Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

So true. I’ve worked many CDIs of various levels and without a doubt the high level horses were always “ON”. They were hand walked with restraints handy and exuded personality and alertness. Most ammys can’t handle that type of horse regardless what their dreams and imagination tells them. This is not a reflection on or judgement of Lauren’s or anyone else’s horses.


At the very least the owner would get the bill for the vet visit and bill of health as well as having been notified that the barn was moving to FL for season and would be closed in NJ.


You can’t have a good bicker with out at least two participants. If one isn’t wanting to play the bicker games, then might I suggest the quiet game as a nice alternative? :shushing_face:


LOL I don’t care what you meant though. I do not want to participate in coversation with you.

So don’t.


So don’t read or respond, or put me on ignore.
Your choice.


I am not “very anti Barisone”, unless being capable of believing that he had significant issues of arrogance, dishonesty, and abusiveness before LK entered his life automatically makes me “very anti Barisone”.

I don’t always believe what LK writes or posts. She has obviously lied and exaggerated things on SM. I don’t always believe what Eggbutt writes.

I don’t know for a fact that this woman’s statement is true, but yes, I believe it. I believe it in part because before posting on the Barisone threads she posted a warning about her experience with Barisone, and warned other COTHers that she had found him dishonest and abusive without going into details at the time.

Given her “reception” here at COTH, do you think any other former Barisone clients who left in fear will be inclined to post?

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You are correct.
I’d point out only one person has been claiming to be attacked… but it’s an aside, and pointless.

I’ll add her to the ignore pile. Thanks.


Again, according to whom? Where?

Do you have a link to this (negative) reception?


:shushing_face: (the game of the day is the quiet game)


I had a client hauling Paints get stopped there and was required to remove all sheets and leg wraps so the markings on the papers could be compared to the horses on the rig.

She was not pleased, as they’d been on the road for a long day, and she was concerned there would be difficulty getting the reloaded, so she wound up crawling in amongst them to unwrap their legs and remove the sheets.


Please see posts upthread. I don’t wish to rehash.

You’re most welcome.

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Not surprised. Folks try to sneak horses into FL all the time using falsified paperwork. Can you say “Plain bay gelding”?

It would sure be easier on LE and FL Dept. of Ag if every horse coming in had to have a microchip.


When any of the Trifecta say this, I roll my eyes. They’ve been promising bombshells for years. I believe what was posted on the GFM. I think bombshells are finally going to be dropped in the civil trial as promised, but against the Ks rather than by the Ks. Their lives will never be the same when all is said and done.


I find that quite surprising.
One imagines that you might live in a cloister.




There are lots of good posts, shall we just pick some? :crazy_face:


Usually when someone taunts “show me” it means the mods have been busy cleaning up the nursery mess again overnight and the posts have been removed. :joy:

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Yes it was surprising the first time and actually quite shocking. Not as surprising when it happens anymore.

Not sure the rest of that comment was necessary.

Perhaps. But in the case of @Angela_Freda, I think she plies me with questions just to try to get me to waste time and effort. Long ago I naively tried to answer, but not anymore.