Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Honestly, I noticed Mr. B twiddling his thumbs quite a few times. I wasn’t sure if it was an unconscious habit or something he did deliberately. Lol.


I doubt Mr.B was unaware of his own penchant for thumb twiddling. :slightly_smiling_face:


If those two were trolling around my property dressed as ninjas in mourning, I’d be carrying a gun even if I though they weren’t on the property- especially after the Facebook post where she talked about her guns and her marksmanship.

ETA: I’m not a gun person but if she was living on my farm with that behavior I’d become one.


I did not hear her asked about that or offer testimony about having seen anyone at the house.



Right. So if MB didn’t know anyone was at the house and wasn’t told they were at the house he could not have intended to kill them when he went to the house.



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I believe the sentence you are looking for is:



Please point out where @CurrentlyHorseless’ assertions are proven in my post. Mkay?


Oh but it actually did! And it was brilliant. It was Deininger during Boyd’s testimony. He asked him about the fire and the cause. Boyd told the story and said it was a faulty steamer that caught fire or something. Then Deininger, after a brief pause, and in that little boy innocent expression asks…as a horse owner, if you had noticed that the hay steamer was malfunctioning, wouldn’t you unplug it… (something like that). And it was Objection City and Sidebar. I got a chuckle out of it.


@hut-ho78 let me help you out…here is @CurrentlyHorseless’ post in question. My post, that you so helpfully provided, has nothing to do with CH’s post, does it? Does my post mention FB or LK or deleting anything? You wasted all that time searching for nothing! :rofl: So again, WHO SAID IT WAS POSTED ON FACEBOOK? That is the question that @CurrentlyHorseless and you can’t seem to answer. I think you both know a lot more than you are saying and having fun playing games. Tsk-tsk.


Figuratively. Figuratively sweating bullets. Bullets were not coming out of his pores.

Pet peeve when people miss-use those two words. Carry on.


Well, maybe if RG is capable of LITERALLY sweating bullets, he really COULD have been the one who shot LK. He might have been sweating and stressing about moving or doing the laundry and accidently shot LK while flexing his muscles…


I was surprised to learn that Princess Bride actor Cary Elwes was bitten by a rattlesnake this past weekend. I hope he is ok.


According to this article, he is recovering well. It includes a picture of his finger, which looks pretty darn wonky.

Also, there is a link at the bottom of the article for a very entertaining oral history on the making of The Princess Bride.


He needs to have one of the swords ready next time he is out working in his yard. Poor guy, the finger looks awful.



I’m not entering into the tit for tat you seem to have with Eggbutt about who did what when, but “the letter from jail” was one of the saddest things I’ve read. There was no “bombshell” about how he remembered everything and he was foxing (as was suggested by LK), it was several pages of how awful it was in jail, not just for him, but for everyone incarcerated there, and no mention of LK or the case at all. That poor man has spent well over two years basically rotting, locked inside a fairly awful place during a global pandemic, when he used to spend most of his life outdoors with his family, friends and animals. He was using his commissary money to buy things for other prisoners who couldn’t afford them, it was heartbreaking.


This. I have only seen it within the last 24 hours due to this thread and it is precisely as you described: heartbreaking and honest. For me, it causes me see MB in a favourable light. Even within the hell scape of jail while still considered innocent, he was still helping others. The contrast with the shooting victim and her family and companion/employee could not be more stark or more unfavourable to them.

Anyone referencing any kind of bombshell or confession in the letter I can only assume is not a native English speaker as there was absolutely nothing about the incident in it at all. Nothing.

I think given what we all watched play out in the court room and the posts here that have aged as well as raw fish, we can safely stop giving any credence whatsoever to ‘titillating assertions’, of which there have been so very many lo these past 2.5 years, of bombshells on the way.

Well, except for the ones revealed by the defence or by the star witnesses about themselves. Eesh!


I too have just read the letter for the first time in the past 24 hours and it’s exactly as described above. There is not one word about the incident but rather is entirely a description of the state of incarceration and what it’s like in that jail as others describe above.

It is one of the most gut wrenching, saddest things I’ve ever read.

Anyone who asserts there is a gotcha moment or that it’s any type of admission of guilt is a bald faced LIAR.

Anyone who asserts it anything other as described above is delusional, crazy and is hoping their absurd claim is believed because few people have read it.

And it’s due to this fact that more people such as myself received it recently, to combat the lies and attempt to deceive the members of this forum and attest as to the true contents of an anguished man suffering in disgusting conditions.


This is a really interesting point. One side of this debate is constantly trying to assert, without supporting evidence of any kind, several things disparaging to MB. We all witnessed that, out of nowhere and after 2.5 years of discussion, one poster recently started to push a narrative they would copy-paste with regularity:

  • age-related issues: really? early/mid-50s? what a super weird/sad stretch
  • divorce-related issues: amply covered by others noting many people, including LK, have experienced divorce with no major downside
  • money-related issues: again, zero evidence that the divorce settlement caused money-related issues as that amount compared to his net worth is an unknown
  • business-management issues: again, no evidence he wasn’t functioning perfectly well with the staff he had (all of whom we saw in court seemed lovely and competent on the stand)

Now the letter assertions are resurrected after the above narrative has been thoroughly dismantled. Again, of course, how does the saying go, without ‘back up [for their] titillating assertions’. I agree that it looks like they are hoping to throw out vague references to scandalous content and hope most people will never see the letter and discover their lies.

Nice set of folks there. :roll_eyes:

By contrast, the assertions about LK, RG, their hired guns, and even their families are all based upon information gained from the civil filing, the criminal case, the family rap sheets, and posts by LK herself. Again, quite a contrast.

And, finally, they lie. They have admitted to lying, they’ve been shown to lie, yet for several posters here that’s okay and doesn’t effect their credibility at all. That I truly do not get.

At this point I don’t believe anything they say. When seeker1 humble bragged that she was going to volunteer at a ‘food kitchen’ I didn’t believe it. I read it as just an attempted holier-than-thou put down of posters here. Now, to be honest, I’d think there might be a good chance she is volunteering, but as court-mandated public service for yet another assault charge. :astonished:

Seeker1 seems not to be all that familiar with the Bible for someone who likes to reference it. Or, perhaps, she skips Ash Wednesday services as a rule? Matthew 6:18 ring a bell? Even if she does volunteer and help others, bragging about it to put others down flies in the face of:

“so that your fasting will not be noticed by people but by your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.”

I believe 2 verses earlier the hypocrites are mentioned. :thinking:

These people are as phony as they are absolutely without any moral fibre or socially redeeming qualities whatsoever.