Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I was talking about MB

Ok thanks hadn’t seen that!

And I was talking about RG. Seems very fishy that he wasn’t included in a sneak peek, being a “victim” and all

It doesn’t seem like he’d voluntarily refuse to participate.


I don’t know it’s the media who has the control over these things and having worked in the entertainment industry just know they cut things for many reasons and it’s possible he was in it and then cut. Hard to know.

I too have worked in the entertainment industry and find it hard to believe that they would cut RG out if he was indeed interviewed.


Awesome in what capacity?

Curious why do you say that? Without seeing what his takes were how can you say that? Without knowing what the producers want to portray etc. it’s just a big assumption. It’s common for people to be cut and interviews to be cut. It’s the norm.

Not saying that’s the case just saying no point in all these assumptions made on a small preview trailer.

I have not worked in the entertainment industry and I agree. He is described as a victim during the criminal trial and the civil trial is making it quite clear he was an active participant in the whole “finish the bastard” theme.

I am hoping it is just a case of him not being in any of the previews.


I have worked in acquisitions and development, and have been a video producer, editor and director.

I hardly think it is a “big assumption” to say that one of two witnesses to the incident, who was a key player in the whole affair, would be given air time. I can’t see leaving him on the cutting room floor no matter what narrative they were trying to craft.


It is not the norm to cut one of the “victims” out. In typical K fashion, RG is almost completely scrubbed from the narrative in the sneak peeks.


I think the big assumption is that there’s some conspiracy around why he isn’t interviewed in the preview.

Do you think the Ks have that much authority over the 48hrs episode? Not likely.

Is that your inside connection again?


I don’t think there is a conspiracy, per se. If I were him, I wouldn’t want to participate
 given that he has a criminal record and is an admitted drug abuser who didn’t come across well as a witness in the criminal trial. He certainly comes across better in the still photos in the sneak peeks than he does on video.


I can totally imagine Lauren forbidding him to talk on camera. Which could be a reason why he is not in the previews.

Reasons for him not being on camera include:
Lauren likes to be the center of attention and she wants all the camera time.
Lauren does not want to have to figure out how to make anything he says work with what she wants said.
He is not around.
Lauren thought she would get a second interview and thought she might let him talk then.


Can you stop already. I don’t have any inside connection and it’s unfortunate I can’t have an actual discussion without people trying to start drama.


Lauren only posted about “her” interview. Not one mention of RG’s interview


Yes just conspiracy theories :woman_shrugging:t2:

Maybe wait for the show first.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if RG isn’t even around or if he refused to be interviewed.

He was included in a picture in one of the clips so it may be that 48 Hours is driving their narrative for the premiere and he will still be featured on the show. They are only clips.


Four horses ridden - two to go? So now she has SIX riding horses?

I wonder if she is paying $5000 a month to support them - plus getting accommodations for herself. :thinking:


And this ticks me off - making it sound as though MB’s injuries in that photo were caused by the dog (and not the result of the malicious beating he had received from RG). It’s very, very misleading.