Barisone Criminal Case Update

If they have already been disbarred what can the bar do to them above and beyond that?


True enough, but then again, you donā€™t know from a call if the situation is not much graver until you get there.
The police is generally ill equipped to do more than ā€˜hunt bad guysā€™ there are few nuances.
And I think there is no real desire to resolve things that donā€™t result in arrests.

I am saying this in the politest way, and not anti cops, they cnā€™t help it that they are not trained.
Or that the laws are the way they are.

I think though that things in this case had been escalated - reportedly - past the usual dispute if one can lend credence to the stated event that minors had been threatened on the premise.

But as the SS threads illustrate, we have a long way yet to go before we can say we are adequately protecting minors.

I mean I have called cops for BS stuff, but you need a report for insurance. They come whenever, itā€™s cool. But they have to come and take the report! Sure, some things you can do at the police station.

I am not just a little amazed how little efford the department there seemed to have put into even the most basic procedures in this case!
Alasā€¦it seems to be the case in more departments than we care to know, and when that one big thing happens, the manure goes flying.
And too often nothing changes.


I donā€™t know. The person had their license when my family member started using them. The attorney got disbarred, mismanaged funds or something, my family had them still doing legal work and didnā€™t know until recently. They have paid thousands of dollars to them. I hope they can recover it.


Nothing. Itā€™s likely a criminal offense everywhere and would be prosecuted like any other crime.


I would like to apologize for my inappropriate post. I have been taking heavy duty pain killers and my ā€œfilterā€ was obviously not working.

Mother to mother, I apologize to Kirby.



As far as a disbarred person practicing, I would contact the bar association agsin and they will know how to enforce it.

That said there may be things they are allowed to do like paper work.

Where I live we occasionally have issues with for instance dentists who arenā€™t licenced to work in Canada offering cut price service at home within their own language and ethnic group. Very hush hush. When they get caught there are legal consequences. I would imagine same for lawyers. The bar handles the licensing but an unlicensed lawyer can be arrested and charged by the regular courts.


My attorney friend gave me the name of a local person who might be able to help.

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I hope you are feeling better and recover quickly!


I must have missed something. Why do you need an attorney? Or local person to report a disbarred attorney practicing?

They were going to look at what legal work was done and hopefully fix anything that might need fixed.

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Ah ok. Just make sure that person does that type of work regularly. Some attorneys like to take peoples money for work they donā€™t know how to do.



Where I live a huge part of the police work is handling homeless people with multiple issues of addiction mental illness and often physical disability. They are now trained for this to some extent but there are no resources to help the problems long term.

As far as mediating in interpersonal disputes etc Iā€™m not sure it really needs to be the job of the police to be playground monitors for folks who canā€™t get along or want to ā€œcall the policeā€ as an act of aggression or escalation. Tiktok is full of cellphone video of batship neighbors calling 911 on trivia, sometimes race inflected, sometimes not.

Weā€™ve all lived in proximity to at least one psycho neighbor who yells they are calling the police over parking, pets, garbage cans, etc. Itā€™s the adult version of ā€œIā€™m telling teacher and youā€™re going to get it!ā€

There isnā€™t much the police can do other than tell folks to simmer down. Iā€™m sure these neighbors become a known entity fairly quickly.


Im afraid that was the first guy. No wonder he was disbarred.

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It happens a lot with immigration lawyers I hear.


But you can never know what will escalate or when.
Dismissing it as harmless can be very dangerous.




Maybe, read the article again. Then, once more. And, like, 43 times after that ā€¦ā€¦ THIS NEWS MADE NEWS. Must be significant. Occamā€™s application at its easiest.

Let me make this clearer, bc, it seems EB concerned this news didnā€™t receive ā€œthe reaction expected.ā€ (Or, some such babble.) This NEWS was well, newsworthy enough to make the Daily Record, Patch, NYP and others. Soā€¦ā€¦ A ā€œreaction,ā€ from whom are you worried we ā€œwerenā€™t receiving?ā€ Yours? Coth peopleā€™s? Little news flashā€¦. (NPI, sorta) - WE didnā€™t start a thread here when WE got this news. Coulda. Didnā€™t. Didnā€™t even think it would be reported. Thanks to some friends, the article was sent to me w a ā€œcongrats,ā€ and one said, ā€œha! Those the know-nothing cothers wonā€™t like posting *this!ā€

They gave you too much credit. An IN print article of a seriously significant piece of info hereā€¦. and instead of not posting it in the OP bc it backs everything we have said- (whoever did) you did- then more embarrassingly DOUBLED DOWN!! :rofl:

And some of you LOVE the phrase: ā€œREAD for better comprehension.ā€ So, I share it back to youā€¦ RFBC! :kissing_heart:

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Um, she was trying to ā€œhelp,ā€ you (g- 80%) - if you didnā€™t get the gist.

Of course, KK knows I have ā€œscrewed up.ā€ Like, today, when I only got 7 two tempis instead of 9. Ran out of room. Happens. The message written to me, literally reminds me to ā€œfeel sorry for you.ā€ As if I forgot. And, the ā€œmeat,ā€ of the post was edited by mods. But, Iā€™m sure they too feel the point was made & there are screenshots.

You (g) claim you donā€™t care what what was posted by Seeker. Except, it obviously hit a nerve (ouch) if it commanded enough attention for users to flag it and force an edit. The undeniable disconnect here, is, WE have MORE INFORMATION than you do. Youā€™ll have to reconcile that at some point.

Oh- And please ask your buddies why Iā€™m banned from my parents house!!! What! Why didnā€™t anyone tell my parents? I was fully expecting my motherā€™s Christmas meal!!! Guess Iā€™m SOL, huh? Being ā€œbanned,ā€ n allā€¦ā€¦