Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I’m sorry but I wouldn’t have specifically posted it if I wasn’t sure.


No from what I have heard she was all for the episode. I don’t have her on SM so wouldn’t see posts.

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No there’s an interview where he talks.

I don’t think his result is considered exonerated? I don’t want to start a whole argument over this but is that considered exonerated if not guilty by reason of insanity?



We won’t know what the episode’s take is until it airs, but the promo seemed like they were spinning as two women vying for a man’s attention to make it to the top of the dressage world, like something from a trashy romance soap opera.

I guess it’s too much to hope to make it clear the differences in ability between someone aiming to get their bronze medal from the USDF versus gunning for a bronze in the Olympics, and it’s normal and expected for even a well-heeled amateur just starting out in dressage to work with assistant trainers rather than the main trainer. This is absolutely not to throw shade on the bronze medal, btw, which is a great achievement for any amateur, but I kind of think it’s relevant in terms of contextualizing ability, experience, and expectations.


Are you talking about over three years ago when the incident happened or now? Seems like the trial was about a shooting that happened three years ago, where he was deemed *not guilty by reason of insanity” (at the time of the incident). As far as I know, while awaiting trial he was in the general population, not the state medical facility for people who are mentally impaired. Yes, now he appears lucid/coherent which makes one wonder why Taylor felt the need to send him to Greystone, despite mental health professionals recommending outpatient treatment. (Punitive, perhaps?)Most people who understand the gravity of what he was facing, understand his demeanor during the trial.


I believe the interview they are talking about was just after the trial ended, 3hrs after as per eggbutt.


It’s TV, don’t get your hopes up lol


Don’t worry, I plan to take a (nonalcoholic) shot every time they say “dancing horses” when talking about dressage.




Oh! Great idea.

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Here are some interesting
photos showing someone “just beginning to ride again after years of surgeries”. Notice the dates!



Because you could die of alcohol poisonings otherwise.


Yeah, gotta protect the ol’ liver!

(I actually don’t drink…but for those who do…choose your beverage wisely for this game.)


Are you just getting that statement from the preview or was that said somewhere else?

If from the preview just realize that clips mooshed together don’t give an accurate picture sometimes so hard to know what and when these things were said. Not debating whether it was said or the context just saying I wouldn’t focus on it too much until we see the actual context in the episode.

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I believe it was in one of the sneak peeks, but also in this related article, which ends with: “After years of surgeries and treatments, Lauren Kanarek is beginning to ride horses again.”


Then repost it please. I’ve watched about 5 different versions of this and I’ve yet to see RG as anything more than a background photo. I’ve seen a lot of JK snippets however…


It was also a direct question/answer on the CBS morning show with the interviewer.


And the interview with the investigative reporter of the 48 episode on the morning show (link is in this thread) they also say that Lauren has recently gotten back into riding.

It is clearly something the Kanarek family is wanting everyone to think is just happening again, and not that it has been going on for years.