Barisone Criminal Case Update

Nope. Not what he said. IM said that he has contacts with lots of inside people and has information from many sources.
If you don’t want to believe IM or believe his only source is LK, to each his/her own.

The other reason I like and trust IM is that he says flat out “There’s no reason you should believe what I say just because I say it. For all you know, I could be making it all up.” (Paraphrase)


IM also said LK bears MB no real grudge and thinks MB is a great guy. I paraphrase obviously. This is not consistent with past or recent posts from LK.

I don’t know who IM is, but I did not see them post any facts that were not already in public circulation on COTH. They did produce some idiosyncratic interpretations or opinions. My impression was IM was playing with us. I have no idea if they are a new poster close to the issue or a current or former COTH person having fun with an alter.


IM’s posts regarding RC:

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IM also made an important deal about MHG being the crux of it all and all would be revealed.


IM said LK may not hate MB as much as one might think.

You may not understand what “paraphrase” means or perhaps you’re just misremembering.

LK bears a lifetime grudge against MB and does not think MB is a great guy…but is not consumed by hate for MB.



I’ve called the police for things I’ve witnessed, not been involved in, like seeing someone getting stabbed on the street outside my house or seeing a kid running down the street at midnight waving a machete, favored weapon of our teen gangs for a few years. Prompt response.

I’ve been supportive of people who filed reports in regard to interpersonal conflict (at our riding club) and also seen police arrive on frivolous 911 calls. In the latter, police chat calmly, ascertain there’s no risk, and tell everyone to behave. In the former, folks have to go down to the station and calmly file a report, which police will follow up on their own good time. It might or might not alter behavior for a while.

I have never contacted police other than reporting actual theft or someone’s life in danger until this fall when I ended up calling 911 to try to dislodge a homeless man who was taking shelter under a jumps cover shed adjacent to the indoor arena. There was nowhere for him to go, no services in our suburb, and he was starting to get defensive and wierd.

It took some work to convince 911 that no, he wasn’t an aggressive risk right now but could become one, and he was making horses spook and kids were arriving to ride. Police ended up chatting to him as he was finally leaving, said they knew him already.

So I have no personal experience dealing with police in interpersonal disputes or even public disorder problems. When I lived in our inner city, I just let people get on with their disorderly lives unless there were visible weapons or blood.

My impression though is that the police are simply not set up to intervene in interpersonal disputes because they are not going to automatically take the word of the complainant. Even think about all those ownership disputes about horses where one person says “She stole my horse.” The police won’t act without a court order first to determine the facts.

They are not going to act in anything that looks Iike a landlord/ tenant dispute of some kind, because they have no ability to know who is in the right. Also I think 911 is trained to recognize calls that sound exaggerated or overwrought or performative. The police did actually attend the 911 calls. I expect they privately categorized them as interpersonal conflict that didn’t meet the bar of any immediate risk or broken law that they could act on.

Everyone involved was wrong in their predictions because a gun got involved. Without the gun this would have just been a nasty eviction after a court order, or similar. BNT evicts no name lower level client with a troubled past, no news there.

I agree obviously the police were incompetent here on record keeping, and obviously didn’t grasp the real gravity of the situation. But I’d argue that until the gun went off, this was just an escalating interpersonal or landlord/tenant dispute with escalating huffing and puffing and performance on both sides. The police obviously didn’t know MB had access to a gun.



Hmm. I got a different vibe from LK’s posts about MB :). But to each their own.


Doesn’t matter if the official process was to fill out a form. That’s ours too. If they want to speak to a supervisor, you get them one.


Re bolded: IM did not say that.

I don’t think IM is an alter for LK or that LK is his sole source of information. So if his statements are inconsistent with LK’s statements, this does not undermine his credibility (to me).

I thought IM posted a number of facts (which, if true, were important) that were not already in circulation on COTH. We won’t know how much of what he said is true until the trial, if then, but I’m assuming he is definitely an insider and not some Coth person coming back as an alter.

ETA. I wrote this before seeing the post by Inigo.

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I do believe this was established already, that IM is not LK.


I was not implying that. I said that based on what IM posted, I could not rule out that they are an alter for someone who is also getting all their facts from COTH. I have not yet seen IM post any facts I didn’t already know from COTH. I was initially suspicious but then realized LK likely couldn’t keep up the lighthearted bantering of IM over time.


I have a legal question for the legal peeps unrelated to this case. Where do you report an attorney for practicing law without a license?

I would think to the relevant bar association.


Thank you, that’s what I thought.

Bear in mind that the definition of practicing law is going to be quite specific. There are lots of lower level tasks like going through tenancy arbitration that a paralegal or a nonprofit association legal advocate can do. And a lawyer is certainly allowed to chat with you about facets of the law without you being a formal client. On the other hand if a lawyer tried to represent someone in court without being licensed for that jurisdiction they’d be noticed quite quickly.

So you’d need to see if they are doing things that are not off limits to laypeople and probably also if they are charging for it.

Pontificating online is not practicing law :).

Though re: money I should add that acting as a lawyer pro bono is still practicing law.


Eggbutt just posted IMs statements about RC and the gun which seem to be dead on with respect to what was posted here a couple days ago.

Are you saying that information was publicly available on COTH before he made those posts?

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It was established that IM is not using the same IP as LLPR.


When the moderator tells us someone is not the same person and asks us to shut down that tangent, I am willing to believe them.

IM also has a very different way to expressing himself than LK does.


Good points! This person has been disbarred but is still practicing, charging etc. i heard that it is unfortunately not that uncommon.

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That does not happen in my jurisdiction. It would be stopped immediately.