Barisone Criminal Case Update

It is obvious you didn’t read my post above mentioning the clip found by the 2nd cop that the first one missed after searching him.


I find that friendships and allegiances mostly go out the window when it’s time to cut a deal. This seems to me to be cutting a deal. If I am wrong, please correct me @Scribbler


Yes the same one that implied that the gun might have been stolen and MB may not have had it when he went to the house?


So…. Bc you haven’t mentioned her “tonight,” you feel your every other post which does mention her should be forgotten? Not. A. Chance.

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Actually, I haven’t mentioned RC often at all.

But again, you seem vexed tonight as your response is clearly not in proportion to any comment I’ve made here today. So whether it be because you’re stressed or tired or overwhelmed perhaps the best thing for you is to log off and get some rest.


Clearly, you are unaware of what exactly entering into the PTI program entails. She cannot change her testimony. She cannot lie, or her charges will be reinstated. WE get this information first. You get mishmash…. until the trial. Dig?

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Why would RC want to spend any time in jail? I think the friendship was over when MB dragged RC into this. It just human nature that she will protect herself. So the question is ihow bad will hurt MB’s case. Has she said everything she needed to say, or will there be more questions answered at MB’s trail.


I mean, yeah, of course I’m tired. It’s 1:35. Trained all morning & had zoom calls in the afternoon. But, honestly, how dare you tell me what you do. Who in the holy hell who do you think you are?? Oh, that’s right! An EAGLE! A Legal Eagle! Too funny!

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Your responses remain disproportionately hostile to my posts so yes, I figured you were overtired or stressed.

You also seem quite obsessed with my long career in law as you bring it up in just about every post, though I’m not sure exactly why. I just count it as “time served” LOL


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Believe what you will even if it includes mistakes in your perceptions.




Cool story, Perry Mason.

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If she backpedals or lies, no more PTI for her. She is aware of the consequences of her actions.

I’m confused by things allegedly said or admitted by MB. “Admissions” can be made so that the other side doesn’t have to prove those points. Other than that, in a criminal proceeding, the accused generally stays silent and waits for the prosecution’s case to be finished. Counsel for the accused has disclosure of the prosecution’s documents and witnesses, so they will be prepared with a strategy. And clearly one admission or defence strategy has to do with a psychiatric expert report.

But the accused doesn’t have to say anything. Wait for the prosecution’scase and see if they’ve made it out. Then defence counsel can tailor the defence(s) within the bounds of law and professional conduct.

Often the accused never takes the stand, so that s/he can’t be cross-examined. Which is why any statement uttered can and may be used against the accused, as they won’t be taking the stand to explain or rebut.


MB has been incarcerated this entire time and as such, has said nothing. Not a word other than “not guilty”.



There’s no telling where friendships and clients end up after a devastating incident like this, especially if a prison sentence follows. Even if you didn’t testify as a witness it might be hard to pick up the pieces.

My point was more that clearly RC wasn’t in any conspiracy or plot. It’s not like turning a drug dealer to testify against a crime boss. She can explain how her gun left her possession. That might or might not be helpful or problematic to whatever line the defence team settles on.

Basically her charges are effectively dismissed. She is not going to be tried over again in MB’s trial.

I would think people often get called as witnesses to incidents involving friends and colleagues. Yes, I saw him walking down the road at xx time, I saw him get in his car, he said he was going home, etc. I didn’t see anything unusual. Etc. I’m not sure you have the option to not testify if you are a witness to something.

If you are a witness, you have to tell the truth whether you have a probation hanging over you or not.