Barisone Criminal Case Update

In a criminal trial, does the prosecution separate the evidence for the two counts of attempted murder or is it lumped together? In other words, can the jury accept one count and not the other or is it an all or nothing for the charges?


It is sad to me that someone writing an article like this is not capable of tagging their included photos accurately. How is anyone to believe what is written when something so basic as identifying one of the victims is done incorrectly?

@3PonyFarm, that is a good question about the separation of charges. Hopefully someone in the know can answer it.

This confuses me (RCā€™s gun charges is where this quote is from) because in the other threads we were told that the gun laws in NJ do not allow for any option but jail time.

I know it is hard to believe but I personally know more than one active horse person who had never heard of this case until like a month ago when at a gathering someone brought it up.
Lots of horse people are just too busy to pay attention to stuff like this.
Edit to add to this thought - These same horse people are very active in other areas of horses. They still have no real idea who MB is. The horse world is diverse, lots of people doing lots of things means there are many people who donā€™t now what is going on in the dressage world.

You hit the nail squarely on the head.


Question for legal professionals with experience with this issue: no matter what the tapes contain, what is the path to getting them admissible? How does the prosecution get past the exclusionary rule?

The only path I can think of would be to argue that there was no expectation of privacy where the recording devices were installed. However, given that they were on a private property that was not open to the public and not owned or managed by the person who installed the devices, that seems like an uphill climb.

Does anyone else with specific knowledge or relevant experience see a way to get around the fruit of the poisonous tree issue regarding the various recordings?


He literally shot someone and tried to kill them. And you think this sarcastic post is something you want to put out there as how you view this?

Yikes. Not a good look.


The jury might see it otherwise when the guy is asking for and obtaining a gun days before the shooting happens.


I am very curious about this. Since this is a place of business but may not necessarily be open to anyone off the street to walk in, does this change anything?


You need help, for real.


Not true. She accepted a deal so they wouldnā€™t prosecute. Not the same thing at all as them not thinking they could get her. Clearly, they have enough to charge and convict her or she wouldnā€™t have agreed to the deal. Very common in criminal trials. Many bad bad people get off scott free by agreeing to testify.

You guys will literally twist every single detail to fit what you HOPE is true. Itā€™s boring


I know, EB should be banned from these threads already.


This is a bad argument. Do you have any idea how many serial killers and rapists have friends and families who say the same thing?

ā€œoh he was such a nice guyā€ ā€œhe would have neverā€ ā€œthere were no signsā€

Again, keep making up whatever imaginary things you have to so you can convince yourself that this Dressage god to some of you couldnā€™t possible, maybe, be a bad person who canā€™t control himself.


Its certainly not very smart to keep doing.
Anyone literally involved in the case, who cares about getting to the bottom of it, should really leave it alone until they hit the courtroom.
Iā€™m shocked anyone who is involved, and/or being advised by lawyers or with knowledge of the law or the judicial system, would continue.


Yes, Iā€™m not sure. Thatā€™s why I hope someone like vxf111 will weigh in. While it is a place of business, it is not, in the traditional sense, a public place. People cannot come on the property as one is able to enter a shopping area or store. Given the nature of stables, I imagine that itā€™s access by invitation since the owner cannot have people wandering around for the safety of the horses and the people.

So, if I pop into a shop and have a poke around, the owner cannot exclude me from that space as long as Iā€™m acting normally and not loitering. However, if random members of the public pops into a boarding facility (and itā€™s worth noting itā€™s hard to do so; one would have to find one and purposely go there and, in this case, drive up a very long drive) the BO/BM can ask then to leave promptly. Only people who have some right to be on site can be (owners, boarders, scheduled professionals like farriers and vets, staff) and others can be excluded.

I imagine there is a different analysis for places like this as opposed to places we would all understand as public in which we have no right to expect privacy (e.g., being recorded at the local shopping mall).


Once again proving you guys have no idea how PTSD, trauma, and being a victim of a crime like this effects you. ZERO.


Now heā€™s a God in your mind?
Hey, to each his own.


ā€œto some of youā€

Thanks for proving your imagination runs wild


Certainly it could be ptsd, or it could just be their nature.


Would they be considered hearsay since it would be what someone said but not in person?

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Itā€™s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Someone seems to have called in reinforcements to bash others. So be it. Yet, we are the ones who should be banned. Mkay.

Again, I can only imagine what anyone expects RC to testify to. Perhaps her testimony will be more about MHG than MB (remember IM insisted all would come out about MHG and she would be destroyed). Such hateful people who are so blind to their own behavior.




Yes, I mean I obviously knew Michael Barisone had been arrested but until I started reading COTH again, I had NO idea that people so close to the case were continuously posting here, and I certainly havenā€™t been able to follow all of the legal facets of each new development. I tried to go back through the archives to catch up but the threads run into the 1000s and a lot of it is petty sniping and just general insanity. Given that Iā€™m trying to follow the Jan 6 developments, and run my farm and raise my kid, I only have so much mental real estate!!