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Barisone Criminal Case Update

I am curious. If there are so many people who have had ‘scared to death’ experiences with MB, why is there none who have said so online, ever. In the threads where people talk about clinicians no one has ever mentioned MB’s horrible temper. We know people are willing to say stuff because there are lots of people saying negatives about lots of other trainers.

I am not saying MB is or is not all you say he is. I am just confused why his horribleness has been so well kept under wraps until this shooting happened. Well, even now there are not people insisting this is so like him.



My thoughts exactly. This whole discussion would have gone very differently if people had come on with stories about him having previous anger and/or violence issues. Not a single person has come in to suggest that other than the enigmatic IM. Whereas a number of people shared stories about LK very early on.

If we go by the apparent consensus here to take IM as having actual information, it appears that the famous audio recordings are either inadmissible or irrelevant to the criminal trial, which is interesting considering how much LK bragged about them.

The intense jealousy of LK about MGH has been displayed and actually makes the scenario much clearer to me. It doesn’t appear MGH has been charged with anything and she has rebuilt her life in another state, from what I’ve read here.

I don’t believe there was any kind of plot to steal LK’s horses or to murder LK. I expect there was a great deal of discussion how to get her off the property. Speaking generally, it would require a large dose of wounded narcissist paranoia to take such discussions as a murder plot.


Not everyone is comfortable with coming out publicly against someone that is well known(in their area of expertise). If they were abused or felt unsafe they are happy they just escape the bad situation. Should they have spoken up to protect others? Well they know there is always the possibility they will not be believed or may suffer retaliation, harm to themselves, their family, or their careers, harassment online.
LK spoke up and she was shot. And then has been trashed online for years now. And everyone here, at least publicly, has agreed she didn’t deserve to be shot, whether likable or not.
In fact she has been told she shouldn’t have “poke the bear”, should have left the farm immediately if she was afraid, should have never posted here. Stay quiet and behave.
And that is why people don’t speak up.
But this situation may be similar to the terrible abuses seen in the gymnastics world, one person speaks up and then many others then have the courage to as well. There may be people willing to come forward about bad experiences with MB in court, but not on here (and who could blame them). I don’t know…we will see.


To be fair, another individual did come forward on a fairly recently Barisone thread to state that she had negative experiences with him. So one person has come on here.

It is a bit interesting though. If they were perhaps scared, for whatever reason(s), to come forward/speak out before, I am not sure what would be stopping them now that he’s in jail. I mean, there could still be a a variety of reasons as to why they’ve chosen not to speak out, I would just think if they were going to, they would’ve following the shooting.

I am not saying these people don’t exist, because I don’t know either way, but I am curious as to why we haven’t heard much from parties that have had negative experiences with MB.

That’s a good point though.


Thank you for your thoughtful response. As far as outsiders testifying, I have no idea other than my suspicions that GJ and Haleybot might be called. Honestly, if the defense is paying attention to SM posts, LK has been her own worst enemy in my opinion, particularly the past few weeks.

I hope you also have a joyful Holiday Season. Perhaps 2022 will be better for all of us. :slight_smile:


true. She posted in 15 about it - but not about getting threatened. She disliked MB’s style.
And she did not get shot for speaking out publicly, with her name attached to it.

And there was no avalanche of metoos after MB was arrested either. You’d figure that would open the flood gates. (Kind of Mr Big falling off his exercise bike)


From what has been said, apparently few people have had actual up close and personal experiences with MB, which goes beyond the majority who only appear to know him as a clinician.


So on one hand we have ‘you horrible people are anonymous so you can say whatever you want’ and on the other we have ‘they can’t say anything for fear of what MB might do to them’.

My point is not so much that people should have started threads all along about how horrible MB was. That would be hard for anyone about any other person. I was more talking about the threads where someone asks about a specific clinician, the “what are your thoughts on MB (insert any trainer) clinics?” threads. That is an anonymous place to say “No, don’t do it. His temper makes him not a good candidate to ride with.” That is not enough information for anyone to know who is posting. People were more than willing to say all kinds of bad things about GM long before he fell off his throne.

Again, I am not saying MB is great or not great. I do not know the man. I know nothing about the man. Heck, before all this shooting stuff you could have said his name to me I would have no idea who you were talking about.


One more question please. Are you implying child abuse accusations against MHG will prevent her from climbing the high level competitions? If that were the case, wouldn’t she be barred from seeing her children?


Who are you?
What do you do, that you seem to know what nobody else does?
Why are you posting such information on SM?
If you are involved in some legal capacity that you have access to the prosecutions evidence why would you choose to post it here?

If so, wouldn’t this be considered prosecutorial misconduct?

If you are a truly a friend of or to the victim you would advise her not to divulge the facts of her impending case and you wouldn’t continue to pos t
"I know something you don’t know , neener neener, neener " either.

Disclaimer: I know neither party, never met them and have no wish to meet them. I am following the case as it pertains to the points of law .

This is not an attack. Merely asking who what and why.

Happy Festivus.


The assertion that LK was shot because she spoke up about him doesn’t seem to be reality based at all. AT ALL.


Posted 1 year before shooting. I did a screenshot when she was shot as it struck me in its departure from the then current events


Not even LK or IM are saying that. Strange thing for someone to randomly toss out.


Unless the child abuse was real, and she was shot for reporting on it.

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Even the victim has never asserted this was the motivation.


Per LK from the last thread….
“ The only “educational,” info will certainly come from me & perhaps IM. Not to mention the rare occasion when a person comes forward to bravely share her strikingly similar experiences with the same dangerous man. Take that as “educational,” also. ”

“ Anything else has been explained (largely for most part) quite accurately by IM. Refer to those comments.”

But oh no…IM said something LK didn’t like….
“ IM must have been confused. Rare. But this thread is pretty ridiculous.”

Anyway…clear as mud as to what to think about IM’s statements.


At any rate, all people reading from the equestrian world should remember how fast a situation can escalate and how destructive poor choices can be.

I guess it’s just not worth it to win some sort of imaginary war. Best to get out as cleanly and quickly as you can.


There is a thread here where she raves about him and how she advanced from 1st to PSG within just a few months of riding with him.


You know I’ve been reading this stuff since it happened and commenting maybe 3 to 6 months less than that and it still strikes me to think “What the heck happened?”


LK has repeatedly expressed disbelief that CPS was on the property the day of the shooting.