Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I was quite shocked at the viciousness of an attack on me when I was a new poster. The level of contempt and abuse was entirely out of proportion to the content of that I had posted.

(I am shocked at how many ā€œhidden repliesā€ Iā€™ve seen this morning and how much more pleasant the thread is because of them!)


The quiet game is the best game isnā€™t it?


Warmblood knows better than to compare the two. Her posts on other threads are quite helpful. [edit]

MB, MHG, and others bringing along nice horses for resale arenā€™t making steady money on phenomenal show stoppers. They make money on nice amateur friendly horses. The two people I know personally that actually made money making horses flipped off the track Thoroughbreds and Appendix Quarter horses for hunter/jumpers. The 18-20 horses MHG and MB had for resale projects were likely adult amateur friendly horses.

The market is amateurs. The buyers are middle aged women who may not make past 2nd level or even show [edit].

I really liked that article by Carl Hester too.

My favorite part about volunteering at horse shows turned out not the bedazzlement of watching the best riders on fabulous horses, although that was quite a treat (except sometimes in the warmup arena). My favorite part was the multitudes of safe, amateur friendly horses and ponies who totes their owners around safely and when the trainer got on some looked almost every bit as nice as some of the top contenders.

No one has complained about LKā€™s other dog yet. Yā€™all still have some fresh meat to gnaw off that bone before it becomes gnawing on old bones.

What other dog?

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ā€œā€¦unless being capable of believing that he had significant issues of arrogance, dishonesty, and abusiveness before LK entered his lifeā€¦ā€ You do take it beyond that. I canā€™t tell if youā€™re being obtuse here.

You have a minor obsession with Eggbutt, and once again, I donā€™t really care.

Thatā€™s fine if you want to believe the account from the other poster re Barisone and admit that it may or may not be true. I can understand that because we all have our beliefs.

I think it would depend on the person re them being inclined to post. Some people are quite strong and will speak out no matter what.


If we were to all believe IM (Jonathan Kanarek) is always telling the truth with all of his inside information then we would all know for a fact that Michael is amazing enough that before the trial and after the verdict (IM said it twice) Michael was still someone that Lauren wanted to train with.


I agree. But I think a former client of Barisoneā€™s who had a negative experience to report would have to be very brave to post on SM and talk about their experience, especially without anonymity.

Obviously, they risk the beacon of hate being aimed at them. I think it has a strong deterrent effect.

What the actualā€¦?

Thatā€™s rude, unnecessary, and a huge (and ignorant) assumption.

Man, no boundaries in these threads :joy:


Why would supporting your claim be a waste of time? Much better to support it than let it dangle like a false allegation, imo.

Why would it be time consuming, if itā€™s something you refer to, you must know the source?

Eta what I think the problem is, is that I ask questions you canā€™t actually answer or ask for support if claims you have no support for.


Wasnā€™t it, in fact, floated that actually the problematic person was MHG?


That is what was said by Jonathan Kanarek, yes.


Goodness, it appears someone is being attacked or lots of shade is being thrown, but Iā€™m not gonna un-ignore to take the bait!


We all have our suspicions but the identity of IM has not been established.

Prior to the trial, IM said that it was not out of the question that LK might train with MB. He retracted (deleted) the comment.

Perhaps subsequent events such as the ongoing SM blitz and MBs in willingness to flat out acknowledge be shot her, have affected LKs perception of MB. Those things have worsened my view of MB.

Did IM make that statement after the trial? I donā€™t recall that.

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Makes you wonder if someone is getting nervous about tomorrow? Or today maybe?


Another example. Thanks @Angela_Freda!

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That last paragraphā€¦


IM has apparently been screenshot to the moon and back. It doesnā€™t matter if he deleted anything nowā€¦.

