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Barisone Criminal Case Update

You are welcome to your opinion. Have a good night.


Cool. Except, nowhere in my last post did I state: “In my opinion,” X, y, z.
I was actually there. You are welcome to your opinion. Just not your own facts.


Enjoy your evening!

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Hire an army of movers to pack up anything and everything that could be removed from the house and barn and shipped everything to storage, another local farm, or FL and left her butt behind. Settle up with eviction and insurance, and sue her/daddy for the damage she did to the place later. I wouldn’t have left even a roll of toilet paper or a blade of hay behind. And change the code on the gate to the Florida farm, and if it didn’t have gates, they’d be installed.


Who besides LK and RG ha s said Barison e shot her? Hasn’t he said he doesn’t remember what happened?


Unlike you, I have other things to do than go “Coth-ing,” every night of my life. Your statement contradicts the many others, which, make this ludicrous claim that I “only come here when something happens in this case.” That statement maybe more true, (at least than yours) since it’s interesting to see which stalker has started yet another thread here. Still, mostly ludicrous though. But, it also means, given the slow progression of the case, I’ve had far more “nights off,” than on. A life. Find one too! You may come to find, “nights off,” from here are good for you. It’s obvious your nights on are doing you no favors.

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Is this a serious question? How bout this, when he says he didn’t, you’ll know, bc, it will be reported, “MB makes claim he did not shoot anyone in the shooting on august 9, 2019.” Clear enough?

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He didn’t shoot anyone on August 9, 2019.


Check that again. I specifically said (in one such post here within these threads) I called a meeting in early April of 2019. Mainly re: training schedules/arrangements, show dates, other. ONE person in that meeting suggested I should leave. That person was met with MB screaming at the top of his lungs to “STFU and stay out of his business arrangements with others.” Repeatedly. There were 5-6 people there.

To be very clear, this request was made after I told MB I wanted NO ONE … repeat NO ONE except him and myself riding one specific horse of mine. He tried selling this other person as an “asset,” who could help, even just once in a while, due to being somewhat similar size, but I refused. If he put forward an IW or CD …. Or basically ANYONE with real riding and horse training talent, I might’ve considered. My blatant & prompt refusal caused the rejected party to lash out. MB shut that down real quick. It was likely humiliating. Oh well.



Replied to the wrong poster, was just meaning to make a general post (re my delete above). Reposted here:

Even though some of us would’ve left or would’ve scrambled to get out ASAP, we weren’t in the situation and things did unfold quickly. It would also appear that the victim was well within her rights to stay there. However, I am unclear on the whole “condemned” status of the house and how or if that changed anything.

Unfortunately (generally speaking), even if a tennant annoys you, causes havoc, damages your property, or whatever else*, you can’t just roll up and shoot them to be rid of them. You really shouldn’t he shooting anyone anyway, period. It’s also odd that MB, a gunowner himself (this was previously stated by someone that knew him), would use someone else’s gun though. Or maybe I just think it odd, the whole involvement of RC’s gun. Possibly due to things I don’t know.

Even if MB was under a lot of stress and pressure, if his answer was to shoot people, he does need help and time away from the general population, IMO.

*not saying LK did or was any of these things, they’re just examples


Unsure your point of that screenshot. I guess you think if Tony from the barber shop says, “I think you should leave the barn where you are training,” I should include that in my statement which asserts (I guess not as clearly to few than most) I was NOT asked to leave …… (by anyone having anything to do with my business dealings AT the barn.) Better now? Or…… crayon?

I am really not concerned if YOU get it or not.




The question is basically was there an immediate vacate order by the Building Dept or any other department? By me we get a lot of fire department immediate evictions too. These departments do immediate that day evictions if they believe the premises is dangerous.

We know there were inspectors there and we know they were coming back is my understanding. Was it said that they tasked MB with making sure all was vacated? If he was that would be highly irregular. That’s a police function I’d bet. It is by me.

Because I do not know anything further than this I am not sure if it was an immediate vacant situation.


I have to believe if they brought out the police with them, it was to make sure there were no problems when they told people they had to leave.


Oh good, bc it sure looks as if you feel I missed something. That IS a screenshot of something I, myself posted. Yes? Do you think I don’t know what I, myself, posted? With that, it only seems logical that perhaps, you should concern yourself with whether or not YOU get it. Since you clearly do not, perhaps, you shouldn’t concern yourself at all?

If you don’t “get it,” by now, you are likely never going to.

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I didn’t post it for your benefit.

I apologize if this is causing you undue distress. :roll_eyes:


I have to say….I prefer this one though….

