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Barisone Criminal Case Update

I think we need more questions asked. Like…if it was a toxic relationship between MB and LK. Why would the mental health expert give MB a gun. Then I would like to know why she didn’t ask for it back. Sounds like the charge is warranted if RC wants people to believe that lame story. My guess is that they didn’t have enough evidence to prove LK’s story true. However, RC deal sounds flawed. I wonder if it was a sacrifice that the DA chose to help in MB’s trail. More unanswered questions but at least some people try to stay in the lines

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I thought that was there in the very early posts. My apologies if it was not. Maybe admitted is the wrong word. However I feel like if he hadn’t been the one with the gun, his lawyer would have brought this up at the very start in the bail hearing.

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I believe it has been mentioned on here. It was a letter sent from MB asking for sympathy and money basically. It was pretty pathetic if I must say so. Just ask around because someone will have it


But the charge has basically been dismissed against RC. So clearly no-one in the court system thinks she has culpability in the actual shooting. When she testifies at MB’s trial she will not be on trial for her own actions. I expect her testimony will be about the provenance of the gun, and MB’s mental state, and the conflict at the farm.


It is hard to keep everything straight and what is reliable information and what isn’t.

Each article provides a little more information (hopefully factual) and I enjoy the respectful conversations and hearing what others think about the case and the new info. I also realize that what we think and discuss isn’t going to have an impact on the trial outcome one way or another.


That attorney at the bail hearing was fired within minutes of the hearing ending.

MB has stated he remembers nothing about the shooting and that has been his stance from the beginning which is why so many have said the only story initially told was RG’s version, which also mentions it was all recorded, yet that recording seems to no longer exist.

It is hard to comprehend taking a gun with only 3 bullets to murder two people. And there’s the question of cop #1 arriving and restraining MB and found nothing on his person, but cop #2 said he found a full magazine in MB’s pocket.


I’ve read the letter and he never asked for money and simply explained what it is like in that jail. BTW, you can’t mail money to an inmate in jail.


Those will be interesting to find out how those statements from cop 1 and cop 2 are addressed at the trial.

I understand that it must be extremely difficult for a cop to arrive solo to a scene like this and as people are human, mistakes can be made. I could not do that job.
I also think that the cops, especially ones who have been on the force a while, would have the training and knowledge to preserve evidence so that the case (in general, not just this one) does not fall apart.


In this letter, does it indicate if it was to a particular person in confidence or was it intended to be shared?
If it was not intended to be shared, hopefully someone let him know that his letters were being shared so that he would know who he could trust with his correspondence.


I [quote=“eggbutt, post:48, topic:767426”]
I’ve read the letter and he never asked for money and simply explained what it is like in that jail. BTW, you can’t mail money to an inmate in jail

You are correct. I don’t think the word money was said but it did talk about donations to MB. Also talked about his arm being so badly broken his letter had to rewritten so it was legible. Two lines later he’s talking about what great shape he is in because of all the push-ups and pull-ups he doing :laughing:. Every single point he talks about contradicts itself i the next few sentences. Can’t hold a pen but no problem doing pull-ups.
Eggbutt obviously has seen it but like everything else… twist it!

It was a personal letter sent to friend to share with other friends. I feel certain he didn’t want or expect it to be shared far and wide. I can assure you there was nothing incriminating in it - just a letter describing what that jail and his routine is like.


Please everyone, lets not do the insults to others. I think everyone knows who others like and dislike by now and who may or may not provide reliable info.
I really hope that we can keep this topic open for thoughtful and respectful discussion.


No, no twisting. The handwriting was so small and almost illegible that it was transcribed by the receiver. I certainly can imagine he was in decent physical shape at the time and I doubt he was exercising his left arm/hand, but whatever. So, it is extremely clear, I have not seen the original letter in his handwriting.

Maybe someone can show you how to quote. :smile:


I would imagine their correspondence would be monitored. I just wondered if he was aware of how widely it might be shared.

Hopefully his friends would not share anything that was considered personal and private.


Sure, you respect MB’s personal letter and won’t share it with the forum. Now we are we to believe if LK wrote that letter, you wouldn’t post it? Or is it as harmful and pathetic as I say! I guess we will never know.


We went through this in the last thread…I have no plans to share a letter with anyone. That letter was not sent to me. Since IM originally mentioned the letter, get him to share it. If I recall correctly he said it had been shared with the prosecutor for some reason. As far as LK, there was discussion in the last thread of a cell video she posted on SM of some people walking around a store. I wouldn’t share that either. So, I may be missing your point.


The purpose was to feel bad for him and give him money. I wouldn’t expect that to be that personal and not shared. While at the same time I’m sure he regrets how far it has reached.

@eggbutt he talks about doing push-ups and pull-ups. Maybe you should Google that! Then get back to me on how he can do that but not hold a pen

I said there would be surprises. SURPRISE! This won’t to be the last.

To anyone misreading this article- let me explain. “No. Too long. Let me sum up.” (Inigo Montoya) RC IS TESTIFYING AGAINST MB. You know, AFTER she willing gave him her gun…. as a MENTAL PROFESSIONAL Ok. All clear?


Back to the topic…RC is going to apparently cooperate with the prosecution by saying MB asked to see her gun and she never saw it again. I fail to see how incriminating that is other than she gave the gun to MB several days before the shooting and never asked for it back, which seems odd. Did he ask for it to lock in his safe since there were others on the property? Was it left anywhere that anyone else could have taken it?

As far as her testifying about his mental state, I think several people will be called to testify about the emotional state of several people on the property. Obviously RC had her own concerns for safety if she was sleeping outside her horse’s stall to be sure he was safe. Didn’t someone say something earlier about her believing harm would come to him?


If I’m not mistaken that letter was written many months after his arm was broken. I don’t think anyone has implied he is now disabled.