Barisone Criminal Case Update

Ok so if you can accuse people of crimes and you dont need to list dispositions either then I guess no one does.

Thanks for validating that!


So much for a discussion about the case…. no insults… no sneering… etc. etc. etc.

:roll_eyes: :disappointed:

And I still think that ranting and raging is not helpful to one’s case…


I find it hard to believe that anyone thought that could really be reality in a thread on this topic. :confused:


This Court outcome was disappointing to some of the posters. Clearly.


If MB is such an unsavory character, has committed crimes (but as discussed in relation to other individuals, if there were no charges/they were dropped, then it’s irrelevant, apparently), has questionable ethics and morals at best, steals, lies, and whatever else, why on earth would one move themself and all of their horses onto a property with him? Or even train with him when there are many other very good dressage trainers out there?

Now, if LK found out all of this info about MB after the shooting, then fair enough. I would think one would do a bit of snooping before moving themselves and their animals onto someone’s property, especially given the resources at your fingertips nowadays, but some of us are more trusting than others. It’s also possible to be a bit starstruck, flattered, or naive though too. It’s probably impressive to an amateur dressage rider to be addressed and invited by a “big name trainer”
for training. Plus, no one ever thinks they’d get shot by said BNT. Why would/should they?

However, if it’s one thing people can learn from this thread it’s to do your due diligence when choosing a trainer, or getting so involved with someone (moving onto their property, putting animals into their care, entering a training program, making other financial commitments). I’m not saying this will totally prevent anything bad from happening, but even the SS thread over in the H/ J section shows us we should do a bit of research when choosing a trainer. I’m not looking to victim blame, or slight anyone here, I’m genuinely saying it’s a learning point. Spend your money (no matter how much you have or don’t have) wisely, and all that.

Again, not blaming LK, just saying there is a takeaway from this whole thing.


So do you think the recordings have any value to the prosecution? MB mentioned them in one of the 911 calls. I wouldn’t if they could implicate me in anything.


I’m an optimist! Really I believe a large majority want to read about or discuss the case and a smaller group want to get the threads closed or bash each other.


Oh yeah, I definitely think that’s the case, but there’s just always an inevitable downward spiral that occurs. Many don’t contribute to that, but it still happens.


I think also there is only so much to discuss and the threads (normal ones) just die out after awhile.

I am mostly interested in the legal side of cases. I like learning more about the trials and the processes that take place.
I do wonder what causes situations to spiral out of control and what could have prevented such a tragedy. It seems my local news reports a shooting nearly every day. It is terrible, so many lives lost or people injured.


I disagree. The rules clearly state if one makes new criminal accusations they must name themselves and describe it in the first person. I asked @Knights_Mom to clear this up after her claims. Folloed by posted the rules. The fact that @Moderator_1 refuses to step in and enforce their own rules, ignore flags about those post, and decline to clarify why, after I reached out through messenger. Is enough to question coth and the moderators. All the horrible comments on these threads that blame the victim and makeup exaggerated nonexistent story lines is bad enough. I also understand that they get more foot traffic to the sites when these things get messy… However, we can clearly see its affecting the victim in a negative way. So Why don’t they step in when they can and enforce THEIR rules instead. We can’t call people bad names without the mods stepping in (after it flagged) but they will ignore flags on criminal accusations without naming the poster or taking ANY action that the rule clearly state they will. Makes me question the purpose of the mods. I have the right to call them out as LK has the right to face her accusers. I know this isn’t a court of law but it is a rule for all fourm uses and coth to adhere too and correct


If you read my post a but closer I did not say I disagree or that you don’t have the right to call them out :wink:


Good question.
Maybe the vicious dog had something to do with it, maybe the inspector wanted the notice on the door of the apartment of the one party who refused to leave… and RC was sent to show them which door was that apartment… then lo and behold, a vicious dog was present… so the person familiar with dog, who felt dog knew them and wouldn’t get hurt offered to place it?

All speculation.


Where did he admit this?


You are correct. I don’t think the word money was said but it did talk about donations to MB. Also talked about his arm being so badly broken his letter had to rewritten so it was legible. Two lines later he’s talking about what great shape he is in because of all the push-ups and pull-ups he doing :laughing:. Every single point he talks about contradicts itself i the next few sentences. Can’t hold a pen but no problem doing pull-ups.
Eggbutt obviously has seen it but like everything else… twist it!


I’m sorry, but the struggle with using the quote function reminds me of someone. :thinking:


Speculation or imagination?


Does anyone know if a picture of the gun was ever posted or if more info was given other than 9mm P & B Ruger?

I was curious what size it is.


And in all these threads about this, no one has come forward to share that the crime was predictable because MB is ______ (fill in the blank)
Threads in Dressage forum asking about clinicing with him offer positive reviews.
So if he’s some kind of dastardly murderous bad guy… it seems he hid it well.


The Moderator alone gets to decide who has broken the TOS.

You can respectfully disagree, but you really don’t get to “call them out”.

They don’t owe you or any one else an explanation.

If you want to be the Playground Monitor, or the Moderator then start your own BB and moderate it to your hearts content.

And no I’m not trying to tell you what to do, but I am telling you that if you want to keep posting here that you should stop going after the Mods.

It is not going to end well for you.

Posting here is conditional, and is not covered by the 1st Amendment.


Michael Barisone is clearly a menace to society and must be incarcerated for the rest of his life!


I think everyone was doing pretty well in that regard until a certain lalalala person showed up and started slinging her particular brand of trash talk. If people ignored those posts, rational discussion could continue.