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Barisone Criminal Case Update

If you search you will find some negative comments on MB. Also a person that was on a trip with him wrote some interesting feedback on the man. However, that is(should be)all irrelevant to this case. As is
(should be)anything online about LK
As far as LK giving him an excellent review a year before being shot, MB’s girlfriend was also very complimentary on her Facebook page on LK not too long before the shooting. I think we all agree things went bad quickly.


No…I do not think MHG is an abusive parent. She made a bad choice in discussing how to inflict physical harm on LK in front of her minor child and allowing said child to suggest “he’d bash LK’s head in.” But that was more foolish on MHG’s part…we all make mistakes with our kids. That in no way makes her an abusive parent. Her problem with USOPC, SafeSport, etc., will stem from other intolerable things she said and attempted to do. Maybe, and I do not know the answer to this…Ruth Cox will tell us more about why she suddenly rushed up to NJ from NC with a gun.


Another dangling morsel offered to the pack.

It’s actually annoying at this point.

Given my opinion regarding clearly biased reporting on your part I’m not one bit interested in another dangled morsel. Do not think you can play us.

Morsel ignored.


So Eggbutt asked me a fair question and I tried to give an honest answer…and this is your reaction? I’m dangling morsels?? I’m hoping Eggbutt will call you out for responding in your typical manner when she and I were having a respectful conversation.


Waiting for answer.
Not that you have to.


Pot. Kettle. Black.

Your last line was the dangling morsel. I’m not debating your behavior with you. I noticed you have a habit of dangling a morsel to get everyone buzzing as if some conductor in bizarroland.

Just my observation which I’m entitled to.

Have a nice day.


I appreciate you answering.

I do want to clarify something for you about KM and their posting here. KM was a quiet participant only periodically/rarely answering, to the best of their ability, random questions about trial type things. Then KM received a threatening private message from LK, including lies about COTH being subpoenaed to provide KM’s information and that LK was going to sue her and take her farm.
Right or not, that quickly changed how KM felt about LK and this topic.
(KM did nothing and gets attacked by LK… in case you wanted the short version.)


Just staying she spoke out and at the end of it all she was shot. Never said direct cause of her speaking out was being shot. Obviously a lot went on in between. People often walk away, taking a hit financially, to avoid conflict and the possibility of being hurt. I have done that myself. LK decided to stay and fight, she ended up getting shot. And that is why people may have not spoken out against a man they felt could be dangerous. They may be speaking out, just not online. Not everyone is interested in getting involved with online drama.


Stay and fight what? She was asked to leave. So talk to the person or have lawyers work up a schedule to vacate.

As far as money you start a court case if you feel you are owed money. You don’t start bugging the premises, making threats or whatever else is alleged. You go.

There was no reason to stay and fight. NONE. Zilch. Nada. Nein.


I was renting an apartment I loved. It was perfect. One day the landlord asked me to leave. I had done nothing wrong and was prompt with the rent. But their daughter had gotten knocked up in an affair she was having with her boss and they wanted her to move in to help her with her pregnancy and eventual baby.

Guess what? I moved out. No drama. No yelling. No cops. I told them yes, I understood and would immediately start looking and a month or two later I was gone, and we left friends.


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I’m sorry you were so frightened and freaked out. Had he ever threatened to shoot you either by words or action?


So you believe she was shot because she spoke out against MBs anger issue/violent tendencies?
Based on what?


Maybe because she was in fear for the safety of her horse. I have no idea but if she was sleeping outside his stall to protect him from harm, perhaps she brought the gun for that reason. Yep, I guess we’ll know at the trial.


Yes…I’m aware LK sent KM a what she perceived to be a threatening PM. Maybe it was. People receive cease and desist letters from lawyers all the time. Perhaps LK should have employed a lawyer to write a letter instead of that “harrowing” private message. Perhaps then KM would not have suffered such permanent trauma.

Is that KM’s excuse for her insane response to my conversation with Eggbutt?


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Serious question; fight what?

I mean, speaking out against a bully, person with bad character, dishonesty, and/or whatever may apply is one thing. Especially if one can warn against working with a bad person or prevent people from getting involved. However, one could still do that while getting far away from the individual.

It’s not as if LK, in this case, was on her own land, at her own stable, being bullied by a tenant, boarder, employee, associate, or whomever. She was a tennant, boarder, and client of MB (as far as I know). So in that case, one would leave the property, move themselves and their animals. They could then still speak out and expose the bad individual (MB in this case). I am not looking to criticize what LK did or didn’t do, since that’s not my point here. Even if we remove names, but keep a similar scenario, what is “the fight” to be fought by staying in place.

People do often take a hit financially to avoid conflict, remain safe, avoid a headache, or any future problems. I’ve done this before. If my horse were at a stable that provided care not to my standards/proper standards in general, I wouldn’t “stay and fight” I would move. I could then leave a negative, but truthful, review, and tell people about my experience if I wanted to…but stay and fight? Force the BO/BM or whoever to change? Fight them until they do as I say?

I could chose to fight them legally, as in if there’s breach of contract or other doings that are worthy of a legal battle. I’d still get out though.

So I am just confused about the “stay and fight” statement. Fight, maybe, but stay and fight, I don’t know. Unless it were on my own property, for example.

I don’t disagree that others might not have spoken out due to fear that they would have been victims of a violent act, much like LK.

I can also understand why people may choose to not speak out online, want to avoid online drama, and/or don’t want to complain in writing. On the other hand, the internet is also a powerful tool that can be used to spread word, in a good way, sometimes this can be done anonymously.


Honestly, I think when people are treated with respect they get respect in return. I have been slashed and bashed and gutted in so many ugly ways by LK I now refuse to respond to her snarky, rude posts directed at me. She does not exist on this forum as far as I am concerned, partly because of advice from my attorney.

KM and others were attacked via messaging out of the blue. At least one of the messaging victims was so fearful she erased all her vanilla posts and has never posted again. So, yeah, perhaps KM could have a different tone with you but I know she will never have a different tone toward LK.

I do appreciate your response to my question.


That is actually quite sad (all of it, really). I’m so sorry for your experience and fear.

It can be difficult sometimes to find a trainer that you feel good with. Or find a trainer/program under which you and your horses really grow and thrive. So it can be difficult to part ways. It poses an interesting question; how much do you(g) tolerate? If the trainer is a dressage wizard but a totally unethical and/or immoral person, what is your personal threshold? I think it can be a bit individual.

I trained with a trainer that was involved in some (legal) doings in their personal life that made some people not want to work with them. I didn’t have a problem with this, the person, or their training, so I continued to train with them, for example.