Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I am not a Kanarek, so I won’t speak for them, but I thought the 48 hours episode was excellent.

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Well, I wouldn’t go that far. It might just be easier to scroll on by. We were doing that very well, and it seems the reaction was to get more out there in the desperation to get a reaction from us. We really just need to buckle down and get back on the wagon and understand it’ll get worse before it gets better.


MHG: “I’m going to effing kill her.”

MHG: (not a direct quote) If all of us here and the others I have in my list complain to USEF, we can get her a lifetime ban.

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Oh @CurrentlyHorseless you are so correct you’re oozing with correctness


I just… can’t.

It’s an expression. Like I’m so tired I could die. Or a sister telling a brother “I could kill you!”

There is no limit or end to the ridiculous.

And LK deserves a lifetime ban.


Oh yes, the threats. I’ve stated I was going to kill one of my kids, or kill a dog and serve it for dinner but you know what? I didn’t mean it, no one who overheard me was foolish enough to think I meant it because they’re not morons.

They recognize hyperbole, frustration and venting some steam when a person (or a pet!) is being particularly difficult or unpleasant.


Also brings to mind the question of the accuracy of the transcripts that are currently subject to subpoenas etc in the civil suit…


I would think the GoFundMe should get a boost of some kind as more people become aware of it.

I think the idea that Taylor will be swayed by anything other than judicial oversight may be a little optimistic. He seems to be pretty set on his current path.


Your comment is speculation on motive and your speculation may or may not be correct, I don’t know. My comment was the fact that LK did not out eggbutt but rather Eggbutt outed herself years before. I then went on to speculate that eggbutt outed herself because she was (and is) quite understandably proud of her daughter’s achievements. I really don’t know why eggbutt outed herself though.

I got curious and looked at the GFM and there have been numerous donations in the past day or so. :+1:


Exist? Ride well? Be a nice person? See through the Kanarek :ox::poop:? Chastise LK for laziness?


That doesn’t seem to be going too well for them. :thinking:


I don’t know why someone was rummaging searches to find identifying info either. That’s not normal.


You know….I’m going to go with the idea that since Deininger is asking for the transcripts that KK has, that the recording where that comes from doesn’t exactly match to context given in the summary it was included in….


There is a reason the recordings weren’t used to convict MB (or MHG) for conspiracy to commit murder, etc.

The common person uses phrases such as “I’ll kill you if you do this” or “I could kill you” all the time.

Some people might even shoot at the tires of a SO’s motorcycle without intent to kill.

DH is knocking on death’s door this morning because of an alleged stick up his butt. I may threaten him, but he will live.

The common person understands that these are phrases, not true plots to act, hence why the recordings were never pursued criminally. It’s all proverbial fluff.


MHG: “I’m going to effing kill her” (said twice)

Compare to:

LK: “Finish the bastard”

I agree with you that if I heard “I’m going to effing kill her”, as a sane person for whom it is unheard of that people go around settling disputes with guns, I would interpret it as an expression of rage and frustration, but not literally.

But she said that in front of a mentally unstable man who was or became delusional.

Not surprising that you don’t take MHG statement literally, but do take LKs statement literally.

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I mean… I think there are still people who hold the “minority view” that the earth is flat, or what have you.

That doesn’t mean they’re right about it. Or that all the other people telling them they’re wrong on the subject are harrassing or attacking them.


If you look at the local media coverage - newspapers, news sites, and such for NJ/NY area - for the trial, it stopped after the beginning of the trial, when the court testimony reflected poorly on LK and RG. From what I saw, it never picked up again, not even after the verdict, which was publicized extensively in the worldwide Equestrian media space and regular news media space.


RG referred to it as “our property.” IIRC, it was during his testimony at the criminal trial when he expressed outrage at how MB came onto “our property” to confront them.

So they apparently consider anyplace they are living as “their property,” and it sounds as though that mindset also extends to anyplace where they are paying board for horses. :roll_eyes:

(Yippee, I am now only 4 hours behind and closing the gap on catching up…)


One could say the same types of things about “Finish the bastard”, but I haven’t heard the argument that it was “all fluff”made in that case.

Perhaps we should have T shirts printed with
LK: Finish the bastard
On the front, and
MHG: I’m going to effing kill her.
On the back.

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