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Barisone Criminal Case Update

IIRC, they were only told they could not sleep in the barn. Apparently, and even though we only reported the 1 main fire hazard of which we made Mb and 1 staff member unequivocally aware the second we noticed it’s danger- but went ignored through the night- the FD located numerous extra one’s unbeknownst to us. The building inspector found some large issues, also. Hence, it was the decision of the FM & BI that all residents of the barn, vacate.

We were not residents of the barn, nor was I there (at the barn) when they arrived. Knowing what I now know, I feel a tiny bit sorry for MB. To be met with such resistance from a party acting not in his best interest, had to have been difficult for him. And to think, all he had to do was reply to 1 text with an assurance that the matter had been fixed…… but was told he “had better not, or else,” (in shorter terms) only further confirms that to certain people, this was just a game played by the immature, rather the very serious problem we reported to MB & that the FM & BI found it to be.

Houses often get vacate orders when basements are converted and there’s only one point of egress. Those are immediate fire department evictions. It’s my understanding that the main house had modifications especially in the basement which would put an immediate vacate order to part or all of the house.


Was that type of yelling and swearing at someone in a meeting with a client considered the norm at MB’s barn?

And……. This pertains to this situation in August 2019, how? Or, are you just posturing again to make sure someone, somewhere, believes you have NJ legal knowledge re housing (blah, blah blah’s.) Then, this “knowledge,” somehow backs up your “understanding,” (you hope) of anything else you’ve stated -which has zero relevance here, bc it doesn’t apply?

Yes… I hope and pray that people believe I have NJ legal knowledge. Ya got me.

I’m thinking if the house basement is chopped up for sleeping and fire dept saw it they would have vacated that too.


Pretty much. Not at THAT level, that I’d seen yet, but yes. Actually, I first noticed it (at THAT level) when MB screaming & cursing at the top of his lungs at RC by phone. I’d walked by but the more I tried to walk further away, the louder MB became. Was like he enjoyed berating someone with an audience. Audience of 1 in that case. Then, again, it reached that level in the meeting. I maybe forgetting some big one’s at this hour……

After the convo With RC he hung up the phone and said words to me I’ll never forget “that’s how it’s done, Lauren. Ruth thinks she’s a bully. I’m the BIGGER BULY! Bigger bullies win! Ruth just learned that. Keep that advice in your tool purse!” (Yes, he said “tool purse.”) Just an aside.

There were plenty other shady things, but “not my circus, not my monkeys.” Temper tantrums, crazy rants, demands of working students to do things they didn’t sign up for…. (that maybe common, idk) …. But, MB could change his whole tune in an hour, week…. Or month! Horrible one week, charming and encouraging the next.


Oh my. That sounds miserable.

I certainly would not want to stay with a trainer with that type of attitude.


Thank you for posting that screenshot. I refute what she wrote under item " C. Never charged in my life for cyber stalking ever"
I personally have cyber stalking charges against LK. I believe LK is fully aware of my charge as I got several emails from her dad JK the attorney, threatening me to drop the charges or else…

I have not dropped them.

@Inigo-montoya, I welcome a conversation with you as you have stated several false hoods about me and I would like an apology.


I am here for the popcorn


Appears LK was unhappy with how the arrangement was going in April.


Seahorses suggested he had guns when she was there years ago.
Doesn’t mean he still did.


And yet she stayed with all the screaming, yelling, cursing, making working students actually work, etc. Goodness, what an apparently toxic environment that she demanded to control, manipulate and live in. In fact if what she says is true, it sounds like a perfect match!




Or a tinder box.


"[quote=“CHT, post:897, topic:767426”]
I don’t think LK has the power to condemn a barn/residence

ahhhhh, you are new, aren’t you…
There is the issue of an unlicensed handyman (RG) doing substandard work on the farmhouse.
And it is suggested that LK called the building inspector…"

(sorry, I goofed up the quote function)
@CHT is too far behind to respond knowledgeably, until they read hours and hours of threads.


Excellent post, KM.

Re the renovations, the work could have been excellent or shoddy, and the scope of the work could have been consistent with the building code or in violation of the building code.

These are two very different aspects of construction.

If the work was done beautifully, but the work violated the building code, the building inspectors would order that living space vacated. If the work was subpar and sloppy but the project satisfied the building code, I really doubt the building inspectors care (unless, say, a window didn’t open because it had been painted over and functionally could not be used for egress).

There were multiple living spaces in the house and in the barn. The job of the building inspectors is to order vacated all living spaces that were not up to code.

It is possible that the apartment LK and RG were living in was not subject to a vacate order. Since it was LK or RG who called the building inspectors, it seems likely that they did so knowing the code violations applied to other living spaces but not theirs.

ahhhhh, you are new, aren’t you…
There is the issue of an unlicensed handyman (RG) doing substandard work on the farmhouse.
And it is suggested that LK called the building inspector…"

(sorry, I goofed up the quote function)
@CHT is too far behind to respond knowledgeably, until they read hours and hours of threads.

No one needs to waste time reading thousands of posts to know that a private citizen cannot issue vacate orders. A private citizen can report violations of the building code, and the building inspector and Fire Marshall issue the vacate order if their inspection confirms the code violation.


There’s also the issues of permits and the potential requirement of contractors being licensed.


I spent a lot of time looking at the building codes a while back. It was my understanding that RG, being unlicensed, was not in a position to be doing a lot of the work LK has previously described him doing. The building codes require you file work plans and have inspections to do most things, if not have actual permits. Also, the language seemed to me to suggest that for the purposes of fire hazards, anyone in the greater building would need to be vacated until it was fixed.

LK has previously shared that the problem was fire alarms had the wiring ripped out and RG fixed it in their apartment so they could stay. Somehow, I doubt the FM & BI would find that acceptable because the rest of the house was not fixed and, as far as I know, RG was not a licensed electrician in NJ.


That perhaps being true, once the inspector inspects, there’s no telling what they find, and how much more might be a problem, beyond the original issue.