Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Yes, you are not the only one!

All I can say is ewwwww! Can only imagine the psychological implications of that one!!!


Well DUH, of course Amber Heard would play LK!!! Not much of a stretch there!


You realize this has absolutely nothing to do with dressage or actually even sports, right???

I would explain why, but you should be able to figure this out on your own!


What will kill horse sport is the treatment of the animals.

Larry Nassarā€™s numerous atrocities didnā€™t manage to bring down gymnastics so Iā€™m thinking even LK wonā€™t be the doom of equestrian sport.


If getting rid of someone who bullies anyone they do not like to the point they are willing to ruin their business and threaten to sue people to move out of their way, all while having illegal drugs at the barn is enough to make the dressage world collapse and die, I think that would mean the dressage world has more problems than keeping Lauren Kanarek around would solve.

I would think that most people would rather participate in a sport where they know that the members are being expected to not ā€œfinish the bastardā€ because their trainer dares to have a girl friend.


Anyone remember Foghorn Leghorn? I hear his voice everytime I scroll past a certain poster. ā€œI say I say I
say now, that boys not rightā€.

After eagerly anticipating the 48 Hours special for months it was a big let down. Watching LK saunter around patting horses and saying a whole lot of nothing was not what I expected. The little shown of Barisones lawyers was interesting but, otherwise a very bland report.

I sure hope the civil trial will be open to recording. (Though Iā€™m starting to feel guilty from enjoying this kanawreck tale)


@Aussie_2020, that is how I felt about the show too.

I mean, I am glad it got out there the fact that Lauren Kanarek intentionally tried to ruin someone to get her way because she was jealous that he dared to have a girl friend who took part of his time.

Butā€¦ it sure spent way too much time on pretty scenery and such.


For those of us who have followed this since August 2019, the 48 Hours show was not all that revealing. My takeaways were:

-LK did make a SS report alleging child abuse

  • RG and JK look so much alike that I had to take a screen shot and put them in a side by side comparison
  • All these years of not bowing to my horse or telling him to ā€œhalt!ā€, itā€™s a wonder he responds to me at all

Even though she has provided the information herself in previously public social media posts, as a courtesy to all those in that facility, letā€™s avoid getting into discussions re: Ms. Kanarekā€™s current barn, especially due to the additional national media attention drawn to the case from the recent 48 Hours special.


I think there was also a ā€œcome, comeā€ in there. Does it count as bowing when I kiss mine on her nose (which she hates)?


Very well said @Jillsmith!

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I remember that cartoon rooster!

For me the takeaway of 48 Hours was that despite many facts and events like the veiled ninja being omitted, the actions of LK struck 99% of the people so much that they VEHEMENTLY sided with MB.

This shows that even with far less harassment levels as was actually done, 99% found LKs behaviors intolerable.


I loved those cartoons too!

My biggest takeaway? I am flummoxed by Lauren, who ā€œchose not to discussā€ Michael or what happened at Hawthorne Hill.

Repeatedly, countless times she has bludgeoned anyone who would listen/read with the hammer that all will be revealed on 48 Hours. As recently as 2 weeks ago on YT she was blathering about patience, it will all come out. Just WAIT till you hear the audios - 48 Hours has them!! The day she did her interview, she posted on SM it felt good to get that off her chest.

Andā€¦we got ā€œHaltā€ and bow your head to your hippogriff - er - horse.


I suspect she tried to present a more likeable version of herself. But her past acts exposed tossed that into the manure pile.


Those who cannot learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.

I think itā€™s hard for most of us to see 48 Hours with a fresh eye. Since weā€™ve been hashing over all the details for years, we knew a lot more material than they could possibly fit in the 42 minutes available to them. So itā€™s no surprise that it seemed underwhelming to this group. Except for Boyd, of course.

I do think itā€™s interesting to see the response from people who probably knew little or nothing about the case. It sounds as if the virtually unanimous reaction from all those viewers to LK is what most of us expected.


Just think if the Ninja had made it into the show!


I watched it a second time. My other takeaway is that the horses seemed displeased with the drones.


Iā€™m not too fond of them myself.


I dated a guy who used to fly his indoorsā€¦ at meā€¦ ā€œfor practiceā€. Funsies.


But they did add the Hollywood required horse neigh sounds to the video of the horses reacting to those drones.
Thank goodness 48 hours did not slack on that point.