Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

Nagle used it. More projection? Flashback? Foreshadowing? Catch all?

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Probably more like sloppy writing, no proofreading, etc., etc.


When you travel down I95 and enter FL there is a mandatory checkpoint. Any horse trailer MUST pull over. I’ve passed a few times and have never seen it shut. They are serious about it. Very serious. So serious that when I drove down during start of Covid EVERY SINGLE VEHICLE was diverted thru that checkpoint regarding Covid. And even though it was late, the wait was long. I had to sign a self quarantine promise that for 14 days I wouldn’t go out in public with my Yankee maybe covid germs.

There is no way a horse trailer passed through without getting stopped and all the documents checked.


Your posts @ me never make any sense to me. I’m trying to avoid bickering so please leave me be.


Especially if she primarily rode with MHG and JH, and MB only saw or worked with her periodically.

I’d like to know how frequently she did ride with MB vs the others. It might explain why MHG and JH had a better awareness of what she was really like than MB might have.

I mean, I’m sure most of us get more relaxed about being less formal the more time we spend with someone.

So if she was still a bit more professional with MB because she respected him more in general, but in part because she rode with him less …

Meanwhile if she respected MHG and JH less to begin with, and then thanks to familiarity became less so.

If I ride with my home trainer I might wear a tank top, and my half chaps. If I’m clinic’ing I wear a nice polo, a belt, my boots and they are polished.

I wonder if she lost what respect she had for MHG and JH due to riding with them, unhappily, as routine. While MB was still on a pedestal in part due to the less frequent exposure.

I say this in part due to the reverence those interviewed give MB, which they don’t give the other two trainers.
Those other two trainers have a different, very valuable perspective to offer LK because they are still climbing up and closer to where LK was in the Dressage journey.


So just ask what I mean.
No need to bicker, what an odd default to have.


Not just the interstate. I know of someone who was turned back at the ag inspection station due to lack of current paperwork for one horse on the rig, went back up the road into GA and then tried to sneak back into FL on a side road. He got caught.

Another point - if the entire barn - and staff - are heading to FL for the winter, no decent trainer (esp. one with MB’s experience and credentials) is going to leave a horse at the barn alone, with no one to care for it. Nope, they are going to load it with the rest, esp. if the owner has made no provisions to move the horse herself before the training barn closed up for the winter. My guess is that MB gave the client notification of the move ahead of time but there was a communication lapse between the two of them, so he moved the horse to make sure it was taken care of.


Not every top pro wants them popping out of their skin, some do, some don’t. And training, by a very good pro can make the horse hotter or duller depending on how reactive we want them to be to the aids.

While I too prefer a hot ride especially at FEI and GP I have ridden dull horses and made them hot enough to p/p even on the final CL; I spend most of my training time dulling down hot horses so their AA riders don’t get bounced.

No amount of training will ever change a full horse into hot horse or vise versa but you can make them hot enough. If just depends where you want to spend your time. Perfecting the GO button or the HALF HALT button…. But the choice is ours when we buy the horse.


Full disclosure - I might be recollecting in error, but didn’t MHG/MB purchase a sibling foal/weanling to one of LK’s horses? As I recall they hoped to flip the horse after training. I don’t have any idea if that horse made it to the US or not.


This is actually a topic that interests me. My last horse was very sensitive and rather hot, but in a rideable way, and you do need this in order to get the most expression out of the horse and for the ride to look effortless. Some people felt uncomfortable on him because he was so fine and self propelled (but not fast) but that’s just what he needed to be. I was surrounded by quite a few people who felt that riding should be some immense physical effort or struggle, and that they needed to be able to kick their horses at every stride. A dull horse equaled a relaxed horse to many of them. So they often thought my horse would be too sensitive, but he was, in reality, fit for his purpose and pros had no qualms about it.

A horse that can “turn it up” and have a “stage presence” will always have an advantage, IMO, and draw more attention. Yes, some level of “hot” is required there. You shouldn’t be struggling through a canter half-pass because you taught your horse to be dull and to lose all expression because that means “relaxed” to you.

Ideally a horse with a good brain knows when to, or can, turn “it” off and on. I love when you can amp them up, get them super responsive and expressive (but not panicked or nervous), and then walk out of the sandbox on a long rein in a relaxed manner, as you should.


If the horse was also shipping south (following the circuit as would be likely) or really going to anywhere else from HH… but with a different barn, those documents would still be needed.

Edit To clarify:. So an owner being in receipt of those bills for vet inspection, etc wouldn’t be a clue the horse was headed to the “wrong” destination. But certainly could serve as a heads up to clarify where the horse is going.


It was shared here somewhere. I can’t remember which discussion though. It was pretty much dead on.

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Gosh, that takes me back. Wasn’t that one of LKs original claims? That she was going to be murdered (and buried on the property) so that MB or MHG could get her horses? She heard all this somehow, but didn’t leave. If I heard someone plotting to murder me for ANY reason, I’d be out of there so fast that I’d leave smoke behind me. There’s nowt so queer as folk.


I was surprised, as well. I ride regularly with a Pan Am medalist who has trained multiple horses to GP. I asked her early on in our training relationship whether she thought she might get to the Olympics with the horse. I was floored when she said, “No, he’s too lazy.”


Which is sort of why I buy just started or unstarted youngsters. I like to tailor them to be a certain type. I also don’t want to fix others mistakes (I don’t like fixing my own mistakes but that’s life :joy:).

I can’t do dull horses. I can certainly bring a hot horse down a few levels, but we all have our preferences I suppose.


Classy response. Just because you haven’t been, doesn’t mean others have not been. I have had some of the most horrible things I have ever heard said to me here on this forum. Things that were directed at me and horrible things I went through. Not experiencing it personally does not negate it’s existence.


Interesting point. I wonder if MB recognized LK was overhorsed with whatever horse was in question and realized she was intimidated by it and causing training issues due to her riding ability? Maybe if he did offer to buy the horse it was to retrain it a bit and flip to a more advanced client. Simply a stab in the dark guess.


Hold on there, dearie. I didn’t say I wasn’t “attacked” (although I can’t figure out how scary an “attack” on an internet forum can be unless there are direct threats to life and/or limb). I said I wasn’t such a baby to claim I was attacked. People claim this every day here just because a few other people might disagree and make it known. It’s tiresome and childish.

If this forum is so awful to you, why do you stay?


I never said that at all :woman_shrugging: It’s not that things are scary, it’s that they are hurtful and people will say the worst things possible to inflict the most amount of hurt.

I’m glad you haven’t experienced that.


And if, because of that, MB then suggested that MHG or JH ride it and then train her on it because they were riding it… made her bristle…