Barisone Criminal Case Update

You are literally incapable of comprehending the facts here. No one is giving you brownie points. No one is listening to you. You are embarrassing yourself & it’s honestly sad. Just sad. MB may THINK he has friends . You may think you have friends. You’d both be wrong.

Also…… YES. It OBVIOUSLY WAS left where someone could “take it.” It was “left,” with its owner, until the shooter asked to “borrow it.” Seeing as though with all those erroneous police calls, he might’ve mentioned it if a gun he “borrowed,” (while so “fearful,” for his life- joke) suddenly went missing…… dontcha think? It would also seem obvious, no one other than MB had access to it- or tried to use it, bc, it was MB who brought that same gun to our apartment and tried to kill us with it!

Incase you are confused (like always) there is publicly revealed evidence that MB was, in fact, the shooter. (Charges, GJ indictment, denial of bail, still in jail…. all that publicly revealed evidence, as examples.)
Are you suggesting he lost his memory 3 days prior to the shooting when he asked for a gun, forgot he HAD the gun, came to kill us with it, but regained memory only seconds after the shooting, when he seemed to remember he “had a good life,” (as he perceived it anyway) even though his civil case attorney directly alleged (falsely) at the request of his client, that his client was being “tortured,” in the week leading up to the shooting? Or…… does MB’s “memory,” come & go with whichever way the wind is blowing? Interesting, indeed! Inconsistencies can be seen from Mars - with a naked eye.


You didn’t even know about the letter until I mentioned it on the BB. How many people did you have to call to pretend verify that I was NOT making this up, so someone- anyone- might share a copy with you? 100? IIRC …… and I DO- you told me you “highly doubted,” such letter exists…. And if it did, you further doubted it would be shared with me.

Well- take this in. It was shared with ME before it ever shared with you. Why? Bc…… YOU are a nobody in this. A nobody. You know nothing. Yet, you are here morning and night spewing bs all day - everyday. Lady……. SEEK HELP!


I disagree with your conclusion. People are listening to and reading ALL the posts in order to reach some understanding of the events.


I disagree with your conclusion. It’s been like 10 threads…. And you are clearly no closer to reaching the factual conclusion as you were TWO YEARS AGO. Understand those events, clerk.




I’m fine with you disagreeing with me. I never needed your approval.


Yeah, ok. I think you seek the approval of anyone who you believe might actually buy into your BS. I guess it’s good you’re not seeking my approval. You’ll never succeed in that endeavor. Sorry.

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I accept your apology.




So you still think that MB didn’t come with the gun? I’m confused because you go back and forth with this scenario. You also go back and forth with the whole MB brought the gun as protection form the dog. I guess it all depends on the way you want to frame it at the time! Just curious, do you have an answer as to why MB had another clip in his pocket. You have brought up the question of why MB would try and kill people with only three bullets in the gun. Totally ignoring that he had another clip in his pocket.
All this while implying that LK stole the gun and…, is that correct?
Now for the serious question… Does it sound as ridiculous when I Write it or just when you do?


No. You misunderstand. “Sorry,” was a reference to you, yourself. As in, you’re a sorry person. I should’ve clarified. Sorry. That’s an improvement on your past behaviors. I will never apologize to you. Or, FOR you. Your actions and behavior here speak for themself. Never too late to change! Go get ‘em’ tiger!

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You literally have zero idea about what RC is going to say. Just repeat after me: “I know nothing. I’ve pretended. I’ve been called out. Now I’ve been called out by the media & even the gun owner. I know nothing.”

Repeat the above 25 times per day. You’ll eventually get there. Or…… you won’t. :kissing_closed_eyes:


Did you just intentionally change what I was saying or did you just not comprehend it?


Then, I guess you solved the case, Colombo! Omg…… the “actual events,” have been out there. Even so, you remain clueless. Sorry.

You seem vexed.

And do stop apologizing to me because you’re just going to take it back again and crush me.


You’re small. I don’t feel it would be right to do what you suggested figuratively, as the bigger person here. IRL and off this BB- you mean nothing to me. Even here, you mean nothing to me- but a screen name which I, or others, must constantly correct.

Think of this, we knew RC would be testifying against MB for some time now. WE did not open a thread here to say “Nyah Nyah Nyah …… told you so.” Yet, here you are, literally on a thread which begins with an article that basically says, “told you so.” Which part of that did you not comprehend? Are you here to admit you were wrong? Cool. I accept your apology.

FTR- RC was the “barn manager,” remember? Not a “client.” How soon you forget the tales you tell.Oh wait. You don’t actually know…… do you? That’s what I thought.


To whom are you responding? Your writing is disjointed and hard to follow. While the first paragraph includes the word “crush” which would imply a response to me, the rest is about a person I haven’t mentioned tonight.

Maybe you’re overtired and need some rest. Get some sleep.


@Knights_Mom identify yourself after making new criminal accusations against LK. A clear violation of fourm rules. I’m not sure how @Moderator_1 let you get away with that, but it has been said that the moderators post on this fourm privately. Kind of soulds like a legit call out. Seeing how the ignored my flags, requests to get a response, and leave the posts up that clearly violate the rules. Maybe @Moderator_1 plans on eraseing it after thousands of people have read it. But I guess that ship has sailed already.




General comment. Being called upon to testify against a friend as a witness for the prosecution is not an unusual situation and it does not mean that you are somehow expected to trash them or betray them. It means you answer truthfully and objectively when asked questions like, when did you last see this person? Did you let them borrow your gun? At what time did you see or hear something? Then the defence also gets to ask you questions. It doesn’t mean you have turned against your friend.

Bssically RC had her charges dismissed and is not considered to be part of the shooting. So all that part of the speculation is over.