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Barisone Criminal Case Update

I’m not disputing any of this. I don’t think there was an expectation of immediate this second vacatur.

It’s the facts and actions of that final confrontation that remain open.


We will probably never know why he decided to shoot her. I doubt LK knows, and I doubt that even MB knows/will fully admit.

I do think there is more to it on the financial side that LK didn’t want to just walk away from, but we likely won’t learn that either as it likely isn’t relevant to the case.

Didn’t she have an agreement with the Property owner to live on the property vs MB?

The victim blaming continues. Although LK is no angel apparently, and may have some issues, I can’t imagine being in her position and reading the things being written excusing what happened and blaming her actions/lack of actions. I also can understand why she continues to read it even though it really sucks.

I don’t know why so much of the case speculation focuses on LK and not MB. She is not the one on trial.


@seahorse thanks for your participation. I’m not sure why you got the tone of responses you did. You had valid reasons and emotions and don’t owe anyone an explanation.


Because there are some really disgusting people here who have no idea what it means to be decent. I wonder if they blame their parents?


He told her leave on Aug 5.
He shot her on Aug 7.

It would have been far, far preferable for him to have taken your non legal approach of putting “her crap” on the street and moving her horses without her permission. Better for LK, better for MHG, and far, far better for MB. Better for all the other clients at that beautiful farm.

That’s the tragedy here. He shot her rather than merely violating her rights as a tenant. Or simply waiting a couple weeks until the date negotiated by his own lawyers, which is what most responsible grown ups would have done.


Just want to point out that in those 2 days his house and barn were condemned, the residents evicted, and CPS had shown up to investigate for child abuse……after already being harassed and threatened for a week straight. How much more were they expected to endure during that 30 days? How much more was the police expected to ignore?


You’re right. But the point of a criminal trial is to ascertain the step by step, moment by moment, words and actions of each of the people present in order to properly ascertain the exact measure of culpability.

The law insists on open minds until such time as a verdict is rendered. Innocent until proven guilty is a standard that isnt always emotionally possible. So although for those closest to the parties the situation is clear and obvious in their own minds, the law requires the formal steps of learning and judging every moment and action that led to the offense charged.

And it is in that light that discussions such as this should take place.


Barisone’s lawyers allege in the filing that the demand to vacate had been made that day, Aug 5. Maybe he meant “that day” in the way some people say “the check is in the mail”. Who knows. (Well, IM probably knows.)

If LK did not receive a demand to vacate prior to Aug 5, then most of MBs 911 calls were made prior to the demand to vacate. I am willing to cut LK some slack for saying “MB never asked me to leave” if the actual situation was that LK had already voluntarily agreed, through the lawyers, to leave within a couple weeks, in an agreement dated Aug 5. If she had already negotiated and agreed to leave within a few weeks, then I think it’s fair to say “MB never asked me to leave”.


well, enter the building inspectirwho condemmed the place which meant ‘get out now’


So, just to be clear, you agree she had a right to be there through about Sept 5.

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Nice try…but IM has also confirmed that LK was asked to leave, and the lawyers were “negotiating” it. You can assume she “knew” she was going to have to leave. And LK has said more than once she called the BI and FM, SS, USEF and others….and MB et al. certainly didn’t call CPS on themselves.


Who know? After all, IM brought up the MH stuff again. It sounds like there may really be tapes, and La-La always said that RC owned the gun and that ended up being true. I was really surprised when I looked back at those old posts and saw all the detail La-La went into. It is very interesting to read it all again. That’s why I brought those old posts forward.

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If you are asking me, my answer is that I do not know. I don’t have enough facts to either support or oppose her right to stay. The Building Dept/Inspection information is as of yet very unclear, for one.


Yeah, it was bad. What he did made it literally 1,000 times worse.


I don’t think LK has the power to condemn a barn/residence unless there is a reason for it to be condemned. We don’t know if there was child abuse. It seems likely that MB had some anger control/judgement issues given that he shot someone, so it doesn’t seem out of line to think there may have been issues.

Police aren’t courts. They don’t get to decide outcomes. People can’t use them as their personal conflict dispute arbitrators. The police did make mistakes, but they are bound by the law and have limits as to what they can do, and I am not sure what they could do to immediately resolve/diffuse the situation. What do you think they should have done @Sdel ?


ahhhhh, you are new, aren’t you…
There is the issue of an unlicensed handyman (RG) doing substandard work on the farmhouse.
And it is suggested that LK called the building inspector…


Ummm, she outright stated she did. Too many “fire hazards” living in the barn….


thank you. Even I get overwhelmed at times by the details. (LOL, does not take much, really)

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Why would I “imagine,” any of that? If that is where your imagination brings you, that’s on you. If your imagination is this limited, I actually feel sorry for you. And yes, all that you’ve just imagined would be bad! If only…… if only…… one single word or syllable were true. But, hey, let your imagination run wild! Maybe it’ll help your “ambitions,” @Ambitious_Kate. (Doubt it. But to quote Wayne Gretzky “you miss 100% of the shots you never take.”)

While I’m here, @Knights_Mom- the Fb post you mention re: “multiple personalities,” had an entire extra paragraph. How do you suppose the police felt after being summoned by 911 call over said post, only to read it in its entirety & find it to be a post expressing FEAR rather than causing it. Then, realizing they were called based on an out-of-context reading of a post’s opening lines, rather than the post itself, which was kept from them by the caller, until I showed it to them, myself. If I were a cop, I’d begin to see a pattern in the caller’s behavior. Police are not pawns. And yes, that post should have been alarming. That post’s expression of the need/desire to “build a bunker to keep the horses and myself, safe,” (the actual crux of the post) should have raised alarm bells. Probably why the caller “forgot,” to read that part.

One last thing …… KM- no, there were NOT “two dozen,” or even 1 dozen offers to “rescue,” my horses or me. Stop lying. That’s first. Next, since you don’t know ANY of the Fb friends who DID offer various things, probably best you don’t assume that they were local, known by me in a IRL & very personal way, or anything else you’ve falsely (as always) asserted. You are just as ridiculous as AK and THAT is really saying something!

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We have removed some inappropriate comments and subsequent posts discussing them, and addressed them with the poster.