Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

How are you not casting Amber Heard? She’s already nailed the fake tears in court part of the role.


There, there CH.


Let’s please tone down the commentary on personal appearance unless it relates to the case(s).


There, there CH.


Umm. Sorry if that was because of my There, theres. I will stop. :heart_eyes:


Yes. The moderator was involved and explained no one was banned at the time because eggbutt did out herself.

Anyone want to bet me $3 that Jack Sherak is another alter??


Yep. I think @eggbutt has admitted that.

You appear to be missing the point. Ya know, the part where someone dug thru every post someone made for many many years to find the one post that gave enough information to say who that other person was.
Consider your worries about so many things it seems strange that you find it OK that someone did that to someone else. Would you be OK if someone did that to you?


Someone who tosses ‘doooooxxxxing!’ around if some says something along the lines of huh, that posting style looks familiar… Yeah, wouldn’t bother them at all…


Very good point @EADoug, very good point!

Silly me!

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Sure. Because he’s not.

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A little off topic at the moment, but as a person who just talks a lot to animals (horses, dogs, cats, fish, etc), I don’t hold chatty, random communications against others, since I do it ALL the time :crazy_face:


If I had dated a drug addict, you can be sure as hell my dad (may he RIP) would never have treated that guy like a son. The dysfunction is endless. Mind boggling.


Emilio Estevez and Martín Sheen?


Very normal, especially for a young pro getting started after a year that’s put the hurt on some expensive hobbies like horses.

My understanding is that he has several barns and he rents them out, plus the main one for his clients. I looked at that property before they bought it and it had a lot to offer but needed a lot of work. Good on him for putting in the sweat.


There is now a 48 hours podcast.

Martin Sheen could play both roles.


Jack is just a local friend/relation to the parents. Some of the friends and family appeared out of the ether, to defend Lauren and decry the verdict, but I’m fairly certain that the truth about Lauren has been something of a closely-held secret, as all of them were acting completely ignorant in the “Lies, damn lies!” way, as if they didn’t know what was really going on with her and she was an innocent lamb, who wouldn’t hurt a fly. It’s likely the information that many of them got about her and the trial was filtered through the parents and the local news outlets, which only painted her circumstances in a favorable way.


Ah. That makes sense. I just find it really rare that people mass delete, so now I’m trigger happy to attribute.


I thought JK showed as a caring father, very articulate, and I was amazed at his composure. He was heartbreaking. I thought all the lawyers came across well, all of them. I was shocked at Dr Simring. Except for Schellhorn pointing out he based his diagnosis on information MB received after the shooting, not before, he seemed like a very kind and knowledgeable psychiatrist. I had the opposite impression of his appearance on 48 hours.

I thought it was sad that MB said he was lost at how to rebuild his life and I hope the people here with barns who say they care about him follow that with sponsoring clinics at their barns and training with him again. I hope he works through the levels swiftly as strongly pushed in State vs Fields and is released as soon as he can be into real support.

I hope LK is still riding and back in training.