my statement that the finding that the NGRI verdict indicates that jury (which included neither you nor me) determined that the prosecutor established all elements of his case other than intent.

You have not contradicted my interpretation of the verdict. You’ve raised quibbles around the edges (maybe the jury didn’t understand the jury instructions, maybe it wasn’t truly unanimous and someone compromised to get home for the weekend), but you have not contradicted my position.

If you want to move on, why don’t you acknowledge that my interpretation is correct and just go with your point that a new jury may assess the facts differently?

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You’re asking me to say something that’s not true. Your interpretation of the verdict is not correct. So, no, I’m not going to say that, and yes, I am going to move on, much like the cases.

Edit to add for future reference: my lack of acknowledgement or disputing your often erroneous assumptions should not ever be interpreted as anything other than I choose not to engage, and should not be construed as tacit agreement.


Can we all please cross our fingers and, as a group, tell @CurrentlyHorseless she is correct about everything so she will stop this nonsense??



So I’m guessing with all the back and forth, the obsession with trying to control the conversation, trying to force others to agree with a point of view, trying to force others to say a poster is right, is a reflection of how unhappy the Ks are with this recent 48 Hours episode.

No one drones on and on and feels an obligation to argue ad nauseam with posters on a b-board, despite voicing they don’t like doing it, unless they are invested.

And gauging by temperaments this morning and “RG’s” recent posts, I’d say Camp K is not happy. Not happy at all.

Oh well. You reap what you sew.


I guess the answer to my question of “What do you want? A pat on the head every time you say something contrary?” is exactly that.

Maybe we can just :clap: :clap: Bravo!! at every post?