Barisone Criminal Case Update

Jesus loves you.


You are just so full of clout! Are you the most cloutie cloutish person you know? I am super duper impressed by your declaration to stop a news channel from covering a criminal trial. Was someone in your family shot by someone in this case? Wait. Rhetorical, obviously.

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Then…. Pick one of those and run with it! Run fast! A few zig zags, stop and pick up a nice apple pie…. leave bread crumbs which lead nowhere… run a little more with those crumbs. When they are crushed, either scramble some more crumbs from the Apple pie, or it’s back to the pie shop for you. Maybe it’ll be blueberry! Do Santa, The Easter Bunny or Pope eat blueberries? Will they swallow a bite of your pie and run too? Or, will they start from the beginning, follow the sturdier brownie crumbs, and arrive at the correct conclusions? :thinking:

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I sure as heck hope you do!!! But please, keep sharing.


I sure do wish we had more criminal attorneys here. It would be fascinating learning the nuances of law from state to state. I’m especially intrigued by the stuff I don’t know like the charging parameters, lesser included offenses, even though I know statute is long, meandering and so hard to memorize.

Also, criminal discovery. Civil discovery I know but how information is exchanged between the prosecution and the defense attorney while maintaining the rights of both victim and accused is something I personally would like to learn.


I tried to put our legal questions into one post but I’m having difficulty with the quote function as my phone is on its last legs. I thought it would be easier for vxf111 to review if they are still willing to if all the questions were grouped together.


That would be a great thread/posts!!


And another poster who can critically think, put together facts, ask the right question/s and bc of that, will certainly arrive at the correct conclusion! Well done, Dragonfly! I only hope this reply by me, to you, doesn’t directly or indirectly “inspire,” some unwarranted attack on you by others. They are allergic to facts, evidence & those who ask intelligent questions. All of which you have succeeded in presenting! Excellent post!

Man who is used to be unquestioned/fawned over/idolized meets a woman who calls him out and expects him to uphold an agreement and won’t back down.

Man doesn’t know how to react to being bossed/beaten/outdone by this woman. Man doesn’t know how to react appropriately because in his mind he is THE MAN.

Friend of man is the kind of woman who doesn’t question and idolizes man, and doesn’t think to question why man wants gun.

Man snaps and takes the sadly common (american) way of resolving the disconnect between how he sees him self and how first woman treats him, and uses a gun to resolve this disconnect and takes back his power.

COTHers continue his work by questioning, mocking, and poking at the mental health of the woman who was SHOT.

Can we stop assuming the man, just because he was a successful rider, and presented himself as “mentally stable” (but in hindsight that seems doubtful) is the better of the two? It reminds me of people doubting the charges against GM because of his successes. I mean, I get people want to try to explain how this went so very wrong, but why are we looking for reasons that the victim prompted being shot, rather than what caused a man to once again resolve his issues with a GUN? It may be more helpful to look into what we need to look for in these (mostly) male trainers who abuse their power and have a disconnect with reality.


The bar association is a voluntary association. You’d report the attorney to the highest state court in that jurisdiction–that is the entity in charge of attorney admissions. There’s usually an office of attorney regulation, or attorney ethics, or similar named entity.


Did you see the post above about having a discussion about criminal trial issues by legal professionals? It would be great if you’d join in!


Are you asking about discovery? I am not familiar with that in NJ. A lot of states at least roughly follow the federal rules - federal rules of evidence and criminal procedure. Discovery would be a criminal procedure topic.

Yes all of it. Differences, similarities, other parts of a criminal trial. Hung juries, mistrial, double jeopardy/in relation to charges, etc.

Heck, why not?!


Thank you very much!

I like it!

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That would be my question. If he’s acquitted on the current charges, could they turn around and charge him with some variety of assault? And then hold him in jail awaiting trial for another two and a half years?

There was a guy on the news this week who stole a vehicle from a fire department, and they charged him with about eight different things once they caught him. But maybe that was so that they had enough reason not to let him out on bail in New York. I believe he had already been arrested and turned loose three times that same day. :roll_eyes:

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I believe he would have to be released. And I don’t know if he’s acquitted of Attempted Murder if double jeopardy precludes a new trial for assault charges. I’m thinking no. Will check.


My friend was telling me about issue preclusion and I believe it was about multiple trials due to one incident. I would probably have to google it to word it correctly.