Barisone Criminal Case Update

You don’t if you’re served with a subpoena.



Exactly. Anyone they want as a witness gets a subpoena. There’s nothing shocking in RC being called as a witness. Usually all the people adjacent to an incident are called as witnesses. It’s not a spectacular betrayal where a secret informant is turned against a kingpin.


RC’s testimony under cross examination could be problematic for the prosecution if she testifies about her concerns for her horse and why she was compelled to sleep outside his stall.

Again, it is remarkable that no one involved with this case has spoken out except the prime victim and her “friend” IM. Not too prudent IMO.


As I haven’t fully dug into the latest developments you may just be right. However, I’m not so sure. When it come to RC as I don’t know the exact specifics, it SEEMS that in order to escape prosecution for her role in the events that she has agreed to testify as the prosecution’s witness. As to the EXTENT of this testimony - well THAT is the question. But to my mind a prosecutor wouldn’t offer RC a deal unless the resulting testimony is well worth it.

So either RC was played by the prosecutor and intimidated and convinced that were she to face trial and convicted her sentence would be substantial OR she needed or thought she needed that cutting a deal will eliminate her culpability as far as being charged with other stuff.

Being the charge against MB is attempted murder it could easily be extrapolated that if RC knowingly gave MB a gun in order to carry out his alleged murder plot that would make her complicit and as such equally as guilty. And any plot of attempted murder by multiple persons puts things in an entirely different realm of gravity.


Yes. You have. Numerous times. I think everyone gets who & what you are. (And, who and what you are not.)

Let’s revisit one of your earlier claims. I allegedly ignore “process servers?” Let’s discuss. Which process server- precisely, have I ever ignored? @Joanne - you have asserted this, too. I fully expect an answer. It’s be a real shame if your “source,” here is “haleybot.” Though, bc I’m betting it is, I’m almost excited for your reply! I’d be more excited if I weren’t so tired at 2:30 am. Make this quick.


If MB actually had another clip in his pocket (apparently one cop said he did but the other didn’t/did not say anything on this matter according to a post upthread, but idk if thats true), why not put the fully loaded clip into the gun? If this was truly planned, wouldn’t one be like “Oh, only 3 bullets, might as well take this out and out a full clip in to make sure I can carry out my plan.” Especially because one might be in a situation where he cannot change out the clip quickly enough. Which may be why RG was able to intervene at that moment, but still…if MB was methodical enough to place numerous 911 calls in order to calculate response times at various times throughout the day (this was alleged previously by LK, I’m not just saying this), you’d think he would’ve considered just going in initially with a fully loaded firearm, no?

I’m not saying what did or didn’t happen, because heck if I know, it’s just that it’s all odd. Is he methodical? Was it thoroughly planned? Is he a planner that often misses details? I don’t know. Maybe hindsight is 20/20 in his case and he didn’t think about such a detail that would be arguably crucial in murdering multiple people. Fortunately he didn’t murder anyone and the fact that he only has 3 bullets in was one of the reasons the victims survived. It’s just odd, to an outsider such as myself…all of it. Such a wild situation.



Do we really think there was a murder plot here? That just sounds so unlikely.

Other than drive by gangland targetted hits, most shootings are spur of the moment conflicts that escalated because there was a gun handy.

That’s why the US has so many shootings. People can escalate past the f-you shoving match level and pull a trigger. With no plotting or forethought involved. Because most of these people certainly wouldn’t do it if they thought through the consequences.

I really doubt there was any plot here.


Ding, ding ding!!!

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Your “doubt,” is noted. Next time you “scribble,” put more thought into your scribbles, Scribbler.

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Do I think there was a murder plot? No, I don’t. But I do have to consider possibilities. I do basically agree with every word of your post.


Wait for my response.


Ok, this is the kind of malarkey that gets these threads closed and makes me think certain posters are literally here for the drama and the art of trolling. It’s not that I disagree with your point here, but it can be made in a much better way. Insinuating KM’s is “in” with the moderators or is one is a bit much. Maybe Mod 1 will explain further, maybe not. On a BB if I don’t like the rules there’s not necessarily much that can be done. The Mods make their choices, and trust me, I don’t always agree with them. If you want to call them out, fair enough, but I wouldn’t expect the best reception to an accusation phrased in such a manner.

On the other hand, I don’t mind when these threads get closed because there’s almost no constructive conversation happening anyway. As much as I want to try, I’m just going to accept that a lot of it makes no sense to me, an outsider, and might not ever. Guess I’ll just continue waiting for the trial. I don’t really care about these “omg bombshells” anymore because IMO, they’re not “bombshells” or that unpredictable/outlandish if you actually think about it.


As a total newbie to this whole saga, I’m fascinated by your continued engagement here. Coming from a family of lawyers, I have to say it’s not in your best interest at all to keep pouring gas on these forum bonfires. I’m sure your lawyers have told you the same.

So the next possibility is you are trying to rally support or curry favorable public opinion, in which case…you are failing.

Which brings me to the final possibility, that you are addicted to this drama and looking to make the Netflix documentary that will surely appear after the trial as batshite and dramatic as possible. Which…I guess, go on, get it girl. I’ll watch the f*#k out of it.


Agreed! MB certainly is a person who doesn’t believe “consequences,” apply to him. Why? Bc they never before have! Unfortunately, for him, you don’t get to shoot people. There ARE actually consequences for that. More if others have agreed to tell the REAL story- and more FOR others who tried to help him plan it- then, cover it up. Oops.


Yet somehow he managed to become very successful and not be involved in crime that I know of. So he certainly put in the work. So that sort of doesn’t support your assertion.


Yes, but to be fair, we don’t know.

I don’t know MB’s true character throughout his past, and quite frankly he’s not someone I care to know at this point. He may indeed have evaded consequences in his past, but it’s possible other characters involved in this event may have done the same, in their past(s). Could also be a case of “birds of a feather…” but then one really pushed the limits too far this time (shooting someone).

Yes he was successful, but I don’t know all of the inner workings of what he did to get there and every detail of his life, so, hard to say. I didn’t read the assertion, so I’m not sure exactly what was said, but it may or may not support it. As usual, we don’t know.


I don’t know him from a hole in the wall but in the face of a comment that seeks to demean every fiber of his being I had to point out the discrepancy I saw in that poster’s comment.

He could be a thousand bad things but give him credit for attaining a high position in the elite horse scene. That took work.


Yeah, uh…… I didn’t start this thread. Or, any of the other 10. But, bc you claim to be a “newbie,” to this “saga,” (riiiight) rather than an alter…… you have a quite a lot of catching up to to do! Though, I have difficulty believing this one thread is THE thread which first brought your attention to the TWO first degree attempted murders by a man who beat up a cop while resisting arrest in Fla and was investigated for “elderly abuse,” in NY state. While those two facts maybe new to you, I will never believe the shooting by some Olympic alternate in dressage, has escaped your knowledge for 2.5 yrs. Then again, it’s not me you need to convince. Just yourself.And/or your “other,” selves.

Welcome “newbie!” Welcome to Coth & its forums. Fancy meeting you here! (Probably for the 89th time.) FTR- victim blaming is not a good look. I will treat you the exact same way you treat me. Comprendè?


As per forum rules you cannot accuse someone of a crime. You just have. Additionally if you discuss criminal acts you must also post the dispositions.



Yes, I agree it took work and it’s a significant accomplishment to reach such a level in the sport.