Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I can’t make any sense of this post. Are you talking about the trial, 48 Hours, what?


Not caught up yet, but I wanted to respond to this. It is very easy to expose the lie that there are many people reading along who agree with that poster but who have somehow been silenced. Simply look at the number of likes. Likes are anonymous to the readers. The OP themselves can see some (but often not all) of the names of the posters who like their comments. Readers can see none of that information.

Therefore, if there really were more than a couple posters holding what is being called the ‘minority opinion’, they would be able to safely and anonymously record their support for such by liking those comments. We would then see the scores and scores of likes and could accurately gauge the support coming from this mythical silenced counter mob.

Alas, the likes generally range from 0-4. That tells us a lot about this claim.

It is also important to note that, after @Knights_Mom exposed the harassment aimed at her via PM, we had more than one person come on these threads to publicly say that LK’s PM harassment and threats drove them off the threads and, in at least one case, off the forum for over a year. They were afraid to participate in any threads at all after the PMed threats of law suits, exposure, etc.


Good point.

I’ve thought all along that the reason IM and Seeker are logged in (when they can simply read without logging in) was to register their “likes” for certain posters. Which certainly explains the 1 to 4 likes.


And tellingly, hilariously, LK is using the same tactic on FB, threatening people all the time.


That’s what I would do. That’s what I am going to do. What’s your point?


Well. That is a good look for the sport. Client and trainer have a disagreement that both mishandle in a disintegrating downward spiral of tit for tat, both using SS and USEF as weapons, she gets shot, and since she managed to live through horrendous injuries, gets a lifetime ban.

The Olympics cost a lot of money to put on and has a diminishing audience. Equestrian sports are very expensive. They just dropped horse sports from the pentathlon. What’s next? Between all the sexual abuse coming out and now this shooting, several kinds of sports are looking pretty shaky.

This isn’t a win/lose scenario. They both lost when he pulled the trigger. Now it just gets worse with commentary.

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I’ve actually thought about that angle, because I can see some people using it. Just scraping the surface, things could appear that way, but that’s a very basic way to look at it.

It’s also not right for LK to just get away with everything/get a free pass because she was shot. That doesn’t do the sport any favors either. She weaponized SS, and in general has demonstrated poor behavior and bad character, which isn’t necessarily a SS offense in and of itself, but I also don’t know what was in the report that MHG submitted nor do I track her activity. It could be that there’s a decent case for LK being suspended/banned, especially after these civil trials.


Any time a friend’s horse would do something naughty (buck, refuse a fence, dump her), her husband would tell the horse “You do know I have Alpo on speed dial, right?”

He loved that horse and would never to anything to harm her. We all knew that and laughed every time he said it. (Maybe we were complicit in future horse-killing?) :roll_eyes:


And I recall KK saying that it wasn’t obvious (or words to that effect) until after 7 Aug 2019 that the recordings contained a plot to kill LK. Hindsight isn’t always 20/20.


Oh well. Thems the breaks. If someone wants to report rude behavior or behavior unbecoming that’s their choice.

Before a person behaves bad I guess they should realize that a certain portion of the population may be intolerant of said behavior. That in protection of the sport they may question if a rider is a poor ambassador of that sport.

As is their right.

Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

She could have just left, dreams of Olympic glory intact.


I noticed that no one in the 48 hours video was wearing a mask… So even hanging out with her new friends at the barn where it was videoed or walking right next to the reporter, no big worry about Covid clearly. So strange for someone who is now claiming Covid is too scary to appear at her own deposition.


I mean, we are all flawed human beings. There’s no debate about that. It’s just that some flaws, behaviors, and/or actions are far more serious than others. Paying your rent a few days late one time isn’t as serious as purposely and continuously harassing someone, for example.

I think it’s natural (even if detrimental, in some cases) to stand up for your daughter. I don’t have any qualms about that, but I’ve also seen parents not enable and support bad behavior. I don’t know how the Kanarek’s planned on resolving the situation, ultimately. It sounds as if they were looking for an alternative for their daughter…who is also an adult and had the means to find a way out.

Sometimes you really do come off as defending LK though, and you’re free to do or not do that. It’s just that someone of us can’t comprehend why some people can’t grasp the severity of her actions and role in all of this. I also don’t know how anyone, at this point, can believe a works that she says. She, herself, has damaged any credibility that she had.

I do think that sometimes the mockery goes too far. Especially mocking physical appearances, I’m not really down for that. However, don’t confuse mocking with calling attention to someone’s poor behavior and/or shining a spotlight on that.

I wouldn’t say it’s quite as nasty and harmful as anything (that’s strong!) that LK has done. If you really thing anyone us behaving as poorly as she has, then please, name them. I think it gets close to that threshold at times, but hasn’t met or exceeded it.

I really couldn’t care less about your issues with Eggbutt. I think her “mission” is just to expose people for what they are. Perhaps if you’ve been wronged by people in the past and/or seen the destruction that they leave in their wake, you might be able to understand Eggbutt’s position a bit more.

I don’t know you or your life, but I’m just a little less tolerant, myself, of certain characters and behaviors due to my past experiences. It could be a defense mechanism of sorts, I don’t know. I think the “pleasure of hate” phenomenon is real, in general, but it’s I’m not sure how much of it exists here. I’m not sure that anyone is looking to blackball LK, but if her actions, words, behaviors, and/or choices prevent certain trainers or barns from wanting her business, that’s on her.

General example: if I’ve stolen things from every barn I’ve been at, and word spreads that I’m a thief, which leads to trainers and barns not wanting to do business with me, that’s my own fault. I don’t consider me suffering as a result of my own actions to be anyone else’s fault or the result of conspiring


Didn’t the trainer from Helgstrand stop training Lauren shortly after the trial? I seem to recall seeing something about Helgstrand USA cutting ties with Lauren. Perhaps I misread the post, or twisted it into something it didn’t say.

I don’t think anyone one here cares who is coaching anyone, where anyone boards their horses, takes their naps, does their grocery shopping or parts their hair.

Projection is a really interesting thing to analyze, isn’t it?


Please, please, please do not reward and encourage bad behavior. I have a sneaking suspicion that is what the Kanareks did to from the beginning with LK, and we see the results now!


Our dear Clown in Chief even said this the other night on 60 Minutes.

"The pandemic is over.”


Stick to repeating your same old tired stories here, as well as the movies in your head.

Marketing and fashion design are not your strong suit, but neither is your ability to comprehend and interpret real life events.

Don’t quit your day job!


I think this is a very good way to explain what is going on here. Well said.

Wait, parting our hair has to be done a certain way? I missed that part of the thread, how did I miss that part of the thread?
I know my center part is outdated but…


Didn’t 48 hours call the recordings illegal?


DH watched it last night, but I don’t recall.
Where’s that transcript?

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I could not find the link.
Google hates me and I scrolled here and did not find it.