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Barisone Criminal Case Update

Please don’t treat me like I’m dense. It was a series of messages with insults, threats and attempts to bully in addition to bragging on how others will suffer too.

Your attempt at snark just comes off as silly. You cannot really think that my response to Eggbutt was “insane” while you term the 7 or so messages as one “harrowing” message.

The thing about pushing people is that they push back. Hasn’t this been learned yet?

So now back to discussing the case instead of me. Mkay?


Having trouble with quote function. Sorry
I am happy to answer your question. I am not sure there was one.
If your are asking about what I would do, I would have high tailed it out of there, especially knowing what we know now.
I did have someone request for me to leave a barn after my horse was randomly shot on their property. I was living in an apartment on the property, after the vet left after treating
my horse the husband comes to my door and says his wife wants me to leave and take my horse. It was not easy, very traumatic, but I left as soon as my horse had healed enough to move and I a place to live. But that is me. I had every right to fight it, but don’t like conflict. The whole thing was so weird I couldn’t wait to get out of there.
I can not speak for LK or tell her what she should have done. She lived it, not me.


If the LK messages to others on this board were so threatening, hateful, and abusive, toward total strangers, is it too much of a stretch to imagine what she was doing to MB and others in person at the Farm? When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.


Man, your tone changes like the flip of a switch.


Nick? Is that you? :rofl:


I think this statement applies to the vast majority of the people who post on these threads.

There might be a handful of people who actually know any of the parties involved, and the rest of us are just scratching our heads and discussing it, trying to understand what on earth could lead to such an unexpected turn of events.

Most people who have been around the horse world for very long have seen at least a few crazy situations between trainers, boarders, staff, family members, what have you. But this is so far beyond what most of us have seen that we are still trying to figure out how it could have happened. No more, no less.


Eggbutt and I are aware we have our differences….but we were having a respectful exchange about things related to MHG.
KM, unfortunately, jumped in with a moronic comment. While there is nothing surprising about that I gave it the response it deserves.
I did not flip a switch. Eggbutt asked fair questions and I responded in kind. KM, on the other hand, jumped in with something stupid and insulting……


And the moronic statement was?


The open and overdone hostility makes me wonder how some of you are to your horses.


Now that’s quite reasonable. Even I, who know all the players and all the lawyers involved cannot be certain how things went downhill so quickly. And I don’t mean in a matter of weeks….it was days.
That’s why when people ask, “why didn’t LK leave” they are not understanding the situation. You must remember this……even on the day of the shooting LK had a mare which she’d just brought over from Europe in quarantine at a location MB insisted upon. That mare was coming to the MB barn…with his blessing. So, obviously, there was no contemplation that LK was leaving even a few days before the shooting. It all got crazy in the last few days.
My point is that I totally understand where you’re coming from……how did it come to violence?


I’m curious when was the last time before the shooting that you spoke with MB? I’m wondering if you had been getting “everything is okay vibes” from everyone. I can understand if you can’t answer.

Edited to also ask what you think made it all go to hell in a hand basket within days as you said.


Talk about a moronic statement. :roll_eyes:


Case in point.



Imagine thinking you had the right to live on the farm after MB asked you to leave. Imagine creating a “fight” to ruin a man because you were jealous of his relationship and plans with his girlfriend. Imagine setting out to ruin a woman and her family because your trainer stopped wanting you as a client and you perceived his girlfriend supported his decision to sever your business relationship. Get it through your head, MB didn’t want you as a client. And didn’t want you on his property anymore. What do you care why? It’s done. Leave.

You want to wreak havoc on your way out? That says everything about who you are as a person. No wonder he wanted you gone.


Not at all. Pointing out a nonsensical statement is not hostility, and is unrelated to the treatment of our horses, or anything else, really.


Yet…. Here you are.
Do you think I’m hoping you stay? Your above reply to Scribbler made no sense to me, given I didn’t read Scribblers post. At least not that one (I guess) bc, your response was so far “out there,” it alienated even me! My threshold for reading psychobabble is like…. 2 sentences max. But, yes. I confess, my desire to help you buy a punctuation mark (anywhere) is “crushing,” to my brain.

Coth itself should be ashamed. Changing rules as they please, making completely contradictory remarks, allowing not only this level of victim blaming - but allowing users to attack a mother of one the 2 victims? Unacceptable. Mod1 here stated “stay on topic,” (essentially.) Mod1 on the previous thread stated, “we allow more latitude for discussions to veer from the labeled topic in high profile cases like this one.” (Paraphrased, but, screenshot of course.) Which is it? Stay on topic? Or, do whatever you want? ~ random add on.


General statement.

Early on before and after the shooting LK was saying things like she was going to destroy MB and take his farm. These things were quoted here and posted here by her too. We also saw the texts of some of the harassing messages she sent COTH members this past year. Plus snippets of other online communications she’d been involved in in the past.

None of this paints a very positive picture of LK, to say the least.


You’ve answered this yourself many times, KM! By occupying the residence for more than thirty days, by June or earlier she had established rights as a tenant, even in the absence of a lease, and even if she was not paying rent beyond what she was paying for board and training.

Barisone’s civil lawyers created a detailed timeline which stated that Barisone in his speech in the police station stated that the request to vacate had been issued that day, Aug 5, 2019.

IM has stated that both sets of lawyers had negotiated the departure of LK and RG (along with the horses, dogs, tack, etc). But the demanded departure date could not have been prior to 30 days later, right?

If LK gets a vacate demand Aug 5 to leave by Sept 5, she has the right to remain all the way though Sept 4!

In your own story, when asked to leave, you said you left “in a month or two” when you could arrange a new place. “A month or two”, not 30 days, not the next day.


Well, to be fair….LK’s version of the story is that she’d NEVER been asked to leave….

So which version is correct? What is someone supposed to do when one person is completely denying reality?

ETA: Also, I thought LK said that lawsuit was all bunch of lies……so, someone is lying….


I guess last night was your night off.